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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. Yeah only asked cause i havent updated my retroarch in weeks, but its there for me on 64bit.
  2. Agreed!!!!! lol had to google it after the suggestion though.
  3. Lol, interesting idea, you mean like this?
  4. OK cool, its a new one for me but great more light being shon on this site/application. and to come in and see that comment from me is a bit of a shit eh? oh well to late to take it back now. I stated my point earlier and stand by it, if i was aware at the time of the commenter i may of been more carefull. May of been....
  5. Yep, i am totally lost. Hey ho. each to there own.
  6. OK, im going to apologise for any offence caused or taken, i was just looking out for our users, i dont know every youtuber or blogger in the world, clearly i made a comment saying be carefull, dont share your source code.And people took offence to that. That's fine. Each to there own if you know and trust the user then crack on. If you are unsure then obviously be carefull.
  7. yep i obviously missed stuff, no idea!!!
  8. No idea, hence my original point....
  9. Yep im a idiot!! lol. I was just saying be carefull when someone asks you to share your work.......
  10. So to speak, going away before i am told to.
  11. Steam cant track it own balls!!!
  12. Yep just look at steam!!!
  13. lol, of course joking with ya.
  14. pass, Jason said u was a !!!!!
  15. Yeah plug ins through your hands up!!
  16. Lol, really should pay more attention on here eh??
  17. Ha ha, this is the most WTF? beta i have ever seen!! im so glad peeps like fake niel no whats going on..
  18. Couple of posts up. above when you posted, just saying.
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