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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Welcome to the community. Have you set up a specific retroarch core for those systems? Have you moved your roms or emulator since you imported?
  2. Arcade is in the dropdown, it shouldn't need to be manually typed. Glad you got it all squared away though.
  3. You can go into your Launchbox/Updated folder and reinstall the newest version you have in there over the top of your current install, that should fix it for you.
  4. If you just have the one system you can go to options/views in Bigbox and set the "Default Startup View" option to "All Games". Hope that helps you.
  5. Welcome to the community. Yeah everything will work just the same in Bigbox, Launchbox is where you set everything up and Bigbox uses the exact same configuration.
  6. You say you are the only user on your system, but that above message says otherwise. It says your administrator has blocked this install. If you are the only user then your PC is setup wrong, as it doesn't think you are the master administrator account on it.
  7. OK, i have seen this pop up a couple of times in the last day, so i just checked for myself. I have not actually tested the program yet, but it installs just fine, the image below is the warning i got, so i just clicked install and it did.
  8. Unfortunately i don't believe this is a option at the moment. I agree with the sentiment of the idea, but a no mouse interface is off the cards as how would you set it up?
  9. Do you have Dolphin rendering to the main window or a separate one? That's the only thing i can think of off hand.
  10. The email to support is your best bet here. Editing the name in the license file will break the license so it won't work anymore if tampered with. Also the name won't be removed from those screens either, it is there for a reason and is the same for everyone who has bought a license. I would just hold tight for a couple of day's for a reply to your email as i don't know how busy support is at the moment. I will tag @Jason Carr here just in case he see's it and can help you out.
  11. There is also Attract Mode or Lakka if you are looking for Raspberry Pi frontends.
  12. Yeah, when you get prompted for that metadata download that is the entire metadata package which is stored in Launchbox/Metadata/Metadata.xml. This still needs to be incorporated into your actual platform xml's though. It will have all the most up to date metadata we have, but you will need to update your games metadatas to actually use the new metadata stored in that file.
  13. Most of the newer themes come with a theme settings xml these days, which will automatically adjust these settings so you don't need to manually. In this specific case though it's a older theme from December last year so was created before the theme specific settings were introduced to launchbox.
  14. Just uncheck the game background videos also, that should work.
  15. Yeah, my understanding is that Launchbox will download the metadata file when you edit or add something, but that new metadata will need to be copied over to the individual platform xml's to show the new updated data, so i would guess it would be manually triggered by the user as it may take some time depending on size of the platform.
  16. Hmm, never seen this question before, and it's a good one. I would hazard a guess you would have to manually prompt it by highlighting all your games and going to update metadata and images, checking the metadata box but unchecking all the image boxes. That's just a guess, though that way should definitely work, i don't think it is automatic but i could be wrong.
  17. I'm gonna hazard a guess that you have background video's on in the video options, i just tried with it on and got a black screen, when unchecked it works just fine. This makes sense as it's not technically a background video, as the theme is designed for the video to be in a specific location.
  18. Unfortunately not. It's OK take your time and test when your import is done, i'll get a email when you reply back so i'll jump back in here when you reply.
  19. It seems to be working just fine for me, can you try the settings i have in the second image.
  20. OK, give me a few minutes and i'll download that theme and test on my system.
  21. What theme are you using and what are you using in bigbox, vlc or wmp?
  22. Hi and welcome to the community. This actually sounds more like a emulator issue rather than a Launchbox one. You say your controllers are setup and detected, and even have different colours denoting that they are detected as two different controllers, but that player two does not work once in a game. This is a emulator issue as Launchbox has no effect on controllers once a emulator loads, it's only used for the Launchbox/Bigbox ui which the loads the emulator which takes over the controllers at that point. So i would suggest loading your emulator by itself and checking the input section, it may only have a player 1 controls set at the moment and will need player 2 controls set as well. As for your nes/snes games not working also with your controller, again that sounds like a emulator problem, have you opened the emulator by itself and set the controls before you tried to launch through Launchbox/Bigbox? And finally for 3DO, i have never personally emulated that so can be of little help there, but if it is simply not loading anything at all then i would check that the games load OK through just the emulator first, if they do then you must have a Launchbox configuration issue which we will need to troubleshoot. If they don't load through just the emulator itself either then you have a bigger problem. like incorrect bios, bad rips, wrong format rips ect. Hope that helps you in some way.
  23. Once submissions to the database have been approved by the people who moderate that stuff (i'm not one of them) it will all be rolled into the database, which is updated every 24 hours. So the submissions and changes you have made should show in the database by tomorrow at the latest (i'm not sure exactly what time it refreshes, and it is on US time). All you will have to do your end is edit or add metadata to a game in Launchbox, and you will be prompted to download new metadata if it is available.
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