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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. That's strange then, i certainly have those platforms and they were auto created when i imported. I am on the 0.184 set though not the newest 0.185 set, maybe something has changed in the 0.185 set that has broken that? Hopefully someone who is using the 0.185 set can offer some guidance for you. Here is a shot of my Arcade list, as you can see I have all the CPS platforms.
  2. Quite right, im still constantly messing with mine and i have been using it for nearly a year now.
  3. It should of created the CPS 1, 2 etc when you imported at least it did for me. However if you go to Tools/Create missing arcade/mame playlist that should add any that you are missing.
  4. Hi and welcome, This has to be set in the LaunchBox options. Go to Tools/Options/Images/ScreenshotPriorities check the ones you want then move the gameplay one to the top of the list. This will use gameplay images first and fall back to the other images in the order you have them in the list if a gameplay screenshot does not exist.
  5. Yeah every thing you need is in the launchbox folder, you can just drag and drop anywhere you like.
  6. I believe that is the crc check number, which is now being used to stop you from downloading multiples of the same images, so i think that is expected behaviour. I could of course be totally wrong though.
  7. Also to add as you are obviously running Windows, try popping a copy of it in your one drive folder then you will always have access to it from wherever you are just by logging into your one drive account. Thats where i keep a copy of my licence and has come in handy in the past.
  8. Hi and welcome, that is a theme specific feature. The only way to remove them would be to edit the theme xaml code or try a different view within that theme there are several for that particular theme. Alternatively you could try downloading a different theme that more suits your needs, there are a ton available Here.
  9. Send a email to support@unbrokensoftware.com
  10. I get 60fps with God of War on my system (same specs i gave you further up the thread) And that is also upscaled to 1080p. @lordmonkus is right though ps2 is dodgy on most systems some games run perfectly, some are absolutely awful until you really get in and tweak them one by one, which obviously is a total pain. Unfortunately that is just where we are with regards to ps2 emulation at the moment it "works" but your mileage will always vary.
  11. Mmm not sure what to tell you then, i have a complete mame 0.184 set chd's an all and launch box doesnt corrupt anything it works just fine.
  12. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that looks to me like your hdd might be about to fail. I had similar problems with a seagate usb drive which was doing the same thing, would work then randomly disappear like that. I managed to rescue 80% of the stuff on it before it died. Have you tried moving your mame folder to another location and seeing if you still recieve the same error?
  13. Its that little bar at the bottom right next to the add button.
  14. ooh i will try and stay awake for a "totally surprising live stream" then, was going to have a early night, but it is Friday night so.... ill stick around.
  15. @angelobodetti, i assume he has his own folder and they are in there.
  16. You can add any .exe on your system to steam as a "non steam game", and then stream via your home network to any other system running steam. So you can have bigbox on your main powerfull system then stream it to virtually any device that will run the steam client on your home network. Very easy to setup and works surprisingly well.
  17. Yeah its clearly a program or process on your system that is stealing focus, not saying it is but try disabling that asus server stuff. Its pretty much the only thing i can see in your shot that i dont have running on my system. Edit; Especially as you say the box is not online, why do you need dlna stuff running?
  18. Yeah cemu is to slow for me as well, so i just hacked my wii u and run all my games off a usb hdd there instead.
  19. Just to add i am using a 4-5 year old i5, its a 3570k, paired with a gtx770 gpu and i can run ps2 games at 1080p with those hardware specs.
  20. That is the bigbox mode of launchbox and is part of the premium version. It is primarily designed to be used with a controller or a arcade machine and is probably what you want for your setup. That is just the default theme in the video and there are many more available to download here on the forums which can completely change the look of your system. https://forums.launchbox-app.com/files/category/2-big-box-custom-themes/ As for ps2 games i would absolutely reccomend a i5 or better.
  21. Well that is of course up to you, but clearly the features you want are not actually that important to you if you cant be bothered to spend five minutes submitting a request the same way that everbody else does. The bitbucket is the best way to submit requests and is where all users get pointed to when they want a feature added.
  22. I use the ishiiruka build of dolphin, but same here no issues at all, works absolutely fine.
  23. OK, they are totally good speeds, i only get slightly better myself 40 down 10 up. My download speeds have been fine however, i am actually in the process of moving my collection to another hdd so have been downloading media myself for the last couple of days and have had no speed issues. I don't really know what to tell you really, sorry. All i can say is that speeds are fine on my pc coming from both servers and should be on yours also barring outside influences.
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