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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. The importer and scraper ignores anything inside ( ), and [ ], as well as file extensions which a .zip is. There might be a bug with the latest beta instead. Archives, while not suggested for discs, is totally scrapable and fine. What images are you trying to download? What game is are you scraping? If you could post in the beta thread though or make your own thread that would be best.
  3. Some people don't want to couple RL with LaunchBox. Granted, you can and people do, but if you don't want the feature difference then it ultimetly wont matter.
  4. Yea, I'm using ISO too. All of mine do have CUE sheets too. We must have gotten the same set. It is true though that pretty much most discs based systems require cue sheets, it's just been a while since I did 3DO apparently. So then yea, that reminds me @rmilyard, either the discs are bad rips or your BIOS is the wrong one / the wrong name / the wrong location.
  5. No WMP Playback in LaunchBox, the WMP Playback Engine we utilize.
  6. Then you don't have the BIOS in the right location or named properly. If you have the 3DO bios for 4DO standalone, rename them to panafz10.bin and put it in your system folder. Also, in the tutorials for the channel, I cover everything needed to get the system up and running for that episode and usually a bit extra.
  7. In the info folder inside of the RetroArch folder. Edit it with Notepad++. I have no clue if it's going to work, someone mentioned this to me, the best solution would be to load the cue sheets.
  8. The info file for 4DO in RA: "supported_extensions = "iso|cue"". Supposedly you can add another extension to that (.bin in this case) and it might work, but like I said it's generally always cue sheets that are required.
  9. Extraction depends on the Emulator, but generally yes, and the extraction time can take a while so we suggest to leave them unarchived for discs. So I would say that iso or img are not the way to and rather it's cue sheets you need. That is pretty much most disc based consoles.
  10. No it's there, just checked an image folder. Fanart - Cart - Back Fanart - Cart - Front
  11. Riffman81 said Image folder transitioned over nicely with updating to the latest beta. IDK if anyone else has mentioned this or not, but I still can't jump letters to navigate my GameBoy Advance collection. That seems to be the only system I have setup that doesn't let me skip to the desired letter, it just hangs... Jason, will you be adding a "cartridge" folder in the image folder as well? I migrated over from HyperSpin and have a ton of cart art I'd like to use in LB\BB. We have a Cart / Disc category, I am unsure if it's in this update or not, but we have the category.
  12. I knew Delete, I teach that in the tutorials, but I don't think I've ever renamed something. I just remember reading about that a long time ago now. xD
  13. Yes, we are working on changing the default emulators. Those haven't been updated in about 2 years.
  14. No, all of the info being in one XML does not effect performance in the same way. That said, there is certainly more optimization that can be done in a lot of regards, but I have 35k in my library right now and it's performing very well. Windows 7 can actually cause some inherent lag in BigBox, and could potentially effect LaunchBox as well. W10 can perform the best because of the inherent OS upgrades Microsoft has made. My OS is also on an SSD, my LaunchBox install is on an internal Sata3 (6GB/s) connection. 32GB of DDR4 ram, 4GB of it being allocated to LaunchBox in the menu. What generation i5 do you have? Early i3's and i5's were not all that great. We did pin point this at one time though, once you get over 8k games in your Library performance starts to take a hit a bit. After 15-20k it becomes about the same regardless if it's 50k or 15k, but we also haven't had much testing with gigantic libraries like ours.
  15. Yea I just lunched Leaf Green just fine, so like Derek said a path must be off somewhere for the games.
  16. Yea this is one of the problems currently with importing shortcuts, it uses the exe name and not the shortcut name, so if the exe name is wrong it will import wrong. Check the box to use the folder name. I am curious, since it uses the exe name I wonder if it will use the folder name that those exe's are in instead of Desktop. :P If it uses Desktop then that won't work obviously. In that screen you shown, if I recall you can double click the name box and rename them... but I can't remember exactly so I might be making that up. xD
  17. How I got in to MPC was through K-Lite. I used to tell it to not install it, and one installation I forgot to uncheck it. I still use MPC for certain things, but all my TV Shows, Anime and Movies are through Kodi. I also do suggest anyone who has issues with WMP Playback to install K-Lite and it usually fixes their problems. It even has some detection for errors in the codecs and will fix them too.
