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Everything posted by neil9000

  1. neil9000

    Installing MAMES

    32bit if you are on 32bit windows, x64 if you are on 64bit windows. Can I see a shot of your mame screen in the manage emulators box? Rather than taking shots with a phone or whatever you are using, you can hold the windows key and press the print screen key that will take a screenshot and save it to pictures/screenshots, that's how I took that shot above. Just makes it easier to read.
  2. neil9000

    Installing MAMES

    It looks like launchbox may be trying to unzip your roms, mame needs them zipped. Have you checked if this is the case? If you go to manage emulators and double click mame there is a checkbox to unzip before loading a rom make sure that is "UNCHECKED" like in this screenshot.
  3. They were already there for me, but yeah no harm in creating them.
  4. Launchbox/Images/Platform Categories and Launchbox/Videos/Platform Categories.
  5. Yeah that theme your using is one of the very first user created themes a lot has changed since then. Theme creators can now actually force correct settings in there themes so they just work, which makes it much easier. Also I'm not 100% sure but VLC may not have been incorporated into launchbox when that theme was created so has to use windows media player.
  6. Yeah I had to go and check as well!! but yeah it works fine with those settings on windows media player.
  7. Hi, it does work you need to use these settings, Windows media player, and turn off the videos. Like this.
  8. I am seeing a similar thing, scrolling the wheel is just fine but when I actually select something I get a delay of about 2-3 seconds before the next wheel opens, it seems to take longer when there are more platforms in the category. Using Cityhunter theme here.
  9. You can already add these yourself in Launchbox/Images/Platform Categories and Launchbox/Videos/Platform Categories.
  10. Good to here that it worked for you.
  11. Yeah that should work fine, I actually do it for PSX as I could never get my psx setup correctly in my standard retroarch config. So I just downloaded another retroarch and renamed the folder Retroarch PSX and added it to launchbox as another emulator.
  12. Hi and welcome, that depends on how you have launchbox setup. If you have your roms and emulators located in the launchbox folder then you can just copy the whole folder to another pc or hard drive with no issues. However if everything is in different locations then you may need to redo it on the new location. However this would be easier and quicker the second time as you can copy your images and videos to the new location and re-use them, this is what takes the most time when importing, downloading images and videos but once you have them you can copy and move them. As for the hard drive, I have the 5tb version of that drive which I keep my roms on its been fine for me. However I have only had it for 5-6 months so can't comment on its reliability.
  13. Yes you can use a controller as a classic, you need to set it up as a extension, see attached screenshot.
  14. You could try turning off scrolling game notes, its been a issue with performance in the past although I do believe Jason fixed that at some point. Wouldn't hurt to try though its a simple checkbox in the game details options.
  15. Of course, each to there own whatever you prefer will obviously be best for you. Oh and incase you hadn't noticed there are actually 2 default themes these days, CriticalZone is included by default as well now.
  16. Agreed, I tend to swap mine about when the mood takes me. I have about 25 themes in my theme folder and just chop and change at will.
  17. @ckp, Try this, its a good looking but fairly lightweight theme.
  18. @ckp maybe try a lighter theme and see if performance is any better, you have a similarly specced Pc to me, I have a slightly newer cpu, you have a much better gpu than be though and I run 16gb of ram, performance is fine for me. I did use to get wheel stutter myself, but hasn't been a issue for me for a long time now.
  19. You have a typo in super Nintendo, you have "L twice. If you look at the platform above it should match that at the start.
  20. Yeah that's the hard part, as @eatkinola said even PS2 is pretty poor at the moment, even really high end pcs cant quite do that right yet. So ps3 and ps4 emulation is probably at least 10 years away.
  21. With all due respect, I'm not sure you actually understand what "emulation" actually means. Its not just being powerful enough to play the game, your pc also has to "pretend" to be the console, that is the hard part.
  22. More that it is current, and therefore to powerful for any pc to even attempt. The general rule of thumb for emulation is the system you are emulating on ie pc, should be at least 4 times more powerful than the system you want to emulate. So no chance. Wii U emulation is cutting edge at the moment.
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