I was reading this thinking, really "we" can't do that much about any of this, other than go begging to the developers asking to make things easier. Personally I think all developers try their hardest to bring us the best and simplest program they can.
I would love to make things easier, I got into emulation less than a year ago. Had a terrible time trying to learn everything mad some bad hardware choices, got all my programs in a pickle gave up on so many attempts to get controls and games working well. Decided to go with a Nvidia Shield which has a whole new set of issues.
(I even setup a website for doing guides just because I think there is not enough information out there)
the point being emulation for non PC people is really hard if you want EVERYTHING and 100%. Probably will be for a while yet.
As a user community (emulation as a whole not just Launchbox) can WE do something to make things easier?
It is the settings of emulators that are the problem right?
they mainly work of text based files?
Can we not make packs of settings that are drag and drop?
Adding stuff with launch box seems fairly simple (sorry not a LB user)
then just drop in a settings pack and your almost good (controls is an issue)
I'm sure there are MANY more people that could give a little time to that than there are developers writing code