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Everything posted by DOS76

  1. Yes you probably can do that or you could delete the whole platform reimport the games and choose not to get any media for them this will delete your xml file for that specific platform and then when your reimport them it will use the proper folder paths and just reattach to all of the media you currently have. If you are going to go this route I suggest you make a backup of your Data folder in LB as that is where all the xml files now reside and depending on your setting if you have the option to let LB delete games from your HDD don't choose to delete them completely when removing the platform
  2. lol we've been waiting for nested platforms forever so adding nested playlist while a good idea probably won't be quickly implemented.
  3. Don't thank me yet that is a lot of work you have to do to change all those paths (depending on how many platforms you have). Glad I could help though.
  4. If you go to tools manage platforms and choose one and edit it what it the path that is showing in the folder tabs for the folders and is it the same as your current setup
  5. well if they were already in the folder I mentioned they should already be working
  6. yeah that was the one I meant the refresh selected images. Lets look for your box fronts 1st for which ever platform you like you will want to navigate to Launchbox\Images\YourPlatform then look for a folder labeled Box - Front
  7. Okay lets get a little information when you downloaded the new version you did install it in the same location and when you open it it shows your games just not any of your images correct? If that is correct what happens to a game when you right click it and choose refresh media. Also your version was very old I wonder if its from before the image folder restructuring and your images are just in a folder name that has been changed?
  8. lol
  9. you don't edit from the backups folder you edit from Data\Platform\NameOfYourPlatform
  10. just copy the LB and BB .exe to your old folder then
  11. didn't realize the naming had changed in the updates and they are named accordingly now.
  12. go to your update folder in LB sort by date and run the newest one again.
  13. Are you using a 3rd party anti virus
  14. have you tried rebooting
  15. Does BB launch
  16. yeah my network drive is listed as This PC\emulators (\\dos76server) (Z:) in the address bar of explorer that's what is making me thinking his isn't on a network
  17. can you confirm you are using a network drive. The way that is labeled it looks like a local drive to me despite using Z: If it is a network drive you may need to go to advanced sharing in Windows and grant read and write permissions.
  18. maybe back anything up before you change it
  19. Okay I'm thinking your saying your drive letter changed on the PC the quickest fix for this would be to go to disk management in Windows and change the letter back to the one your PC was originally using. To fix it in NP++ you would need to close LB go to the Data\Platforms and choose the platform you want to edit then go to search in the toolbar menu and select find in find type in the part of your path you want to change so really if you wanted to only change the drive path you would type F:\ then you would click the replace tab and type in K:\ and click replace all.
  20. DOS76

    Platform wheel

    yeah you just go to the menu and select view platforms
  21. DOS76


    yeah that is why I deleted my post I saw you mentioned the overclock speeds.
  22. DOS76


    when did the 8th gen chip become available
  23. DOS76


    I don't know on one hand your getting an i7 on the other your getting the latest chip which can mean longer relevance for you PC in some cases. Both are pretty good choices got to cpuboss and run a comparison of the two chips there
  24. They aren't really critiques though "doesn't matter what you do LB will fail to perform correctly" there is nothing constructive there and its also not very true to me that statement sounds like its unusable and I find that to be far from the truth. His statement about the wheels is not factual from my experience while sometimes there is delayed input but I don't find it to be regular or consistent and I've had the experience be worse depending on hardware specs. ie I rarely see it on my i7 or i5s but it does happen on my arcade machine which has an amd e450. His last statement about HS is the really funny one because we have a lot of HS users here who have switched and seem to not be all that disappointed
  25. Repeated post along the lines of this is why he was banned. "Doesn't matter what you do Launchbox will always fail to perform correctly. I haven't touched it in months, just had a play with the most recent build and no problems have been fixed. Using the alphabet wheel in bigbox still has delayed input and goes past selection. If collection size is an issue like the mods are always saying/blaming then there should be a method in place to reduce the number of files per folder by making multiple rom/picture/video folders that all link to the same console. Seriously tho finger pointing at people's collection size is an utter joke. If you've come from hyperspin to here expect disappointment." I personally found him to be toxic, someone who wanted to tear the program down even though like he says he hasn't used it in months. He may have thought he was being one of those the squeaky wheel gets the oil type guys but instead the tire got replaced. Basically you are expected to write with some type of politeness here and not come on with a giant chip on your shoulder and act like an asshat. He had received multiple warnings for abusiveness before he was banned. Very few people come to the forums and have any issues because they come and are polite and even when they have issues they don't write in a tone filled with anger and abuse its bad enough we have to deal with people who act like that in the real world who wants to come online and have to deal with the same shit.
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