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Everything posted by Lordmonkus

  1. Sound issues like you describe are typically caused by performance issues like either your CPU isn't fast enough or is under a heavy load from other sources. Changing the video driver may be offloading some of that work to the graphics card or chip if using on board video. This could be an issue with RA not liking the Merged, it sounds weird but is possible. We always recommend sticking to stand alone Mame anyways.
  2. None of this makes any sense. Emulators and bios are 2 different things. Emulators are legal when the dev creates all of the code himself without any insider technical specs and information of the hardware being emulated. Bios is the basic core "operating system" of the emulator, it is software and is copyright protected. Nope. Some cores do have bios built in, the dev of the emulator took extra time and effort to create their own bios from scratch which is legal and is different from downloading a dumped bios. Just because you think it should be free and just because some rom site had them for download does not make it legal. This is correct except that Flycast is not a core of Redream, they are 2 completely different projects. Dolphin and PPSSPP devs created their own bios. Nope. No, this is also illegal and we will not jeopardize Jasons business by doing so. Firmware and bios are essentially the same thing, proprietary software written by the hardware manufacturer and is subject to copyright laws. This is just so much nope and wrong. Basically what you are saying is "nuh-huh, it's legal cause I think and say it is so what you ares aying is wrong" A quick Google search will show you that bios is illegal just like a rom or any other copyright protected software unless a company has legally released it to the public.
  3. Final Burn Neo is a continuation of Final Burn Alpha which is an arcade emulator much like Mame. FBN runs better on lower end hardware but it doesn't emulate has many games. The rom sets for FBN are also much smaller downloads.
  4. Then you have something setup incorrectly, likely you haven't added the rom path to the mame.ini file. I use a hand picked rom set myself and imported into LB so I know for sure it works.
  5. I would suggest using HLSL over BGFX, you have a lot more flexibility with HLSL and I have uploaded my settings for it here:
  6. Lordmonkus


    It's not impossible. If you are using a nightly build of PCSX2 some of the emulator settings in LB have to be changed, LB is setup for the official builds. Also, use the stand alone version of PCSX2 instead of the RA.
  7. The RA Mame core has issues, most notably it can have troubles with controls. The RA doesn't have the Mame controller stuff stripped from the emulator so the RA controller stuff and Mames can interfere with each other.
  8. I don't have an answer for you beyond making a backup of the core you need and replacing it when there is an update. This is just one of the many reasons we recommend using stand alone Mame over RA for arcade emulation.
  9. The full Mame set contains all the NeoGeo, CPS1, CPS2 and a ton of other great arcade games anyone should want to have.
  10. Update the core if you update the rom set, if you don't update the rom set then don't update the core. You want to match the version of Mame and the rom set as best as possible.
  11. It doesn't pick a bad core, roms need to be compatible with the core / emulator version. Older arcade roms are not compatible with newer versions of FBA / FBN and Mame.
  12. You don't need them all with a Non Merged set, each one is a different region, pick the regional version you want.
  13. You do not need a full set at all but you have to be very careful with how you go about it. If you use a Non Merged Mame set to pull out individual games from it will make your life much easier. If you use a Split or Merged set it will be more tricky and time consuming because you will need to pull out any bios required and parent roms if using a clone region rom, ie: US version of Pac Man will require the Japan region Puck Man rom to work. Once you have your functioning set you want to use then you just import like regular consoles, not use the full set import tool.
  14. It is highly unlikely they will work, they are extremely old and Mame as changed. I recommend downloading a full Mame set from the pleasuredome git io page and using an up to date Mame to go with it.
  15. The solution is to not use this old and very much outdated emulator. I don't recall a time it ever worked through LB because it has its own GUI and did not support command line Launching of games. Just use Mame and a full Mame rom set, it has all of the NeoGeo games in it and you can use the LB auto generated playlists feature to have a NeoGeo playlist.
  16. There's the Mupen64plus core which is built off the same code base. M64p was Mupen64 with a GUI and has been renamed to simple64 for whatever reason.
  17. Don't use Project 64, use simple64 which is the continuation of m64p. https://simple64.github.io
  18. Then it shouldn't do any duplicates, it should only add anything newly added to the set or changed status according to the filters selected.
  19. Never unzip Mame roms. Did you watch this video guide ?
  20. It should only import duplicates if you enable the box to force importing of duplicates.
  21. I don't normally vote for feature requests on the bitbucket page but I did vote for this one.
  22. If Retroarch with the GenesisGX core is not an option for whatever reason my suggestion for an alternative Genesis emulator I would suggest Mame, it's fantastic. Dear god why ? Just use Snes9x for SNES and for NES use Mesen or puNES, both are far better NES emulators.
  23. If you are running Intel integrated graphics then upscaling the resolution may not run so well but try it out and see how it goes. Upscaling likes to be done on the GPU, upscaling on the CPU Is very performance unfriendly. None, all emulators simply bump the internal resolution like a regular PC game would.
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