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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Ah I see, well you could just make a copy of the theme and make the edits you want and try it out as long as you copy your backup to somewhere other than the theme folder so you don't lose it.
  2. I believe the view names are hardcoded into Launchbox itself so you wouldn't be able to rename them as it would need actual coding from Jason in the Program. It may be worth posting this in the beta thread as the issue you have with the views may just be a oversight, or it may be by design and for a good reason, I honestly don't no on that one.
  3. I have not tried it either, but I believe everything comes pre configured in this set to just sort of work, with minimal config editing and such by the user. Haven't really messed with dos at all personally, so someone more knowledgeable than I will have to answer that one for you.
  4. I'm not going into details, but the ban was for more than just the reply's in this specific thread.
  5. Right click on a game in Launcbox and choose add to playlist, then new playlist.
  6. OK, that was perhaps a little sharp on my part, but what one person see's as bug another person see's no issues at all with. It's all perspective. If you feel what you have encountered are bugs fine, but if every other user thought the same we would have a ton more reports on them.
  7. Beta's = potential bugs, use at your own risk, yada yada.
  8. Agreed, but I stopped "setting up" a long time ago, I occasionally add a new system, but it is so streamlined these day's that it is a few clicks of the mouse and it's done.
  9. Maybe that's controller buttons exclusively then to clear, I never bothered with any of the keyboard buttons as bigbox is for a controller couch use for me.
  10. Or press enter, then escape to clear it.
  11. escape to clear a key, as I said.
  12. You can hit escape on a key when selected to clear it.
  13. I have 3 videos in the startup folder if that is of any help to you.
  14. I am still getting black screen on the startup video's. Still about 1 in 5 times. @Jason Carr
  15. I am in the same place unfortunately. I have no issues closing emu's either.They work OK for me.
  16. Basicaly I'm saying its the internets fault.
  17. Hi and welcome. Emumovies does occasionally have issues. This is a API issue and nothing Launchbox can do anything about. We are separate sites. Also the emumovies site, and the api ect is very different. So apologies there.
  18. With all due respect, your OP and your reply leaves me scratching my head some what. I am not really sure what exactly you are asking. If its a simple path change, then that is available at all times.
  19. Why are you editing xml files at all??
  20. I think he is talking about this actual plugin @DOS76, but I could be wrong. I which case it's up to @igotdvds if he wants to share it or not.
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