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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. GatoSoft said Hi, guys! ^_^ Everything is running smoothly for me in the latest beta. I was about to post some errors I found before but, because of my limited time, some other forum members were doing that in my place. Great job! :D However, I was wondering if you'll gonna add YouTube support for videos anytime soon since LaunchBox and BigBox now uses VLC libraries for video playback and due to VLC Player's ability to play YouTube videos directly. Greetings. :) Well chances are we would just use the ability to play the video's within LaunchBox... but that would require users to also install Flash (not for Firefox or Chrome), so at the very least it is a great alternative. I completely forgot about it. Edit: My only concern is the content creator not getting any metrics or ad views from using VLC.
  2. Well let me first say I never disagreed with the reasons, I got them, I was just making sure we also didn't lose sight of that. Also yea, Jason and I can see everything done on the server, we own it afterall. Part of me isn't bothered by someone knowing that though, maybe because it's already apart of my job. My thought was that if the mod knew the user could know that it would raise the quality of the moderation's a bit. Truthfully we do have a bit of a problem where users and mod's alike aren't reading the Guidelines, that's something we have to figure out but my thought was it would weed out the ones who didn't. I still agree though, I get why it makes you and others uncomfortable though.
  3. Yea, it always comes in waves, sometimes longer than before. I do enjoy it, but I am alone in it. I didn't make everything obviously, my credits say otherwise, but it's still daunting.
  4. SentaiBrad


    Soundtrackgeek said I've noticed that a lot of times, the video field is populated by a YouTube link, so I've started doing that myself. Maybe it could be an interesting idea to have an embedded youtube video in the LB sidebar for those type of links when the video file is missing? Yea, that has been an idea for a while now. More people ask! ;)
  5. I've since fixed all those errors actually, It's just development moves very slowly. Days of work to generally get extremely frustrated. It's hard to work on it too, my job here isn't full time but it's enough. I appreciate you taking the time to go through it though, I really appreciate that. Posts like these make me want to keep working on it for sure. Physical Labor is hard on the body, Game Development, and App development for that matter (cough cough @Jason), is just extremely draining on the mind. I seriously feel extra tired on the days I develop so I end up doing it a lot less than I want. I have a vacation this week, I still spend my time on the forums and I built a PC. xD I will finish this game come hell or high water though, I just need that motivation. Edit: Sorry if that sounds like I'm complaining... venting a bit maybe, but just being honest.
  6. That's already what our function does, it just needs refinement. Import -> Windows Games has existed though for a long time, you might just get some extra programs in there. You can delete them from the list before you hit finish for the import too.
  7. Being anonymous for who made the approval or rejection brings no accountability to the moderator. I understand the other reasons, but there needs to be accountability.
  8. Ha, actually Rejection Reasons is being added as we speak.
  9. I don't have that information anymore. I moderated them about an hour ago. There were mostly Amiga games with Cheats, and a few BBC games with solutions. Since I can't reject part of a games metadata when it is being added I had to reject the entire game. If you go in to your Moderation Status page you can see the approval and rejections and the few that were Rejected (at least by me) would be the ones. Thanks for understanding Scree, we also don't have usernames for who is making the edit, or moderating the items yet nor reasons for Rejections. Reasons for Rejections Jason is working on though. Sorry for it being complicated, it's not the easiest when it's still a WIP.
  10. So who ever is adding or editing Amiga games, and who ever is adding or editing BBC Micro games is adding cheats and puzzle answer to the descriptions. We should keep these out of the game description.
  11. Of course you can, they weren't related at all. You asked if anyone was able to get it running properly, so I thought you were having issues. Generally, the only issues we have launching certain programs is from command lines. I didn't say you couldn't ask questions, you've seen enough of my posts to know I like questions. :P
  12. There's no command line parameters in the documentation?
  13. In this case it should be CPU, but more RAM might be helpful. It's just not an easy to answer question.
  14. How long do you consider long? It is probably normal, LaunchBox has to load a lot of data at start.
  15. That makes sense that it can't change folders either.
  16. Yea, having blank info isn't bad it just means that it's probably obscure. Games of a certain year and back just don't have proper documentation. It wasn't at all a priority at the time.
  17. No, like everything else it would be a choice. We wouldn't force a user in to it because of bandwidth caps alone.
  18. DOS76 said What is this MegaDrive of which you speak? Who knows, delusions I tell you.
  19. These are pretty cool actually, thank you for sharing these with us.
  20. Turn the Shader Passes to 0 then apply changes.
  21. Ah well that's good. Thank you for the clarification Derek, I was just guessing.
  22. I don't quite understand your question, but I'll explain to you the LaunchBox Games Database. So essentially, all it is is a location for Video Game media and metadata to reside. It's owned and controlled by us where users can submit changes, moderator's approve or reject the information and if approved it gets added to the Database. It is just an informational repository that LaunchBox connects to to make the experience of using LaunchBox better. We also connect to Wikipedia and EmuMovies to compliment our Database because we do not have every piece of information or every type of image for every game so they are there to compliment us. As for it being updated, there is nothing you have to do at all, if you don't want to. You're more than welcome to go to the Database (which a link to is at the top of every Forum page) and help give us information you may have, but you're more than welcome to just enjoy the database for the info it provides. You will have to update your games Metadata and Images every once in a while, but we're also going to work on a Schedule system that will update a users metadata for them since the Database is changing frequently with more and more information. I hope I explained it clearly, if you have more questions please feel free to ask.
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