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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Have you taken a look at our tutorials yet? What emulator are you using? Did you set the paths correctly? What does double clicking on the game do? Are they archived games? If so did you check the box when you edited the emulator to decompress them (though they're small anyways)?
  2. I've come across this site before and it never occurred to me to look on it for more images. This could really help, thank you.
  3. I don't think I changed anything, but here are my settings as screenshots before I fall asleep. I test Action Fighter, Adventures of Robin Hood, the game in the tutorial, After Burner. The game does take some time to load, but that's about it. https://i.imgur.com/KkyMt5M.png https://i.imgur.com/vzebNle.png https://i.imgur.com/EpR3Ja2.png https://i.imgur.com/q0gPe8C.png https://i.imgur.com/7OBhJv6.png https://i.imgur.com/RdFYdBs.png https://i.imgur.com/hOHAjGZ.png
  4. And pressing X on your keyboard doesn't launch your game? I have tested quite a few and they all launch.
  5. A Windows 3x platform has been suggested and we're probably gonna go with that, we just have yet to add it.
  6. So I'm willing to bet that maybe the wrong TOS is being used? When I launch my games, I get an EmuTOS splash screen and pressing X is required to launch the game or it boots in to the OS similar to that. Did you download the EmuTOS from here: https://sourceforge.net/projects/emutos/? The screen I am talking about looks like this: https://i.imgur.com/1AMTXRa.png If you did download it, did you set Hatari to load that TOS and then save the config?
  7. If there is no distinction at all, then even more so they shouldn't necessarily be split.
  8. BigBox takes more than users would assume, but not that much. I can't build on the cheap, it's apparently not in my blood. A GTX 650, 8GB of RAM, Windows 10 and a few generations old i5 can kill it, you may even be able to forgo the GPU like Derek said.
  9. If you ran slim, 3GB of DDR3 1666 ram, 32bit Windows 7 or 10 (10 Performs better with BigBox), with a previous i5 from Intel (a generation or two ago? The motherboard socket will determine the CPU you get), and a GTX960 (they're $120 last I saw, but not from this site). If you're working with a smaller size, the GTX950 is a half size card. That might all be a bit.... much for just PS1 and N64, but it will provide a decent overhead if she wanted to use the PC for anything else. I would even say go up to 6 or 8GB (DDR3 RAM is cheap now, and this also depends on the motherboard and if it is dual or triple channel) and grab 64bit Windows 10. Even when I am trying to build light... I think I might have gone a bit overkill for just PS1 and N64. That system might even net you GameCube / PS2 for min. specs. So you could probably knock what I said down a few pegs if you can find the parts. Just get the equivalent but a bit older? If you're not working with size, a GTX cards ending in 60 are generally the budget cards, 50 is about the same but smaller.
  10. Oh, I do wanna throw out that I am not the final decision maker. I help make decisions, I certainly have my input, but what Jason and the Community want's is what matters. This is just how I see this being handled the best, especially if we're gonna treat DLC in a similar fashion, and this doesn't contradict the Special Edition scenario where the game got a full separate release that is substantial to warrant a different entry.
  11. Well true, if they ONLY ever existed as Shareware, by all means they deserve a spot. This kind of reminds of the DLC discussion too (we do a lot of that around here apparently), and some were saying they also wanted a spot for DLC released for a game. I wonder if something could be applied here? I don't think GOG specifically releases shareware, but I don't think people think of Doom as Doom Shareware version 1, or Episode 1 specifically unless you own it. I am torn, I think it's a great idea, but it contradicts the special edition conversation. It is worth noting for my own internal fight too, that Shareware was also generally under developed. Not behind or intentionally lacking, but kind of similar to an Early Access, but back when it actually meant something different? I am kind of leaning towards, if it is shareware ONLY, then it should get it's own entry. If it has a full release, but also had Shareware we could display that in the Database, like we would display alternate names or dlc listings? If you had the entry in LB, it scans and finds that it's apart of a bigger game, but it's "Doom Episode 1" or what ever it'd be called.
  12. We don't use The Games DB, we use our own database, so we can make all the changes we want. If we implement a system to convert the names when you import them in LaunchBox they'll then scrape fine. We already do this for Arcade for example.
  13. I don't know why someone wouldn't just go for the complete edition? However, yea I think I agree. This was the same conversation, essentially, that we had about re-releases and special editions. It made sense to include the special edition or re-release if it contained actual improvements, changes or additions. Like Fallout 3 and Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition is a perfect example. Part of me says no, they're probably exactly the same, but. As a counter example I would use Resident Evil Revelations 2. Came out in episodes, but is a full titled game. I would not put that game as episodes then a full game, just a full game as it's all the same exact thing. You also can't even get the entry as a single Episode. When you start the game you start just the game, then inside the game you play each episode like chapters rather then launching Episode 1, Episode 2 separately, so maybe that's the distinction? Back to the Future The Game for example you launch each episode separate from one another. I think I just confused myself more on my answer... anyone else have any thoughts?
