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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Jason will be working on a way for users to take their submissions out of the moderation queue in case of errors or you've found something better since.
  2. Also you said you haven't powered on the cabinent in a while? Are you updated to the latest beta? Jason recently got rid of some BigBox lag as well.
  3. If all your other games are working but only 2 or 3 don't work, I would guess bad Rip. Certainly check the cue sheet first though.
  4. Alternate Titles with the distinction of Language. Alternate Title (Japanese), Alternate Title (Greek), Alternate Title (French). That sort of thing.
  5. Yea I just had Jason make those. No worries, I am glad you're dedicated more than anything.
  6. Yea these games are not necessarily designed for that, so RetroArch doesn't default to doing that.
  7. MAME doesn't quite work like that... the games are associated with 1 zip file in the folder, you can delete the files, or move them from the MAME folder but 1 files doesn't usually equal 1 game. MAME is carefully set up and a version of a game may require something you delete or move. Did you leave the Arcade importer as default? If you unchecked a few of the boxes I would say to re-run the importer either at default or closer to default. If you remove any of the files it may break something and then you'd either need to figure out what you removed and just get that (updated to the latest MME) or get a whole new set. I would suggest to favorite the games you do want to play. Then you can filter all of your games by being marked as a favorite. If you have the game details side bar open just click the heart when you click a game. As for ease of deletion, it has been suggest and in the BitBucket so that when you delete a game in LB it asks you if you want to delete the associated file, or in the case of DOS delete the entire game folder. So right now you'd have to delete the game then the file, but like I said above, I wouldn't do that with MAME.
  8. With a game controller? I don't believe so, unless you emulated keyboard and mouse controls to it. Performance and visuals would also suffer a bit I think.
  9. x3 is asking a lot of the software. At a certain point it may not be hardware but rather software.
  10. Accept means you accept the changes that the user is making, or rejecting the changes the user is making. I think some users use the delete image instead of Edit Image to change it up, it's hard to tell though.
  11. Yea I can use x2-x4 depending on the game for PS2, Wii, Gamecube, PSP, and I use a Pixellate shader for everything else 2D in RetroArch just fine. N64 x2 or x3 will fail sometimes for me too, but I think that is a lack of decent emulation more than anything.
  12. Yea it sounds like the way the streaming is trying to handle the video it's trying to display it as a fullscreen, but you get the effect of a black screen with the video in the corner because it's not the resolution of the screen. I don't know what settings are available as I don't use the service myself, but toggling some of them might fix it... I just don't know exactly what. If someone else has run in to this issue, please let us know what you did. I'll also forward this to Jason to see if there is anything on his end that he can do. At the end of the day it might just be a bug or a driver incompatibility, who knows.
  13. Yea EmuMovies is strict on platform / system naming, but so is our own database. Also again, no, we have still not added those platforms at all. Arcade is still just Arcade, we have not added them to our default list of Platforms at all. We want to add all of those platforms, so when you scrape as CPS1 you scrape the proper metadata and media, but we haven't done anything like that yet. When scraping there is a list of alternative names, so when scraping 'Famicom' it really just reads the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) platform for scraping purposes. However, it's not perfect yet. If you scrape one of these specialized Arcade systems you may get metadata, but it's not perfect. You can also add any system, platform, program or what have you to LaunchBox. LB will launch anything, but our list of Platforms is the only officially supported list of Platforms at the moment. If you add custom named systems (like the CPS1) we can't guarantee it will work. Don't apologize for asking your questions. We never want anyone to not ask their questions or to stop making suggestions. We love our community for those exact reasons. Also, Jason and I both agree that switching systems with assigned media like video and images does suck when you have to manually swap them over. Enhancements like trying to make that process more smooth are always being thought about, I think we might have a ticket for that in our BitBucket... if not I need to make that one.
