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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. You cant add videos to the database unfortunately. You can of course add them to the downloads section.
  2. Hi, yes several reasons. Contributions to the games database need to be approved by a moderator, so are therefore queued and may not yet of been approved. Secondly, the actual database xml in launchbox is updated daily, but only if you add a new game or do something similar, like updating existing data, so you may not even have the most recent data, you may need to prompt it. Thirdly your submission may have been rejected. Best way to check is to go to the database on the site and search for what you added and see if its there yet. Hope that helps, any more questions fire away.
  3. Sorry who said that, @JaysArcade never heard of him
  4. Cool, glad I could help. Fingers crossed for top level app launching.
  5. Click the little down arrow next to your name top right and choose account settings.
  6. Yeah you can change your name, I did. This isn't my OG name I changed it after a couple of months, wasn't a mod back then either. Its in your account settings somewhere.
  7. I'm a 100% with you there I have a windows apps platform that has KODI and the xbox app to stream from my xbone, that's it. If I could have them top level I would love it.
  8. Ah, I guessed right! lol Didn't see this name scroll by so made a leap. So he has about 90 suggestions at the moment which he needs to whittle down. So fingers crossed for you.
  9. Who are you on the stream?
  10. well Jason is live on youtube right now taking suggestions for the next poll!!!
  11. Ah good question, mine is 1280x800.
  12. Well I'm just being selfish, but the tablet I'm looking to put this on is low on storage so if I could get away with not adding any videos that would be preferable for me personally, but if I don't have the videos then I would like a screenshot of the game instead. Your theme though so please do as you please with it. Edit, Saying that I will of course be trying this on my main system as well, which has videos so.......
  13. Never even occurred to me that they would just work, just automatically deleted and re-added. A s I said only takes about 30 seconds so no hardship.
  14. Oh really, well only takes about 30 seconds anyway.
  15. Quick question @Grila, is that a screenshot or a video in the shot?
  16. Yeah I have showed you my tablet before with that controller dock, which puts controls on the sides of the screen. You could almost say just like the switch, so a switch theme would suit it really well.
  17. Yeah they are flat pack cabs, so need putting together yourself. Also it is just the cab, so you have to supply your own screen and controls, which obviously all needs wiring up. So yeah I'm with you there I wouldn't no where to start. People will love it though putting together there own cab from scratch.
  18. Lol, yeah I watched that video last night and thought oh great a chance to win a cab. Then I saw what was required, oh well. I cant draw to save my life, I am really really bad at it! But I am sure there will be some fantastic entry's and some very happy winners.
  19. That looks great to me, nice and clean. I think I'm going to run this theme on my 8inch tablet. Great work as always @Grila.
  20. Was just coming here to say the same thing!! I just deleted all my arcade playlist xml's and re-added them and now have a lot more games in the playlists. So great work as always @Jason Carr, much appreciated.
  21. Oh, OK. I cant say that I have ever noticed that, but to be fair I have not checked for it either so I could have missing/wrongly named roms all over my collection, but if I have then they are games I don't play, as I haven't noticed any.
  22. Yeah look at the database entry, its got a 2 in the name so is getting confused.
  23. Yeah must be a scraping issue, as the game is called Super Mario Advance, but the actual game on the cart is Super Mario Brothers 2. So it seems to be trying to match all parts of the name which has a 2 in it and is therefore scraping wrong.
  24. Its named correctly in my files, but has scraped wrong.
  25. I have just checked my collection and I have it but it seems to of scraped wrong, I have 2 super Mario advanced 2 in there but the second one is wrong, its actually super Mario advance.
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