  18. knewlife said Jason Carr said Hey all, I apparently put that link out a little bit too early. I shouldn't have shared it that early, so forgive me for that. Bleasby was waiting on me to add a few things before putting the plugin out. I should have a new beta out before the end of the day that adds all the new image types from the LaunchBox Games Database to LaunchBox itself. It also renames some image folders in the process so fair warning that if you're concerned about that, you may want to back up your LaunchBox folder and/or your images folders. Beta should be out soon. :) Great i gonna activate beta updates... Also i should backup the xml file. We gonna need to manual y move images or LB gonna take care of that? Jason will have to answer about the process, but your XML's do automatically get backed up in the LaunchBox folder as well, so if you forget to manually make a backup (but you still should anyways) a backup still exists.
  19. If anyone here needs to know what features are getting added per version, there is a change log in the About menu in LaunchBox that should detail most changes.
  20. I actually heard the 8bitdo controller wasn't all that great from a friend who has one, and he's super in to the NES / SNES, but I haven't used it myself. If you are willing to spend a little extra money, if you can find a clean and less beaten SNES controller you can also get SNES to USB adapter's and go that route as well.
  21. SentaiBrad

    Big Box Views

    Abobo said Thanks for the info cheesycrouton. I noticed on the games DB site for Final Fantasy III that there are 2 separate entries with the same name- one has the FFVI cover and one has the FF3 cover (the one I prefer). Guess I'll play around with the settings to try and pull the correct one. Thanks. Changes are being made to the system for Images, and a system called Tiered Images will hopefully fix the problem of users wanting specific images shown first and in what order. FF3, while confusing, should also get alternate naming to FF6 for the Japanese region, and should have the proper FF6 cover marked Japanese, with the FF3 name and cover also marked accordingly. If anything like this still exists, it just means no ones fixed it since we got everything from the GamesDB.
  22. Of course no problem! I don't want to seem like your suggestion was bad, because it was certainly a good one and a direction we could move if we scaled the same image a lot, but I did want to let you know where our head is at.
  23. progets said SentaiBrad said The file re-naming is being investigated, but they are still PNG's technically because they still have their transparent layer. Jason is also doing Image restructuring this week so things are going to change up a bit as well. This front end is making leaps and bounds! The image and naming conventions and paths still need work. They seem to use names that don't match the rom name which is key for many MAME users. People that use RocketLaucher to store these images will be SOL since they use a different folder/naming structure. All media (images, video, music and manuals) can be matched to either the file name or the rom name, so maybe I don't understand what you are saying? The re-structuring more specifically is to accomidate many many more categories that we've added to the Database but aren't available in LaunchBox. This will also help if you have image categories from other sites, hopefully the images will fit better in the new categories instead of using Fan Art for everything because... that's not correct.
  24. Yes, No-Intro sets win every single time. Get them every single time if it's available. If a No-Intro set doesn't exist I use Tosec Set's as my second go to. I never try to get Full Sets anymore, ever.
  25. Welcome Viking! So unfortunetly SVG has two disadvantages that PNG currently wins out on. They are both lossless, and both do transparency well. However, SVG is Vector vs PNG's Raster image, which basically means Vector images are made up of lines rather than Pixels at a base level. While SVG's can scale to crazy sizes (up or down) and Raster images can really only feasibly go down, I can see why this would be a good choice. Because Vector graphics can scale though, you do need slightly more power to display the image as it's math and not pixels. We're not scaling them, but the amount of images we show could seriously make lag on lower end systems even worse. There is also an adoption problem with SVG. It's being used more and more, but PNG's are almost universal at this point, and I would even go so far as to say they've replaced Jpeg's as the standard image file. I am also not sure if LaunchBox / BigBox even has a Vector ready graphical engine. Vectors are made up of XML's more or less and can be edited via text to change something like color. However, the file needs to be read, then computations need to be made, then the image is displayed. Per performance, and file size for that matter, I did also find some tests that were made: "Just did some testing (no full research): I tested 23 icons in both svg and png. The svg's are quite simple and optimised. Total filesize of svg's was about 160% larger than png's (64x64px). Rendering of png's was way faster (especially on mobile devices)." So certainly, SVG files clearly are superior in quality for the end result, but they present a few problems that I don't think we're exactly equipped to dealing with yet.
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