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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. RetroArch Configs: There is your global defaults then you can create custom per-core configs if you want and load them through the command line. I think you have the option "Config per core" or something along those lines checked in your settings. Navigating to the letters in your library by a button press is planned and currently in our BitBucket tracker. You can vote for that ticket there and create other bug or feature requests if you like. Just please try and search to see if your feature request hasn't already been requested. BitBucket sorted by votes: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues?status=new&status=open That specific Ticket: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/361/being-able-to-jump-game-title-letters-in (Tied for the most votes currently so it will get implemented sooner rather than later) So yea, please don't share the license, (Just remove the License.xml file from the install when you share your install) However LaunchBox is fully Portable to a point. If all of your roms are kept in your LaunchBox/Games folder, then they all have what's called a Relative path. Meaning, if you give your friend LaunchBox the only thing they'll need to plug in are the Emulators. They'll need to edit the emulators you added to the proper new paths. So if you also share your RA install and they point it towards the new path it should work. Roms are more difficult if they are not located in with LaunchBox, and of course they exist fine outside of the directory, all my games are not in the LB directory. So say for example you have your PS2 games in 'F:\Emulators\PS2\Games', and your friend will be putting those games on their D:\ Drive, then as long as the rest of the path stays the same (in this example, \Emulators\PS2\Games), then close down LB and all your friend needs to do is edit the LaunchBox.xml file with Notepad++. If you use Ctrl + F to bring up the search option and choose 'Search and Replace', search for 'F:\' and replace it with 'D:\'. This is of course assuming the rest of the paths are correct. When you open LaunchBox again they should all point towards the correct path. .m3u I have't played around with, and I honestly wouldn't suggest compressing disc based games for performance reasons, but you know what you're doing. If RetroArch supports it, then just make the game entry the m3u file and it might work? I am honestly unsure. I know this method works, but with LaunchBox and RetroArch specifically I am unsure. Honestly, it's a simple test. Just make sure the check box for "decompress compressed games" (I forget exactly what it's called), when you edit RetroArch is checked. The games compressed separately should work just fine though. Also note that if you try to play Arcade based games that this option will break those games from playing, so you'll need a second entry in LaunchBox for RetroArch or to uncheck the box. I haven't tried Netplay in RetroArch, but I believe it to be the same as it ever was, slightly confusing. Port Forwarding will be your friend in this instance. Never apologize for asking questions!! We love the questions here and thank you for the kind words. Jason and myself work hard to make sure LaunchBox is as good as it possibly can be! If you need more help in configuring LaunchBox then you should check out our Tutorial series on our YouTube channel. That link is in my signature right below my posts. Please, feel free to ask as many questions as you need.
  2. Do you happen to have multiple controllers enabled? Are you also using AHK at the same time?
  3. No problem, you too! If you have more questions please feel free to ask!
  4. I just realized you may not be able to update to the beta if the error code keeps popping up or is crashing you, so if you can't download the beta through LaunchBox, download and install this: http://api.launchbox-app.com/DownloadBeta.ashx?s=cbf04341-4e0d-4859-a154-55a213120e0e Should give you the latest beta, just install over your current LaunchBox install.
  5. Have you updated to the latest Beta? If not can you please do so in the Options menu. Once the box is checked restart LB and it will ask you to update.
  6. Thanks for posting that. We've shared it a few times but it gets lost in a single thread.
  7. You'll either use AutoHotKey per emulator or update to the latest beta (as there were some serious bugs fixed related to this) and go to Tools -> Options -> Automation on the left and set that up. Either way works, but Automation is a lot more straight forward.
  8. Well it's like needing a Costco card to shop at Costco. Realistically, Prime is an insane value at less than $10 a month with all of the benefits you get. That said, I don't think Publishers would say "yea, restrict people from buying our games new!". There is something a bit creepy about it... but it's also only if you buy it from Amazon.
  9. Yea, I don't now how I feel about it. I have Prime, so I love the benefits I get from it, like 20% off new games and accessories... but this might be a step too far? It's not every game, but they also don't define "High-profile" games. I wonder if it's a request from publishers.
