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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. There are BIOS for everything related to MAME, there are over 30 different unique BIOS for variations of systems. Look for MAME packs.
  2. Yea MAME roms need to be located with the roms them selves. That's why LB filters them out during import.
  3. So to me, that error reads that there is a duplicate instruction at line 43. So remove line 43 or fix it if you know how.
  4. Ah, ok so then yea forcing it would be your only option. I wonder how easy that would be for Jason to pull off.
  5. Well like I said, Windows should just adapt the resolution to the given monitor, the rotation is for screens that don't report the right resolution or if you want to force it. Screens report the right resolution though, so if you had a vertical monitor it should just work, besides BigBox not fitting exactly.
  6. Though, now that I think about it, if you plug in a vertical screen, Windows should just adapt the resolution. The only thing is BigBox won't adapt it's UI yet to a vertical window, things might display weirdly. I know there is a ticket in the BitBucket to add this functionality too.
  7. You can rotate the screen in Windows, where you change screen resolutions. Otherwise, Big Box doesn't specifically have that option.
  8. fromlostdays said I5, internal SATA seagate 2 terabytes, 16 gigs of ram.... Anywhere from 15 to 30 seconds. I've never actually counted to be honest. I have a fade screen that shows a loading screen and zip progress bar so its cool for me rather than annoying. I was reading somewhere that theres a way you can turn excess ram into a temp storage for decompressed roms, and this may speed it up, and might even speed up emulation, but I personally don't think I need that. It's actually pretty cool software, but you need a really good amount of RAM before you attempt something like that. http://store.steampowered.com/app/337070/ It also depends on the size of the game, if you try to un-archive a 6GB game with 4GB of RAM, or even 8GB, it wont work all that well. If you want to save space (comparable to an archive) @ALIE I would honestly suggest using several custom compressed formats. PS2 games can be compressed from ISO to CSO with software called MaxCSO, written by PCSX2 devs. I compressed all my games and they run just fine in a smaller package. PSP games can also be compressed from ISO to CSO's but there is software called YACC (Yet Another CSO Compressor) that is different then MaxCSO as it only does images smaller than 4GB and you can do all of your games at once. Just note there are games you shouldn't compress as the game wont function properly, but in the case of the PSP I only found that to be true for the 3 GTA games, everything else ran fine. You can also try WBFS for Wii games as well. I don't remember if GCM is a compression for Gamecube games... but you can look that up easily. If there is no compression for any later console discs (like potentially the Gamecube) you can also try specific console junk removers. It removes empty or junk data from the disc. The tool needs to be written for the specific system though, and only from PS2 / Gamecube on wards I believe.
  9. And only the 360 controller or any controller?
  10. It really depends on the system, CPU speed, hard drive that the extraction is taking place on, cpu load, hard drive load. As a test you can archive one of your games and then decompress it right away and it will give you estimated time for decompression.
  11. So we figured out what the problem was, and it was the same problem for me. @angelobodetti had bad rips of the games, with good rips they're loading great in RA.
  12. Search the forums for AHK stuff, unless @DOS76 knows the threads to look at off hand.
  13. As far as we know Derek, it's a problem with their API.
  14. Create a Macro key for your keyboard or use something like Xpadder to create the combination for a Controller or use AutoHotKey and use close commands for a controller as well.
  15. Oh really? It shouldn't have been, I'll forward that to Jason.
  16. As far as I know, not really. They may be slightly altered, but the naming convention, BIOS handling etc etc all pretty much seems to be MAME.
  17. Rom extraction isn't on by default though, but yea that breaks anything related to MAME. They are not ever meant to be extracted. The default box also only matters during import.
  18. veeshan28 said SentaiBrad said If you need any more help, we have tutorials on our YouTube channel. Click the link in my signature. Thanks Brad. Your 'easy setup' video was a huge help for me with getting the basics going a few days. Unfortunately it doesn't look like any of the videos quite relates to the FBA setup yet. I've tried gleaning some extra tips from a few others, but haven't gotten any further. Not specifically no, but they can all still easily relate to each other. MAME will be coming soon too. I am also glad that they did help you at all, I appreciate the kind words too. I just finished recording tomorrow's actually. Time to edit. :P
  19. Ever since I started using Last Pass, most websites I use the generated password feature in last pass, then just have it save the passwords for me. The password can be what ever you want, the e-mail address you are providing is for verification and notifications if need be and the username can be what ever you want, you can make it Scree there too if you'd prefer.
  20. PCE Fast doesn't work for me I am using SuperGrafx. I am fairly certain it is due to BIOS, there is a lot of wrong ones out there.
  21. If there is a command line argument for full screen then you can use that, but I don't know if one exists. Are the PC Engine cores in RA not working for you?
  22. I feel like I just answered this the other day? Either way, MESS was integrated in to MAME a while ago, RetroArch may have just caught up finally. That said, avoid MESS.
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