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Everything posted by Zombeaver

  1. Thank you @jaythompson! While not a RL user myself, it is something that comes up from time to time, so this will most definitely come in handy. Any opportunity to just say "Just look at this thing." I'm all for haha Thanks again!
  2. This seems like an opportune time to plug the feature request I submitted a while back for automatic m3u generation when importing multi-disc games: https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/1429/auto-m3u-generator Vote that baby up!
  3. That thread I linked shows how to do that - I used FBA vs MAME (both associated with an "Arcade" platform) as an example.
  4. Oh? I hadn't ever encountered that (though my experience with it is admittedly limited). That kinda changes things... I've never had any problems using .m3us though of course there's no compression involved with those. I tested a couple games with .pbp and they worked. I assumed if it worked with Riven (a 5-disc game; the most of any game on the system) it'd work with anything. That was actually the first thing I tested. If some games don't work that's kindof alarming...
  5. No problem! Also, in the event that this is something you want to do on a frequent basis for whatever reason, you can create a separate emulator entry for it in LB (naming it something like "Retroarch - FCEUMM" for example) and just specify what core you want to use along with the platform. Then edit any library entries that you want to change and switch to that "emulator". I've got some screenshots in this thread:
  6. I use .m3us myself but that's really only because I already converted everything over before I discovered .pbps. .pbps have the benefit of saving a little bit of hard drive space (not a huge amount but every bit counts) with the only downside that there's some amount of processing time to do the conversion in PSX2PSP. They're both functionally identical in terms of usage within Retroarch. You assign a button to "open tray", one to "next disc" and one to "previous disc". When prompted go change, you press open -> next disc -> open (which closes) and then keep on truckin. .m3us actually work with standalone Mednafen as well (I'm not sure about .pbps).
  7. PSX2PSP
  8. For PSX you should definitely use either .m3u or .pbp. The additional app method isn't really an answer to multi-disc games to be honest. It doesn't facilitate actual disc swapping at all - you have to exit the emulator and restart it with the next disc. In the best of cases this is an inconvenience, in the worst (games that don't actually prompt you to save your game as part of the disc swap) it breaks the entire process (short of some clumsy save state trickery). .m3u or .pbp allow you to actually change to the next disc in-emulator when prompted in-game. PS2 is a mostly non-issue - there are very few multi-disc PS2 games. Saturn via Mednafen supports .m3u as well.
  9. You just edit the game entry in your library and in the emulator tab enable custom command line parameters and instead of whatever core .dll you're using normally for that platform (listed in the associated platforms tab of the emulator entry) enter the one that you want to use instead. EDIT: *snaps fingers and frowns*
  10. I've been following this game for about a month now, and finally bit the bullet and pre-ordered in order to check out the beta this weekend. I basically never pre-order anything, but with Steam refunds I can at least refund it if it turns out to be crap so I'm not too worried. I've liked everything I've seen for it thus far. It's $33.99 (15% off) on Steam right now and $30.79 (23% off) on GMG, but GMG doesn't allow refunds unless the game's just outright broken/non-working so I just paid the extra $3. Any body else watching this game? I'd definitely be down for some LaunchBox community co-op
  11. Love it. I love the entire series. I'd rank it above 2 and probably a tie with 1. It's the best looking game in the series, for sure. The world design is better than 2, but not quite as good as 1. The combat feels noticeably faster than the previous games. I think they took some cues from Bloodborne on that one. Overall I'd say I enjoy the combat more than the previous games, once you get used to the speed of it (I think it makes the game a bit harder though, at first at least). It's got great enemy design, with a number of them falling squarely into nightmare-fuel territory. I thought that 2 had an overabundance of "dude in armor" enemies, including the bosses, but I think 3 is much better in that regard. If you like the series at all, I'd definitely say go for it. I'm currently working my way through the Ashes of Ariandel DLC. I've beaten every boss in the main game except for the last one - I'm basically just clearing everything else out first. I've level 155 and still on the first playthrough haha.
  12. Well, launching the existing install via a junction link to the C: drive didn't work, but moving the install to the internal drive did. Sounds are now working properly. Dear god Bethesda, what in the hell. There are posts about this problem that are years old, for the original version. You'd think they could get this crap sorted out in that time. At least it's working now... Now to get back to adding more mostly unnecessary but still totally necessary mods.
  13. Ah okay, gotcha. Glad it's working now! That'll definitely make your life a lot easier for importing stuff into LB, as opposed to using SSF.
  14. Spiffy! I'll have to give that a go.
  15. Glad to hear it! Does the RA core still not support PAL region at this point? Standalone Mednafen added that in the last update.
  16. In order to do it natively through Launchbox, yes. In the thread lordmonkus linked above I've got step by step instructions. It's well-known that the ScummVM importing process needs some love. It's on the to-do list.
  17. Zombeaver


    I answered a couple posts. Most are a month+ old though haha. I'll try to check it when I can though that certainly won't be as much as the forums. Given the activity of it though, it may be be a mostly non-issue. I know you can lock threads but I'm not sure if you can outright delete them (individual posts certainly can be though) - that one thread might just need posts removed and then be locked. This is kinda what I was on about Hahaha, we're in the "Redditrix".
  18. Zombeaver


