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Everything posted by DOS76

  1. ComicRack is pretty good although not maintained and isn't the easiest application to figure out what is going on with it I believe the official download for it no longer works but it can be found on sites like MajorGeeks. I've broached the subject of making a comic app like LB with Jason in the past but there wasn't really any interest in doing something like that unfortunately.
  2. I don't think LaunchBox will nest things that deep but I've never tried so not actually sure
  3. yeah its extremely easy just type in *.cue (or whatever your file extension is) and drag it into LB beside typing said extension clicking ctrl+a to select all the results and dragging it into LB there is absolutely no work involved in it
  4. is it possible some of the games combined during import ones that are either named similar or exactly the same
  5. click on the contact us link under the help & support hearder of the site and explain your situation there I'm sure someone will advise you on how to proceed
  6. you can't while you can have games for the same system in different folders there is no way to assign more than one folder per platform as the default location unfortunately.
  7. if you go to edit platform under the tools menu and edit the platform in question there will be a tab labeled folders this is by default always set to the Launchbox\Games\NameofPlatform folder so in your case when they are located in any other location the user has to to manually edit all the paths of his platforms if they wish to use that particular feature.
  8. LaunchBox is not intended to be used from a NAS which if you got it working that's great but I doubt you will find official support documentation for it since its outside of the intended use case.
  9. In the past long before this feature was ever thought of I used to just go into the Image, manuals, and video folders and make the appropriate changes manually. Another option that has always been available would be to go to manage platforms and manually set the folders to the older folder location to the old folders I will say however that option is extremely tedious
  10. If I'm remembering correctly controllers support in LaunchBox is a premium only feature so depending on what version you are using this will or won't work (or maybe that is controller automation is only in premium don't remember if its both) .
  11. the issue was when you changed the name of the platform it didn't move the media or change the name of the folders the media was originally stored in. I believe in the latest version this has been changed and it will automatically change the folder names for the platform but I feel like I read that in passing so don't hold me to it being true.
  12. Zero Delay encoders are seen as generic ganepads and not keyboards
  13. Unfortunately it is not a feature that LB/BB supports. It was put on one of the community feature polls at one point but did abysmal in getting votes and thus did not make the cutoff. No clue when the next poll will be or if it will be one of the choices or not on the next go around.
  14. check in the Launchbox\Data\Platforms folder and if there are any duplicates or backup platforms delete them.
  15. DOS76

    mame rompaths

    Sounds like you added your new roms to a new location then you had to tell MAME where they were located or it wouldn't work. Unfortunately you will have to continue to do so if you don't add the new files to the same location
  16. look in the LB\data\platform folder and see if there is a backup in the folder
  17. Okay 1st things first if you can't get them to work in RetroArch then that is the 1st issue you have to deal with as they'll never work in LB if they don't work there1st. Did you download the MAME core from the online downloader in RetroArch?
  18. thanks for replying although its been almost 5 years since I posted this and didn't even remember the post until reading it.
  19. Do the games work for you in RetroArch or MAME if you try to start them without using LaunchBox?
  20. yeah I set the Zelda theme and its working here too. May be browser specific what browser are you using?
  21. DOS76

    Mame Questions

    most likely those other version of the game are just a right click away in the additional apps section to change the one that is the facing game right click the game and go to the edit window from there look for the additional apps section and click on it from there find the proper rom click in that field and then select the make default button and it will make the necessary changes
  22. not optimal but if you highlight the text like you were going to copy it it is legible
  23. You've just misinterpreted what Neil said he said you would need the non-merged set having the split and the merge are basically the same thing when it comes to pulling random files out of the set.
  24. If you were to remove the platform and then add it back in again it would combine all of the US and European games that had the same name leaving only the European exclusives showing in LaunchBox
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