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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Sorry, just to make clear, I would not suggest letting LB move everything automatically. I updated my post.
  2. Yes, but you shouldn't. Your LaunchBox wont update the metadata or media properly. If you add new games to the platform, and it's a Game Boy Color game, but you've made a custom platform and scraped it as Game Boy, then they wont add properly, or even identify improperly as a Game Boy game.
  3. If you find a proper rom set, it'll come with cues. Mednafen and RetroArch just has a higher bar of quality for the rips it wants.
  4. Potentially, but it would need to have fairly advanced logic, or it will choose the wrong core. That's partly why I say that features with jumps in logic have issues in posts, because sure, we can assign it behavior that Jason or I like, but it can be wrong for many many people. It's possible more than likely, I can just imagine it being a nightmare to maintain. So, I'm not above sharing my spreadsheet, but it's not really formatted well for an end user.
  5. Yea sorry, I get e-mails for all of the posts and missed what category this was in. The e-mail doesn't tell me what category the post is in, just the title and the post contents. In terms of the Database, no there really aren't any of those types of tools yet. You can see when a game doesn't have a dedicated front box art, but that's about it. If you want, on the Database, at the top, there is an Issues/Requests button that will take you to the Database BitBucket. Please feel free to add tickets for each change you'd like to see, like being able to filter out games without any images or images based on certain categories.
  6. Well for me, when it came to filtering out games, I just used the Windows search, looked for "NHL", or "NFL", "Soccer", "Baseball", "Jakyuu" for Japanese wrestling, etc etc, and deleted what it found. I know of several common phrases like that, that I filter out of most sets and just delete them. I have 8TB too, with about 1TB remaining, and I did prune a lot. Granted I also have a lot of rom hacks, some duplicates, and much much more than just an NTSC set, but yea. That's with my games compressed without archives too.
  7. Yea crap, the use folder name worked for in another scenario where the folder name used wasn't the folder directly above, but one more above that like that Wii U game. As for importing, you don't need to input metadata or fields manually all the time. When you import games there are two options, Folders and Files. With files you can use the Windows Search to pick out just the file extensions that you need, and then the import process runs like normal. In this case, since the names will be messed up, you'll need to edit them on the final screen before you finalize the import. You can double click the name and quickly edit, that way the import will pull the Metadata and Media properly, if it exists for a game. The "remember info from last time" doesn't work in LaunchBox because the import can differ very differently from console to console. So remembering what you did last time for Wii U games doesn't help when you go to import DOS or SNES games. If you need more help, we have a lot of tutorials on our channel that I made and now ETA Prime make, and they walk users through the process if you'd like to see it in action some more. https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL6pTDaHeAz-WMcNURVPU-1xLN_TVpT3FB
  8. You can. Use the Fan Art or Reconstructed fields when it makes sense. When Alex gets the Database stable I've got a short list of changes and additions, and adding more image categories is the top of that list. Just make sure to tag the proper regions.
  9. Ah, ok, I see then. You should make a BitBucket ticket for this ... I don't know if it's a bug per se, but make a ticket for this change.
  10. Well, best is subjective admittedly, but the tutorials that I did are just that essentially. I don't do them anymore, but I generally picked the best emulator in terms of quality of emulation and ease of use, or I would specify when I was picking another emulator for another reason. TurboGrafx version 1 and Sega Saturn version 1 were certainly like that, and I needed to do revised versions of them. I am gonna see if I can't get Jason to update the defaults this week. Here's hoping I can get him to.
  11. That might be considered a bug. If you had to use folder names, the scan for added roms wouldn't remember that. There might need to be a Wizard for scanning. I honestly never use it, because it's handy once in a while, but there are too many complicated holes that require a jump in logic, so it would be extremely hard for Jason to code for every scenario. It's just... one of those features; helpful, but extremely unwieldy in a lot of situations.
  12. If you're letting it move things, and it's moving games to it's directory where it already has a game, then it'll append -1 too it so that there's no name conflicts. However, I wouldn't suggest having LB auto-move all of your systems. If you move a system like Arcade, or multi file games like PS1 games, it'll only move the files that it's importing and not all the other needed files. So you should manually move things first, then do the imports.
  13. You can, sort of. Click on a platform, then go to Tools -> Audit. You can sort it by images and see which games don't have any. If I recall, it doesn't tell you the specific categories of images though.
  14. There technically is one, but it's not released nor does it work. So... no. X_X
  15. No, it's nothing you can do. The defaults that automatically populate are very outdated. I've created a bunch of new ones, like using bsnes balanced as it's a much much better core than anything snes9x, but it just hasn't happened yet. Editing the command line in the associated platform page is how you change cores in RetroArch and LaunchBox, so it's common, but the default is automatically not correct which doesn't help.
  16. The commands -g -f auto start and should start in fullscreen.
  17. Yea, close enough. The reasoning why is good enough at least.
  18. So you want to delete a platforms games that aren't in a playlist? You can't really, automatically, besides Ctrl + Clicking them and deleting them.
  19. If you find the packs online though, there's a chance they wont work for various reasons. The only one I use is Demul and the Sega Model 3 emulator because it's not emulated in MAME. Otherwise, MAME does a fine job with the rest of it.
  20. Start from the beginning? Attract mode will start from the view you are in, and should change consoles eventually.
  21. I'm sorry, but he had explained how. I don't condone the reply, but I don't fault him either. Using the windows search function during import (selecting to import files and not folders), is the solution. Dragging in or dropping the files, or using the add button are two completely valid alternatives. Add takes longer, but it is only two games. Dragging and dropping will result in the import process, but since they're not in the same folder you'd have to do it twice. By process of elimination, the first reply Derek gave you was spot on, import again but use the Windows Search function from your Wii U games folder. You'll also want to rename them on the last screen, or use the "use folder name" option. It should pick the proper game name.
  22. I did start to cover more of demul, but now I don't do the tutorials.
  23. SentaiBrad

    Game List

    Well, if you import your folder again, or put new games in and run the import again, it will only import the new games.
  24. It certainly wouldn't be a full set, PS2 isn't even a full set yet if I recall, but a set is out there. You can also use unconventional compression to compress down PSP, PS2, PS1, Wii and GameCube games. They wont use any archives, save you space, and give you other benefits like merging PS1 discs so you don't need to swap discs. Something to look in to. Realistically, will you also play most of the games? What about genre's you don't like?
  25. Well it's controller automation, so you need to select the controller in LaunchBox or select to use all controllers.
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