    I think that's fair to a point. Subreddits will exist regardless, that much is true. And, as evidenced by that thread, a greater of amount of oversight is obviously going to be necessary so long as they exist if it's something we're going to directly participate in. I guess my point is 1) It's redundant 2) Reddit is overly toxic in general and 3) it could potentially split the user/knowledge-base. Plus here people can interact directly with Jason and, while they could still do that on Reddit, that means one more thing he'd have to deal with. It most assuredly is (or at least can be) a question of whether it's a good idea or not. Subs can be created by basically anyone for any reason. To say that one relevant to Launchbox needs to be managed by us is somewhat of a leap. They're created all the time by people that have no direct interaction whatsoever with their subject matter. I'm not making the claim that that's a good thing, just that it's the reality of it. That's because they can be created by basically anyone for any reason and neither you nor I nor anyone else here has any control over that. A comparison to Twitter or Facebook isn't exactly synonymous, in my opinion, because those are static and directly linked to a specific person or group, whereas Reddit is just "Hey, I, Sir Random Guy, wanted to talk about this thing and there are probably other people that want to talk about this thing, I'm gonna make a collection of threads about this thing." If it's something that members here want to participate in, more power to them - I would certainly prefer that existing members of the community take up that mantle if it's going to continue. I just don't think it's necessarily a given that /r/launchbox/ needs to continue. I think "Why do we need a subreddit?" is a legitimate question. While you can't outright delete a subreddit, you can make them private (without anyone added) so that it's effectively closed. I'm just saying it's not out of the realm of possibility. If it's something that's going to exist, a greater amount of community management is definitely necessary - you'll get no argument from me. I just don't think we're beholden to or hostages of Reddit. That's fair, and I don't disagree on the underlying principle. I'm just explaining why I don't think a Launchbox subreddit is necessarily beneficial (and I can think of a lot more negatives for its existence than positives). I'm sure some will disagree. It's just my opinion.
  19. Zombeaver


    I didn't realize we even had a subreddit honestly. Somebody needs to delete or at the very least lock down this thread ASAP though. Honestly, Reddit is a place that I browse more frequently than I probably should considering I usually find the experience pretty depressing by the end of it. /r/emulation in particular is pretty horrendous. I just feel like Reddit, while not entirely without merit, is often a very toxic place. It's not quite to the level of say Youtube comments but it's often pretty bad. I'm typically more of a lurker when it comes to Reddit for that reason. Part of the reason I appreciate the LB forums is because we have a significantly better environment here than what you'll typically see on Reddit. I just think it's a different crowd/demographic. I suppose the argument could be made that more people could potentially be reached via Reddit, which is good, but at the same time I'm not sure I think splitting the user/knowledge-base is the best thing either; and bordering on counter-productive. I would foresee a lot of redundancy where something has already been addressed in one place or the other and and then subsequently relaying that information in one place or the other. We already have some of that just in the forums by itself, let alone between the forums and Reddit.
  20. Have you tested multiple games? Do they all do that? Try using CDMage as mentioned in that thread I linked. You just direct it to a cue sheet and then save a new one. This fixed a number of games for me.
  21. Happy to help! I really would encourage you to try to get Mednafen to work though. It's better across the board. When you say it "loads the bios but not the game" are you talking about the CD player menu or the date/time screen? Because the RA Mednafen core will always drop you into the date/time screen the first time you launch the game - you can just hit okay at the bottom and it won't prompt you to enter it again. If you're talking about the CD player menu, you may have a bad rip (which can often be repaired with CDMage). Have you tried both the RA core and standalone Mednafen? Standalone has some features that the RA core doesn't currently (like 3D pad support) and isn't too hard to setup.
  22. You'll want to set it up like this: Screenshots: Basically you want to direct your LB library entry to the disc image, go to the emulation tab and uncheck "use an emulator", go to the additional apps tab and point it to SSF and tell it to "launch automatically after main application". This will mount the disc and then launch SSF once complete. You have to do this for every game.
  23. That's a pretty good build although he said small form factor/no towers so it'd probably need to be something like one of these: http://pcpartpicker.com/product/nTJkcf/phanteks-case-phes215psrd http://pcpartpicker.com/product/M8Jkcf/thermaltake-case-ca1b800s6wn01 http://pcpartpicker.com/product/QCjG3C/cooler-master-case-rc110kkn2 I'm not entirely sure what kind of CPU cooler you'd want for one of these. I've been a long-time traditional fan proponent, but I use a Coolermaster V8 and I can pretty much guarantee it wouldn't fit in this type of case - the thing's freaking gigantic. The one you have in the build might work, it doesn't look overly large. I don't have any experience with such a small form factor though. I think the 960 is probably more than enough for emulation as well - emulation tends to be much more CPU intensive than GPU intensive. If it's going to be used for traditional PC gaming as well, then yeah I'd say go with a 970/980 but for emulation alone a 960 should be plenty.
  24. No problem!
  25. Have you tried enabling the "attempt to hide console window on startup" option in the emulator entry in LB? It's a checkbox. It doesn't always work but it does in some situations. It's worth a shot.
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