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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Regardless of what we do, someone will be mad. As long as we try then that is really all we can do.
  2. I don't think you can actually. There might be a ticket for this though.
  3. By latest I meant the latest Nightly. They're generally fine to play around with, I update frequently. You can also carry pretty much everything over from one install to the next. In this case though, I would probably try a fresh RetroArch.cfg just in case.
  4. That's more of a philosophical question Derek. All I know is that people get really prideful and possessive when it comes to this stuff and we'd rather not piss anyone off. For example, the reason we don't offer Video is because we happen to like the guys over at EmuMovies a lot and we have a good relationship with them. The best solution is to fill our Database up, that's the entire point! At a certain level too, unless the artist embed something in to the image so they could specifically tell, no there would be no visible difference other than a users method to obtain the clear logo's. Truthfully, a completely different random site could have a "clear logo pack", regardless of where it came from and it's just a user "sharing their art with the world", and that could be from HyperSpin and we would never know. We really can't ever know, unless Hash's or CRC's were checked but those can be changed easily. Short answer, yes we do want to fill up our database, and unless the person who gave them the art of some HyperSpin admin said we can upload the art to our Database, we have to attempt to take an extra step in not just downloading them from HS and directly uploading them.
  5. More than likely, but there is generally a lot of noticeable... disdain from site to site when it comes to users uploading something "someone else did". If the creators of those images signed off on us using their art here, then I don't think we would have any issues with that, but I think they would if we went to their site, downloaded it then uploaded it to ours.
  6. Not specifically, but if you upload a rar of them, properly named and separated in to console, to Mediafire, GoogleDrive or DropBox we can download them and Jason can upload them to the database. I know we would really appreciate it!
  7. No. I didn't link to anything. You can certainly use that but it's completely optional. The option I am talking about is already built in to LaunchBox. Like I said, all you need to do is call the platform Arcade and it will automatically pop up in the wizard. It should be called Arcade for the best possible scraping as well. If you name your system Arcade during import it will automatically show you this screen: https://i.imgur.com/hWo9uZG.png
  8. You only need to pay for FTP access, but the images are free on the forums outside of the FTP.
  9. I select both of them too usually and I only sometimes get duplicates. You could run the first import with everything checked from the LBGDB, then uncheck Front Box Art, Back Box Art from EmuMovies and leave everything else selected. Then make a second pass with the Metadata and Media downloader, uncheck everything from LBGDB and everything from EmuMovies except front and back box art, then select the option to not replace but instead only download media for games that have missing sections.
  10. I like the glass look of the icons. I have a background a user gave me so I could create uniform logo's (I don't know why they didn't share the already made ones...) but I like these a lot. I don't know how much work you want to spend on this, or how many templates you want to create, but a Clear Logo separate and a Console image separate could create a cool theme across both spots in BigBox. The Clear Logo would probably look better more landscaped though...
  11. No everything for me personally is running just fine... so I am confused. Nothing specifically changed that should be causing this. Did you try to re-download the cores? It might be worth a shot trying an updated build of RetroArch from their site just to see if that fixes it... but there isn't anything really (that I know of), that should be doing this. I do know that some system names have changed recently, but it looks like you're good. So as long as the paths are correct, the system names match... I am kind of at a loss.
  12. It's also worth noting that if you changed the rom file names from your split pack, you'll need to put these file names back the way they were for everything to import and run properly through the MAME Importer. The funky names are a product of MAME and are required to be that way. We internally convert the names to legible and scrapeable names. I also suggest to watch the tutorial series on YouTube. The latest SNES Tutorial triples as an intro to LaunchBox and RetroArch. Click the link in my signature at the bottom of all my posts or the tutorial link at the top of the forums.
  13. You don't need to do anything special with the BIOS Files, and the MESS BIOS are even in there too if you decide to deal with MESS for the systems that only MESS can emulate. Both MAME, MESS and several other dozen consoles have tutorials that I made on our YouTube channel if you need some extra help. In terms of MAME, if you import your games under the Arcade System (The default system name, and you should use the default as much as possible), you'll automatically use the MAME Import function which parses everything and gives you games based on your check boxes and region selections. You don't import everything as not every file is needed to launch the game, but are needed for games to run. You'll also get the best possible scraping as well for the media. Regular MAME still works better technically, but RetroArch has the controller and shader benefits as well as a better UI and UX.
