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Everything posted by andyco47

  1. this person coasterlvr who seems to be a ghost on here is geting alot of hi scores. and he aint been on this site for 2 years.
  2. ok thanks for reply some times it does generate a .hi file and some times it dont.plus rallyx and new rallyx dont work either the rallyx did a .hi but did not unload to launchbox.
  3. have you got an hi score.dat i can try please. were does the hi score.dat file go.
  4. i am using mame 220 off the mame site and just best my score of 52,000 and still did not upload score will play again and get the log file for you.just got 77,000 and did not upload it. here is the log. Debug 2020-04-25 11-11-29 AM.log found this error in log file if it helps. ERROR: unable to find a structure from the xml definition that matches size and hiscore.dat definition' for game 'ccastles'
  5. yes i got 53,000 and that uploaded then hour later i got 73,000 but that didnt upload.
  6. just had another game on Crystal Castles and got 73,000 and still did not upload but an hour ago i got 37,000 and it did upload here is my log file. Debug 2020-04-24 08-17-50 PM.log
  7. just got hi score on Crystal Castles of 41,000 and it did not put it on but got hi score about an hour ago of 38,000 and it did put it on does anyone no why this as happened.
  8. ok thanks for reply.
  9. were would u do this a post if u think someone is cheating ????
  10. thanks neil for fast reply.
  11. jason please check out galaga hi score i dont think that is right and a possible cheat he as even beat the hi on Twin Galaxies .
  12. jason i see you like tapper and nibbler lol.
  13. cant you just do it to weeky and monthy and forget year and alltime. that mite help.
  14. cheers.
  15. ok thanks for investaging it for me is it possible to delete my hi score from moon patrol thanks
  16. pm sent
  17. i got same error but still uploaded score.
  18. if you run moon patrol and go into dip switch setting there is a setting were you wont get killed so play the game to get hi score then go to dip switch again and change it back to normal then play game normal and when you ave finished the game exit and your score will be on launchbox.
  19. i change since then.i got the one of this site with nonag 220 version
  20. yes always do now.
  21. with dip switches.
  22. no just to test it out.
  23. i just did on moon patrol
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