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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. I have a somewhat beastly PC I think, at least in regards to emulation. I am really enjoying the higan core at the moment. I never touched it as a stand alone due to complexity and lack of knowledge on my part of how to use it. The Retroarch core has been 100% spot on for me.
  2. Yep all good now thanks @Hexxxer.
  3. Cheers @Hexxxer, looking much better. That google drive link say's I need permission to view.
  4. Thanks @Hexxxer, I thought I may of been being a little petty, but i'm glad it sticks out for you also. Thanks again.
  5. lol, well glad it's all working again for you.
  6. If you go into your Launchbox/Updates folder there should be updates in there including the one you are currently running. You can just install any of them directly over the top of your Launchbox install.
  7. Hi @Hexxxer thanks for the update, I am really liking the slide in info bar at the side. However one little issue I have is I use your ruby theme for it and there isn't a ruby coloured side bar just black. It's not a deal breaker just looks a little weird to me, any chance of a ruby coloured side bar to complete the theme for me? Thanks again.
  8. Thanks' for the updated .dll @eatkinola, unfortunately the issue still persists. I get the individual arcade cabinets while browsing my arcade playlists, but as soon as I click on one to enter the games list I still get the default PC background image. I am not sure what other information I could provide at this point, the only other thing I can think of is if I zipped up my data folder and pm'd it to you so you could test with my setup on your system? Thanks again for all your help trouble shooting this with me, if there is anything else I can do to help or test just say. Cheers, Neil.
  9. The Retroarch PS1 core can be set to cache the whole cd image when a game is launched, not sure if the other disc based emulators offer a similar option though. Might be worth checking the emulators you are using. Also if you have a small sd card laying around you could test before committing to spending the money on a large size card.
  10. Welcome to the Launchbox community. Thanks for sharing your video's with the people here, I am sure a lot of people will find them very useful.
  11. Also to add, just because you can run GTA IV (a nearly 10 year old pc game) doesn't necessarily mean that you can run emulators like pcsx2 at full speed, native games and emulators are a very different thing.
  12. You could try this little program from the downloads section, I'm not sure if it's exactly what you are looking for but it works well and does what it say's.
  13. lol, that's why I just use the windows 10 built in antivirus these day's.
  14. Yeah I also dropped Norton a couple of years back, way to many false positives for my liking.
  15. Cool, if I was you I would add a exclusion to Norton so it doesn't happen again.
  16. You can go into your Launchbox/Updates folder and re-install the newest one there over the top of your current install.
  17. Thank's for looking into it. If you need a test subject to test anything i am happy to do so on my end if it's of any help to you.
  18. Yeah that is the version i am testing the arcade playlist games view with.
  19. Yeah i don't have a playlist platform category, @eatkinola put out a new version last night actually which is supposed to fix your issue i believe.
  20. Yes that is correct, those arcade systems are playlists, but Launchbox created them at import and auto adds them to display in the platforms list's. You can have any playlist appear as a platform you just need to right click it and check the box, but as i said Launchbox does this by default on the Arcade systems.
  21. The MAME ini should be in the root of your MAME folder, but like @DOS76 said if you don't have that and your MAME.exe/MAME64.exe open notepad then something is wrong with your install. Here are a couple of shot's of where my MAME ini is and the option you need to change to 1 to keep the correct aspect ratio.
  22. Hi @eatkinola, sorry for the late reply, it was 2am when you asked the question. My arcade systems are technically playlist's however they show in Launchbox/Bigbox as platforms. This is actually the default way Launchbox sets up Arcade when you import your mame set these days, there is a checkbox that is checked by default to create the Arcade playlist's on import, of course this can be unchecked in the wizard by the user, but is checked on by default so i would imagine that a lot of users have it setup the exact same way as me as most users just use the defaults when importing mame. Here are a couple of shot's that hopefully help you out. If you need anything else don't hesitate to ask as i would like to get this working and it will hopefully stop a lot of users asking the same questions when you release version 1.0. Thank's again for your continued help and patience.
  23. Hi @eatkinola, thank's for the update and the continued support on this. Unfortunately the issue with the Arcade Playlist Game list still persists. I get the correct arcade cabinets while browsing the Arcade Playlists,however when i actually enter one in to the gamelist i still get the default view rather than the arcade cabinet i had on the previous screen. Here are two pics of the Cave playlist to demonstrate.
  24. Yes you can use your license on multiple computers, it's your license so you can use it on any of the pc's "you own". We do of course forbid sharing your license with other people, and anyone caught sharing a license will have that license blocked so that it will no longer work.
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