  14. I don't quite understand, but if I do understand you correctly, you're having issues scraping media, and when you do and change the systems back the images and video are gone? For the time being, all of those specialized arcade systems will scrape the best, if at all, as Arcade. When you scrape them, Images, Video and Music folders are created in the LaunchBox install directory. Inside these folders are other folders with the names of your importer systems and inside of them the media is held. Import CPS1 as Arcade, then scrape the metadata. Change their platform back to CPS1 from Arcade. In those 3 sub-folders I told you about will still be the Arcade folder filled with the images, video and music you just downloaded. You'll need to transfer those files from the Arcade folder to the CPS1 folder. Restarting LaunchBox should re-associate the media with the CPS1 system. As far as RetroArch, you need to edit the associated platforms list and add the new systems. You'll need to add CPS1 as an associated platform, then add the proper command line to point towards the core you want to use. We have tutorials on our channel that can help you with RetroArch, and we have an Arcade specific tutorial that just went up recently as well. Check out the link in my signature. You can add any system you want to LaunchBox, but all of the MAME / Arcade related systems still need to be scraped under Arcade. For the record, we've only recently added MS-DOS as a new system with native scraping, nothing else. Of course this can and will be expanded in the future, but again, they still need to be scraped under Arcade then move over the metadata if you want to change them back to the Platform you want them as.
  15. Yep, there's a lot of them. Shockingly it's a small group of people too.
  16. In terms up upgrades, as long as it's the same chipset and your motherboard is rated to support it, then go for it, you're not gonna hurt the system. I am unfamiliar with AMD products specifically in terms of using them, I've sworn off AMD for 8 years. My i7 930 from 2009 is playing PS2 and Wii games flawlessly. The same can't really be said for some of the newer games but my motherboard is at it's limit with this socket. I need to essentially build a new PC to keep going up (and I am super poor in this regard). That said, no, you'll not be able to put an Intel chip inside of your AMD socket, they're generally not built like that. I have 12GB of DDR3 1600 RAM, a GTX 970, and my i7 with my games running off of external USB2 hard drives and the only FPS drops I suffer are from the lack of emulation not my system generally speaking. This is however just my personal observation, the Hyper-threading that the Intel chipsets can do is astounding honestly. Most of these emulators are probably not even taking advantage of 2 CPU cores let alone all 4. I would suspect that the move to Direct X 12 will make the biggest stride in emulation longevity, DX12 is a sight to behold. I do concede that Intel chips are more expensive, but unlike Apple who charges more because they create the mystique rather than putting in quality components, you actually do get what you pay for. My wife's AMD GPU in her PC gives us nothing but troubles for example (we bought the PC pre-built and cheap from a friend). I am surprised that 500 watts however is powering your PC, I wouldn't have gone less than 750w, but I also don't know your PC like you do. Missing power can make your PC do odd things.
  17. Yea don't worry about it! We're more than glad to help.
  18. niglurion said - Very nice and listening community, not aggressive /> I am glad someone thinks so. ;) Though seriously, Jason hit the nail on the head. We have to go by what people tell us and what we read ALL the time on the forums, on YouTube, on Reddit... is that they love that it is a lot easier to play your games, and it just works. When you want to do a bunch of power user stuff though that ability is there, we want everyone from top to bottom to enjoy their experience with LaunchBox. After a user has stayed for any amount of time or needs / wants to contact us, we also hear "Wow, that response was fast!!!!". Jason and I just love what we do, we love our jobs. We have a community who loves the software and also want to help because they've been in that spot a user needing help is in.
  19. Thanks for the breakdown of your process, I am sure users appreciate it.
  20. Yea I will make that disctinction on the doc. Preferably no watermarked images.
  21. I mean they have every right to do so, and the streaming alone is already worth it when you consider the price of Netflix or Hulu Plus w/ no ad's. Then add in shipping, 20% off new games and accessories, free books, audible, family sharing, etc etc.
  22. Jason can take a look at it later, but yea sometimes this stuff just happens. That folder is there for this exact reason.
  23. No problem, I am here to help! Hamachi isn't really a VPN though, it is just more of a bridging connection than anything. It doesn't do anything to hide who you are specifically like VPN's do. The pathing you see is indeed Relative paths, so they'll just need to provide the Emulator pathing. You can edit the pathing in the XML if need be, but the more changes you make to that path the more you'll need to add to replace. So if you just change Drivers or manually change the drive letter then all you'll need to do is edit the new Drive letter in. As for the compression, what are you using m3u files for? PS1? If you are wanting to compress certain games from certain systems then there are alternatives to doing so. CSO's for PSP and PS2, WBFS for Wii (not exactly "compression"), and GCM for GameCube to name the few primary alternatives.
  24. No no, never forget it. I was just curious to see if we could try and narrow down why. The best course of action will come from Jason when he his awake in the morning however.
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