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Everything posted by SentaiBrad

  1. Their API is separate, chances are they know about it or it's down for maintenance.
  2. If you can't access your drive, then you're going to have to re-do everything, there's no way around that. Only if you kept backups of your install would you be ok. As for the license, e-mail jason@unbrokensoftware.com with your info and he'll take care of you.
  3. eXo updated not too long ago, but I recall PD not carrying them for their size or something, I don't know. I don't remember the ins and outs. eXo really went for quality. I haven't fully checked out this package, but I don't think they come with the original media and specialized and game specific conf files.
  4. FTP and the API are completely different (from what I recall), and one could be down but the other be up. Give it some time.
  5. It's a matter of opinion at this point, so not necessarily. The eXoDOS collection is MUCH larger, more complete, is a complete package. When it's working so that you can essentially drop the eXoDOS collection in to LB (exo and Jason are working on it), then it's a no brainier. For now, try and work with what you got, and see if you like it.
  6. DOSBox comes with LaunchBox, but no, it will not config anything for you. That's part of the reason why I love the eXoDOS Collection, each game has a conf file where it's needed. So all you need to do is edit the game to make sure the exe is correct (any game you import will be a guess like that, because DOS), and go to the custom conf tab and set it up where needed. Sometimes, you'll need to run the setups or configs as well, but that's also common with a lot of DOS Games regardless of set. I have that set, and I want to play around with importing it myself.
  7. Platform videos maybe, I get that actually. System related images and video yea.
  8. Yea it sounds like something got messed up in the migration.
  9. I think the eXoDOS Collection is better for a lot of things, but this set should be imported like regular DOS Games. As long as there are folders with the DOS Games inside of it, and the folder names have the name of the game, you'd use the DOS Import.
  10. You only need to change the Platform folder names for media, not the file names them selves, or anything else really. The media will automatically re-attach. You only need to change the associated platforms page as well, if you have command lines in there that need to be attached to a name, so MESS and RetroArch. Otherwise, if you're just running the emulator, you technically don't even need to do that, all the games stay associated to the emulator they were using before.
  11. This is already possible with additional applications, assuming your settings can be written in to a batch file. Right Click -> Edit a game, then go to the Additional Applications tab.
  12. You can just rename the old folders from the old platform name to the platform name you gave it. Yea, you'd have to name it like that currently, but that's why it's a quick and dirty method, but you can technically do it right now. There is a bit of set up you'd need to do, like change over the folder names in Images, Video, Music, Manuals etc, to the new name, but that's fairly simple considering. You can edit the XML's with Notepad++, but for simple things, like paths. When changing paths and you're not using relative paths, changing the drive letter to your new drive letter is sometimes a must if you don't want to re-import things and lose settings.
  13. It could have been built to git wrong and published like that on accident.
  14. You could name it what ever you want and scrape it as the system you need it as. Set it up in LaunchBox, then it will sort by the name you gave it.
  15. Actually, I think that's partially why attract mode was implemented. It does two jobs, attract the user and act as a screensaver for a CRT that's on for 8+ hours a day. If there isn't a request for this though at our BitBucket, feel free to request it by clicking Issues/Requests at the top. If it does exist though, please vote on that ticket first.
  16. Well yea, your higher end gaming centric PC has a GPU, you should never buy a "gaming device" without a GPU and CPU. In this case though, your Laptop may have been top of the line previously, but now it's not and there is no GPU available to help. At a certain point hardware becomes too weak. Mine and my wifes PC could handle Big Box well, but her old PC, even though it has a GPU and CPU in it, I would be afraid to load BB on it for fear of it catching fire.
  17. If someone wants to create a ticket, or see if one exists for this then create / vote for it.
  18. If there's an emulator that can create a shortcut per app, then that is all you'd need, but loading up the emulator for 1 game each time like that is less than stellar. Right now, it just doesn't lend it's self well to a front end. Also, BlueStacks is great, so.
  19. Oh no! We're taking over! (For the people who detect sarcasm less, they are joking)
  20. You'll also be prompted to renew or upgrade.
  21. You don't play Android games unfortunately. BlueStacks and other Android emulators certainly exist (I use BlueStacks), but there is no way to get it to play nice with LaunchBox.
  22. Which is just a PC. The GPU helps Big Box out, but if you don't have a GPU, and a CPU that isn't the top of the line, it has to do two jobs and is failing slightly at them.
  23. They changed around the defaults for the UI, and the controller set up to make it easier on a new user I believe. They changed it in to the 1.3.6 nightlies at some point, and kept it going forward. If you want something changed or don't like their changes you'll have to let them know.
  24. Follow the tips in that thread though, and it should help.
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