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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. It's more complicated than it needs to be to get a game to almost assuredly not run. Right now, it's just more of a waiting game for RPSC3.
  2. It does this for when it downloads media from the LaunchBox Games Database. Since you've told LB to use that location, it's ready for when it wants to use that location. I want to say that you can't turn that off, but there might be some region related stuff in the options, but I'm not sure. I want to say that you can't.
  3. It probably is doing something, but I would be willing to bet that it could be broken too, I wouldn't be surprised. Anything related to the Sync is more or less very very out dated and would require a complete refresh to get it brought up to par. There wasn't just no interest in it, it was almost like negative interest, so Jason backed off right away.
  4. I don't think you currently can. You might be able to edit the Big Box XML's and tell it that information, but as far as inside of BB, that would need to be added. Click on Issues/Requests and request this be added from our Bit Bucket. Don't forget to vote on your own ticket.
  5. It doesn't matter what they can scan or not, you're using LaunchBox. If the game wont load though, then either the game is a bad rip or the BIOS are bad.
  6. It doesn't matter if they have cited sources, they should be marked as Rom Hacks because they're not the original games.
  7. Have you updated your Database file within LaunchBox? Edit a game not attached to the Database (or edit a game that is attached to the database, but unlink it with the red X and then make sure to hit cancel when done), and press the "Search Database" box. Once that's updated, edit a single game you've updated and try to update just that. If you have the images there, then select multiples and choose the download tool. Make sure to select the first option as well. Once the game is approved, it can take up to 24 hours to be pushed out to be made live, then at midnight the day it was approved, LaunchBox will see that the database has an update to give to people. So it can take up to about 48 hours once the change has been approved.
  8. You use the Windows search, search *.rpx or *.wud, add them in, then use the check box "Use Folder Name". I did this and my Zelda was found properly.
  9. It's out of date by 2 years.
  10. I do a rom hack show for our channel, so it's not that we don't like rom hacks, but Homebrews and Rom Hacks need to be differentiated in the database. There are no tools currently to do that, so allowing them all in and assuming people will fix them afterward is a very bad assumption to make. Any for either that are on their right now can stay, but adding more while the official libraries are still not done for any console seems odd to me. I want them to be on the database, but I'd rather they be uploaded properly. Part of the database changes Jason is going to make soon is adding these categories. The Moderator Guidelines also have several topics on the forums, a pinned topic in that subforum about them (which is where I also post when I make changes generally), and it's pinned as the topic of the Database channel in our discord. I've put it in as many places as I personally can.
  11. It might be worth going over again as this was quite a while ago now. Unless they've made the process much easier since we originally took a look at it, I doubt our answer would change quite yet.
  12. What do you mean? The Platforms haven't been merged, but you create what ever platform you want and scrape it as the platform where the metadata and media is. That's been the case since Scrape As was introduced quite a while ago.
  13. No, currently Big Box will display at the resolution it detects for your PC. You can't set the resolution right now. Is your PC display considered your main display in Windows?
  14. I would cut out this version of RA all together at this point, and go with a completely clean install. If you're on nightlies, then pick the latest nightly. If you're on official, then just re-download the official. Either way, start from a completely clean, new install, with no custom configs.
  15. Yea, a theme will contribute to bad performance as well. The Critical Zone theme for example, is more intensive than the default. It shows that, that theme is crazy awesome.
  16. If you're only downloading those two pieces of artwork, it can't be Fan Art. I do recall there being a check box for using Clear Logo's in the background though. Check around in the options and disable background related stuff.
  17. There are good starter tutorials out there though, with visual learning if you're wanting to. Everyone is different, but if you need a place to start reading the start of a book, or watching a tutorial series might help jump start you.
  18. I wouldn't download individual games. I have a feeling I know where you're getting them, and that place has really bad individual download standards. I downloaded a PS1 set of games and converted them all my self. This way, I know the rips are quality to start with.
  19. When you choose to re-import, just uncheck all of the media boxes. The two screens with the "uncheck all" buttons, press those.
  20. Yea, eventually, but we have no time frame as we don't have the bandwidth to juggle multiple operating systems right now.
  21. Yea, RetroArch gets REALLY particular, and there are errors that make zero sense to us.
  22. That's one of the requests for the Database updates to come, filtering your submitted changes; So currently you can't.
  23. I've seen that error randomly pop up from time to time. Did you just recently update? Go to a new nightly or back a few nightlies and try that. Assuming your BIOS and game are not bad rips, and that you have all those dependencies that is.
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