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LogicalEgo last won the day on October 22 2019

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  1. Neat
  2. We do not discourage users from helping one another. I feel like that comment is invalid. People have different setups and PC's to their budgets/needs and thus will perform and behave differently. We have a beta section for a reason, so users can give feedback.
  3. While we are excited that users want to share their builds you are repeatedly deleting and posting the same content (spamming). Any more of this will result in a warning limiting your posting ability.
  4. Neil was trying to help you. It is a process of elimination with such an intermittent issue.
  5. Spectrum View File Spectrum is a complete rebuild of my theme Blade Runner. It focuses heavily on full screen 16x9 video backgrounds, animation, fading with 4 platform views, 5 game views and 5 color variants Blue, Green, Orange, Purple and Red. Platform 1 uses a color shifting background that fades elements on the UI and goes completely UI free aside from the BigBox Logo after 40 seconds of idle. Switching to another platform brings the UI back. Platform 2 uses the same elements but focuses on using Platform videos such as vikings color themes. Both of these can be changed in the video folder under background.mp4 and platforms folder. Platform 2 and 4 mirror their 1 and 3 views but do not fade any UI elements for those who want to always see the platform images. Games 1 view uses full screen video or stretched if 4:3 to output 16:9 and overlayed scanlines with animation and UI fading with slightly different timings than the platform views. Games 2 view uses the same techniques as view 1 but keeps the original aspect ratio of the gameplay videos. Games 3 and 4 are mirrored views of 1 and 2 with no scanline overlay. The text view offers no fading and outputs video as stretched with scanlines. An optional folder is included to change the images of the button layouts from an XBOX controller to a PS4. These are located inside the Optional Button Layouts folder. Pick your option and inside is an Images folder, drag and drop these in the root of the theme(s). Submitter keltoigael Submitted 10/22/2019 Category Big Box Custom Themes
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Spectrum is a complete rebuild of my theme Blade Runner. It focuses heavily on full screen 16x9 video backgrounds, animation, fading with 4 platform views, 5 game views and 5 color variants Blue, Green, Orange, Purple and Red. Platform 1 uses a color shifting background that fades elements on the UI and goes completely UI free aside from the BigBox Logo after 40 seconds of idle. Switching to another platform brings the UI back. Platform 2 uses the same elements but focuses on using Platform videos such as vikings color themes. Both of these can be changed in the video folder under background.mp4 and platforms folder. Platform 2 and 4 mirror their 1 and 3 views but do not fade any UI elements for those who want to always see the platform images. Games 1 view uses full screen video or stretched if 4:3 to output 16:9 and overlayed scanlines with animation and UI fading with slightly different timings than the platform views. Games 2 view uses the same techniques as view 1 but keeps the original aspect ratio of the gameplay videos. Games 3 and 4 are mirrored views of 1 and 2 with no scanline overlay. The text view offers no fading and outputs video as stretched with scanlines. An optional folder is included to change the images of the button layouts from an XBOX controller to a PS4. These are located inside the Optional Button Layouts folder. Pick your option and inside is an Images folder, drag and drop these in the root of the theme(s).
  7. Well that escalated quickly.
  8. I am sorry but the way you formatted your message makes it very difficult to read and understand.
  9. At some point I need to revisit and add in the new way of handling embedded fonts.
  10. booooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
  11. Not sure I follow Icolls. If you have your roms named correctly and matched to the database it should pull down the correct metadata and media. Sometimes, very rarely an issue on EmuMovies will match the incorrect video but is an easy fix if you report it on their forums.
  12. Pretty good jumping point if you want to look under the hood of a 4:3 theme. One day I will make one. One day.
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