  10. Woo hoo! Thank you @AFaustini. Jason will see that when he gets home and it will probably be in the next beta.
  11. The forums have been updated to include a LBGDB section so that all the conversation threads in this one thread can be switched to over there. https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum Scroll down, it's right above the Off Topic section. The sections are a bit self-explanatory but hopefully this will bring order to the conversation. The thread for the Guidelines is now here: https://www.launchbox-app.com/forum/games-database-news-and-updates/moderator-guidelines#p15363
  12. Moderator Guidelines and Contributor Rules Do your best to check sources. When researching something, if two sites have conflicting metadata, try and find a 3rd and see what the 3rd one will match. Good and acceptable websites to double-check metadata are MobyGames, Giant Bomb, Wikipedia, IGN, Steam, GOG and GameFAQs. Game names should reflect the box of the game, with the exception of games that break scraping in LaunchBox. For example, Alien 3 breaks scraping with it's superscript 3. Characters like : and - and & are acceptable as long as they don't break the above rule. Characters like - and + are not acceptable UNLESS on the Boxart or the Developer spelled the name of the game with them. Still cannot break the scrapability rule. A game should only have 1 entry per platform. Multiple Disc games don't get entries per disc. Still 1 entry. Special Editions only get a unique entry on the Database if the game is significantly different than the already existing entry. I.e. Fallout 3 and Fallout 3 Game of the Year Edition would be two separate entries. Game Descriptions should only contain descriptive text about what the game is. Should not contain cheat information. Should not spoil the game. Do not answer Puzzles in the description. Consoles will be getting merged with alternate scraping names. For example. Famicom and the NES are the same. They will be getting merged soon, but before that is added if the game exists in the NES category don't add it to the Famicom category. They're the same console with different regional names. Regional naming alternatives is coming for Consoles and Game Titles. Adult games are allowed on the Database, but nudity and partial nudity is not allowed. Adult Language is allowed as long as it is not obscene. Front and Back Box Art must have the proper regional tag and be added to the proper category. Reconstructed box art can not be used in any other category then the reconstructed section. Fan art must be directly related to the game. Must be created or customized by a user. Fan art must be at least 1280 x 720 for Background based art. Real life photography is not allowed . Must comply with the other rules, like no nudity. No Watermarks of Website logos, Icons or uploader images. When possible, get the best looking image available. No watermarks. Game entries require 3 approvals or 3 rejections in order to proceed in either direction In the case of stalemates, we'll try to convene on the forums and discuss the game currently stuck in limbo and proceed from there. Metadata should reflect the console it was released on. if a game has multiple versions on multiple consoles then multiple entries will be required. So if a game exists on PS2, Xbox and GameCube then there should be 3 game entries, 1 for each console. A game's release date must require at least a release year. If the game has documentation for the release day and month then please provide. Older games may not have accurate data on release dates. In case of no year, leave blank until that information can be found. The release date should be the first date the game was released on. Regional Date categories are going to be implemented, which will then require each game to have the proper date for the proper region. Game ratings should reflect what is on the box. There is no guess work or making up ratings. If one doesn't exist, then one does not exist. The United States, Canada and Mexico use the ESRB. The K+A rating was changed to E. In this case make the rating E. The database will denote that before 1998 E used to be K+A for historical accuracy.
  13. For moderators and people who have missed it, our moderation Guidelines are currently here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1wB80CH3zecXccfQ4Et8NxYa-G1bQuo7eo1YHvkYQ728/edit Please read it over carefully, comment here on the thread or in the doc about changes, edits or additions you want added to the list. Please read it carefully as well.
  14. No like Jason said, not yet. We only just recently split our images to have more categories so this will be something that comes in the future.
  15. bmonomad said thanks @sentaibrad and @lordmonkus all fixed. You were right brad, it was the bios. I copied the prior bios from my epsxe bios directory, and made the changes, and that's when I was getting the blank screen. All is fixed due to monkus's link. Cheers. Glad to hear. If you have any more issues check out our channel, we have tons of Tutorials for lots of systems with more coming.
  16. The 3D box art was downloaded from EmuMovies and was plugged in when a game didn't have a 2D Front Box Art image. When you edit a game, right above the image are some controls. Arrow buttons and the words of the image. If you click the words you can change where the image will go. So you can change screenshot to Front Box art if you want. Right now the thought process is to have no games with missing art.
  17. Yes we'll need dedicated collectors like yourself to contribute that precious data to the database so everyone can have a beautiful collection!
  18. Check out our official tutorials with the link in my signature. We've covered PS1 already with RetroArch. The BIOS need to be scph5500.bin, scph5501.bin and scph5502.bin with the scph5501 coming from scph1001. This is the most likely reason that you're getting a blank screen.
  19. retrtokid said I've a question to ask about moderating, how do you go about changing / or suggesting that the platform is wrong? Your not able to edit the platform of a game within the database. I'm trying to help moderate the BBC / Electron games, noticed that the few games that are in the Electron platform were not in fact ever released on that platform. Right now adding or removing games doesn't exist. That will be available in the future.
  20. If the program has command line argument's documented you can look in there to see if they have an option to skip it, otherwise potentially AutoHotKey may be what you need to automate that.
  21. Yes everything should have a name that you import but it may not necessarily have images associated with it. We are working on a tiered system so other images will be used to fill in gaps, but in the mean time it's dependent on the Database we have. If you have games that are not recognized, i.e. their name is like... tbd123 or something and not a real title, you'll need to run the importer again with the proper MAME import box checked or using the Arcade platform as a name so you can get that import screen and try again.
  22. CDI runs perfectly in demul for me too, I did the tutorial with it.
  23. Oh sweet jesus we're happy to hear that! These crashes have been giving us a giant headache. Such a PITA.
  24. That would be the MAME / Arcade scraping. I would import as Arcade so you can use the MAME importer (you can also check a box during import to force use the MAME metadata) then you can Bulk Edit the platform back to CPS2. Tomorrow's Tutorial is actually about Arcade. It'll be up at 10AM PST if you want to see it on our channel. Click the link in my signature to get there. The tutorial should answer most questions you might have on Arcade / MAME.
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