  14. This kind of ticket belongs in the the LaunchBox BitBucket as this is something we would implement for LaunchBox, not the Database. https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/1048/amiga-whd-internal-name-conversion-like
  15. Check all the paths and make sure they are correct. Check the associated platforms list and make sure the name of the system here matches the name on the left hand side of LaunchBox, so if you imported the systems not as the default name you'd either need to change the platform or the associated platforms list. The default command line parameters on that same window needs to be correct. Make sure you're just using the -L command and it's pointing towards the right path and core. Gambatte for GameBoy and GameBoy Color, and mGBA for GBA is generally recommended. Double check to make sure any core you want to use is downloaded through the Online Updater within RetroArch. As long as your paths are correct it should work.
  16. Ah, I don't know why I thought they ran through the MAME DB like that then. Clearly just an oversight on my part.
  17. They are pretty much PC games, but the names should still be internalized by the mame database right? Like how we change the rom file names to their real game names. Pretty much the only thing that seems to be working right now is a regular MAME / Arcade set, nothing else seems to want to import if it needs the MAME Importer. So this is currently a giant bug, irregardless of if media can be found for it, though we obviously need to rectify that too.
  18. Zelda sells well when compared within it's own franchise, but no Zelda doesn't sell well as a whole. Interest and hype does not amount to sales. It's not concrete one way or the other but the best reference I found is this: http://www.zeldainformer.com/articles/zelda-sales-numbers-in-context. When you compare that to other franchises or even Mario, these numbers are good but they're not as hyped up as everyone assumes they are. In our circle, Zelda is king. It is my favorite series of all time and I want the new Legend of Zelda to sell millions and millions. The fairest comparison is it broken down per console, as it's not exactly fair to lump them all in together. They're still valid sales, but valid on the system they were released on. It's also no denying the effect and impact it has on us all, and as a franchise has sold really well. People compare this to the best of the best of the best and there are single games that out pace multiple of these titles combined. Zelda is an important series, it's my most favorite series but our wants are stronger than the reality. For the comparison to Mario, http://vgsales.wikia.com/wiki/Mario. Even Mario has made a down turn. I think the Zelda graph fluctuates more than the Mario one. One thing for me true regardless though, I want Nintendo to win and I really hope the new Zelda was a wake up call for them. This looks like literally nothing else they've ever ever made, but it still feels to have the Zelda and Nintendo charm. I hope this sells the NX, because nothing made the Wii U or GameCube sell and the Wii was an anomaly. Even with the insane sales of the Wii, Zelda series didn't necessarily get a huge boon in sales. Twilight Princess vs New Super Mario Bros. is a good example. Mario got a gigantic spike, and Zelda did a bit too, just not as severe. It's funny too because even though the Gamecube version of Twilight Princess is missing 16:9, people still called it the better of the two. Thankfully the HD remake trumps both. :P
  19. Make sure to have the latest cheat files downloaded from the Online Updater, past that I don't know how to make them work.
  20. That's pretty nice actually, and works well. I would personally not want to use something like that, as I want each game to have an individual spot. However, this works and works fairly well and ultimately that's the point.
  21. Potentially, sure. Anything can be run from within LaunchBox. The only thing you may need to know are the programs and systems command lines to make it run smoothly if need be. We have users who use BigBox and LaunchBox as their only UI in their machines. They tell Windows to not load explorer, and instead load our program. From there, they launch pretty much what ever they need for that machine that isn't related to the OS.
  22. Not specifically, I've actually never needed to customize my controls in RetroArch as long as it was a 360, Xbox One, PS3 or PS4 controller as it's automatically registered and assigned. PS3 and PS4 controller get ran with software like InputMapper that essentially tells the computer that they are 360 based controllers, so it's based on the drivers more than anything. The only time I did need to map controls was when I hooked up my USB N64 controller to my PC as it uses Generic Drivers. It was a pain in the ass to set up in RetroArch, but neither the ini nor the ui was really of any help. Their descriptions for each button are a tad vague. I did end up getting it to work through a bit of trial and error. Set the buttons, tested them in a game, reset ones that were wrong and repeat. So every time I launch the N64 core, it loads my custom config file for N64, loads my specific settings and controller settings and we're good to go.
  23. They're called Clear Logo's. We have several on our Database that are downloaded through LaunchBox, but you'd have to find the rest else where on the internet. I believe the Hyperspin forums have them available for download, but I am sure other places have them. They're just Clear Logo's and nothing specifically special other then how we use them.
  24. Everything is, it's just a matter of how hard it is to set that system up and the emulators involved. Amiga is a harder system to deal with. There are plenty of threads on the forums about it actually.
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