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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. I will again here say, please be careful about what you talk about on these forums. We take the same stance as the Kodi people themselves and will actively delete posts specifically referencing pirated content or where to obtain it, so, just a word to the wise. And for the record i am currently running the KODI LEIA nightlies, which are not even beta for a reason.
  2. Good information for others stumbling across this thread.
  3. Oh ok. Yeah i just toggle that stuff in the UI, but obviously it's being saved to the .ini, so i will still have to be careful when i update also.
  4. What is that used for then? I use MAMEUI 64 so don't mess with the .ini files. All i normally do is copy over the artwork folder and the cfg folder for all my game specific controller bindings.
  5. OK i edted the title just in case other people are having the same issue to make it easier to find.
  6. Oh weird, that's exactly what i do when i upgrade. Well at least its working now, ill remember that for when i get round to updating mine.
  7. LOL, that's what i thought was just checking. I am still using mame 0.184 with a 0.184 set so can't help you there unfortunately.
  8. Did you really mean 0.164? Cause thats a old ass mame and maybe has compatibility issues with more recent sets?
  9. Not quite sure what you mean there, can you elaborate?
  10. You can either go to the left sidebar right click and delete or through windows go to Launchbox/Data/Playlist and delete the xml file (Launchbox needs to be closed when doing this).
  11. You would go to the google play store and update all your settings will stay the same. As @SentaiBrad said though it is illegal to sell pre loaded kodi boxes in the UK now, and ISP's are actively blocking access to known kodi pirate add ons, so they probably wont work at all anyway. This is not a Kodi issue and they are actively against piracy for obvious reasons.
  12. Try unzipping them and trying again.
  13. I would also suggest getting your ram in dual channel, so two 4gb sticks rather than one 8gb stick.
  14. You also need the naomi bios in demul.
  15. To be fair that link that @DOS76 provided proves that the i3 is faster, but it is more expensive, i was just saying that i use the 3570k personally so know that it is capable of running emulators just fine. And yeah demul is better for noami, you need to add a command line in the manage emulator box to get demul to launch the naomi games from launchbox. -run=naomi -rom=
  16. Dolphin only goes up to Dual core, and that's one of the more advanced emulators out there. So yeah.
  17. Fair enough, it is close though. I run 16gb in mine and have "NEVER" got close to maxing that out.
  18. Well i use the i5-3570k in my rig, the same chip but overclockable (i dont overclock it though) and it works great for emulation even using bsnes accuracy retroarch core which needs a very good cpu. I cant speak to ps1 and ps2 though as i use my gpu to run them (gtx 770) but if i had the choice of the i3 or the i5, i would take the i5.
  19. Yeah Launchbox will work with zips, its just a checkbox on or off. If your zips have the same name as the game within the zip then you can just import the zip files, of course you will need to wait for the game to unzip before playing but that should be pretty much instantaneous with games as small as C64.
  20. Yeah loving it, and that is exactly how i would describe it also. It just feels "right" control wise, if you die it was your fault and not the games, as it should be. Brilliant game.
  21. I would love to test for you but unfortunately my HDD died and i lost everything, so i have nothing to test with. Maybe someone else in this thread can have a look for you. Sorry.
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