  14. Do you have a download link? If you do release it for others I know there will be people who appreciate it. If you do make it public, please make sure it's either DropBox, Google Drive, Mediafire or MEGA.
  15. Are they in two different locations? Did you recently upgrade to the beta then download new images? LaunchBox, when it recently re-ordered the images didn't move images to the proper folders because it has no clue what image is what. My suggestion is to keep Front and Back images, back up the rest and download images for the empty categories now. It could also be a duplicate with the LaunchBox Games Database and EmuMovies. If I am totally wrong let me know.
  16. When looking at your Systems in BigBox, press Escape or Back on your controller, then go all the way to the bottom. https://i.imgur.com/vkKb5Mc.png
  17. Oh, the delete button is gone...? I wonder if that was an accident. I'll let Jason know. Snap is screenshots no? Tittle images, depends. Are we talking about Clear Logo's / "Wheel Art" or are we talking about screenshots of a games title screen?
  18. My honest opinion is to change emulators. I do the Tutorials for our site, so I may not be an expert (though I am extremely knowledgeable), my honest opinion is to not use PSX 1.13. ePSXe or RetroArch are the ones we suggest for users to use. It may be that you need GPU Driver updates, or driver updates in general, or your PC can't exactly handle the emulation, but I would first honestly try RetroArch or ePSXe instead. Both being actively developed. If you do want to try updating drivers, use this: http://www.iobit.com/en/driver-booster.php I use AdvancedSystemCare Pro from IOBit and it's one of the best pieces of software you can use to keep your computer clean. I would suggest that too honestly, even the free version is great. You can get DriverBooster In ASC's ToolBox or a separate download from that link and it works great. I had Jason run it too and it actually found drivers he had outdated as well. System performance could very well be a culprit here too. Below are the 3 scans I do almost daily / every other day. System Optimization, Security Defense, and Vulnerability Fix you don't need to run too often, if all but once. It's nice to run them every so often just in case. Registry Defrag is also good from time to time. Disk Optimization, make sure you don't do this for any SSD's you have. Any tools that are made for HDD's for cleaning and optimization will hurt an SSD in the long run. https://i.imgur.com/oMn8smp.png
  19. We have had plans since we created the Wheels to start working on trying to find Clear Logo's ("Wheel art"). There are packs up on the HyperSpin forums that you can download, and they're perfectly usable, but we don't want to just specifically "take" those images and upload them to our Database, so we're kind of in a hard place regarding that.
  20. Well first, use the "mame_libretro.dll" instead, the 2014 core uses a very outdated version of MAME. If you have a 174 pack you should be using mame_libretro as that is now 174. Past that, did you use the Arcade importer for LaunchBox? It's a special importer for games that will give you the proper files to launch for the games based on your preferences. Past that, if you didn't download a mame split pack, I would greatly suggest you do so as it includes all the files you need to run MAME. Generally when RetroArch does that, it's usually a bad file or missing BIOS. MAME Needs BIOS (included in a split pack), and they need to reside with the rest of your roms and not the system folder like BIOS for other systems. If you have more questions please ask!
  21. streaming game dev right now if you've ever been interseted. https://www.twitch.tv/sentaibrad
  22. I'm actually streaming game dev now. https://www.twitch.tv/sentaibrad
  23. I've been meaning to dev some more actually, debating on Live streaming it too. That's how I gave Jason the idea, I've been wanting to do it for a while.
  24. My amount of games is also... saddening. http://steamcommunity.com/id/SentaiBrad/ Granted, lots of bundles and 5 years of being on Steam... but still. In terms of asset flipping, when it comes to my game I only use assets which I purchased from RPG Maker DLC Packs, music that was from creators who allow you to use it commercially, and other assets from forums and sites with licenses to allow me to use it commercially. It's not something visible to users per se, but same thing with scripts and code, same licensing deal. I tried REALLY hard to make sure that all my assets were commercially viable (in case I sell my game), and my credits page is as accurate as I could make it.
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