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Everything posted by duerra

  1. That was it; thank you.
  2. Sorry to revive an old thread, but I'm having a similar issue in BigBox. I can Escape or B-button back the categories in BigBox, but if I try and escape back to the settings page from the root categories page, nothing works - on either my controller or on my keyboard. How do I get back to the settings in BigBox? I have also tried with steam running and not running.
  3. Still trying to understand if there's a clear guide on how Launchbox handles naming conventions so that region is properly prioritized on import? I'd prefer to rename in advance of conducting a bulk import to ensure priorities are correctly established the first time.
    THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU! Also, THANK YOU! I came looking for a solution to the problem with PCSX2 not loading from a cue file, and found this plugin - which not only solves that problem, but so much more. It's like a love letter written just for me.
  4. This is still a problem in 2022. I would strongly prefer not to have to re-do all of my compressed file library. Is this something which is anywhere on the radar?
  5. How strict is this? How did you find what matches and what doesn't? I am having Launchbox fail to identify regions properly. I am using parentheses in this case, but the Roms may say (JP) instead of (Japan), and (US) instead of (USA). They also have NTSC and/or PAL identifiers. None of these seem to be triggering Launchbox into selecting the correct version by default. Any ideas?
  6. Hey guys, title says it all. The longer version of the story: I was adding a platform and games to my collection (which required a decent amount of work) and decided to do a little Platform Category cleanup as well. In doing so, I accidentally deleted (even through the warning - I know...) my MS-DOS platform category, which I spent an awful lot of time curating and game "installing" a couple years ago. I honestly can't even remember all the processes I went through to make this happen. Anyway, I don't want to blanket restore an old DB, because then I would lose all of the new work that I did, as well. Is there a clean and easy way to restore this platform and its games/configurations without having to restore the entire backup?
  7. Thanks for that @sards Too bad I can't get this in images view!
  8. Is there a way to sort by the full star rating value, and not just grouped by 5/4/3/2/1 and then alphabetically from there? There's a big difference between a 4.7 rated game and a 4.0 rated game.
  9. Thank you for this solution. It also solved the problem for me.
  10. I really valued the sort by Recent field that used to exist in Launchbox that was the intersection of recently added and recently played. Would it be possible to bring that back?
  11. Jason - With all of the data points you're collecting via user game ratings, as well as having a centralized Launchbox ID and extensive meta-data for a huge collection of games, you're in a position to start putting together a solid personalized game recommendation engine. Please?
  12. Jason - As always, I love your work. I've been playing with Android emulation recently, and have circled around to launchbox as a frontend because it provides good cover support for my games library on Android in a central app. I really like the idea of Windows <--> Android management, but I think there is some opportunity to improve the current experience. In particular, the experience feels very transactional right now. You can only export games to Android, but the Windows app maintains no awareness of games that you have selected for export, or an ability to manage that after executing a one-time export. I would love to see the Windows app be able to allow for meta-data on games for which ones users would like to export and "sync", and which ones to maintain locally only. Since my phone has much more limited storage comparatively, I cannot export all the games for all of my platforms. Therefore, I would like to be able to easily manage this going forward and easily add and remove items from Android sync. I hope you will consider! Thank you!
  13. Hey all, I've noticed that many of my steam games don't seem to get any trailers or gameplay videos, even for more popular games. There are what I would call trailers in the steam store for these games, but LaunchBox doesn't seem to pull them consistently. Any ideas? Edit: Title clarity
  14. Hey Neil - I realize the age of the thread, but it was still relevant for me. Given that I did not uncheck those boxes when I started the reimport (I would have assumed the "update but don't don't replace metadata" option in other metadata import flows - I didn't see this option during the full import flow, unless I missed it), what should I do now? Am I going to end up with double the meta-data as I have with launchbox in the past for this platform, or will launchbox be replacing the media of what has already been downloaded?
  15. I kinda wish I had found this before. This is not super intuitive. I have a similar profile as the OP in this thread - I have a new folder with a complete set, and essentially wanted to "migrate" to the new folder. So I selected to import a full mame set, and now all the metadata is fully redownloading and is now only ~50% done after running all night, even though I already have it all local. I'm also afraid that when this is done, I'll end up with a bunch of duplicates - both entries as well as gigabytes of duplicated metadata! We'll see... it would be nice if launchbox was a little more intelligent about his when reimporting a full MAME set.
  16. That's it. Thanks so much, and for the timely reply!
  17. Does anyone have a solution for games which don't seem to like being launched directly? I can't seem to launch subnautica directly through launchbox; I seem to be required to go through the epic launcher...
  18. It's not a connectivity dynamic. There's a performance optimization needed in the app to address this. I can pick the exact spot where it will happen as the app loads, and it happens when the "recent" and "favorites" images fold into the screen as the app loads.
  19. How do we do this in Launchbox.Next? I'd like to be able to add the games separately than only add the launcher... Edit: answered my own question, but it's not super intuitive. I selected the platform filter, and then right-clicked an empty area in the list pane, then selected "Add (Ctrl N)". It's easier to add games that have emulators, but Windows games not listed as an installed app are trickier.
  20. Finally got multiple controllers working through GameStream with RetroArch... kinda. With the latest Shield TV update, the XBox 360 controller has severe Dpad input lag - see this thread: Unfortunately, now I can't get the analog sticks to work with the 360 controller in order to work around this issue in RetroArch. The analog sticks work fine in BigBox with this controller (and without the dpad input latency issue). I call it "latency", but that really isn't the right word. The linked thread describes the problem perfectly.
  21. The value of the platform wheel view is limited for the "favorites" line because it only shows a maximum of 10 favorites. Similarly, I would personally love to have more than 10 "recent" items, as well. Of course you can just go into the platform, but I love to launch directly from the platform wheel view. If anybody else agrees, there is a feature request that can be upvoted - https://bitbucket.org/jasondavidcarr/launchbox/issues/4259/make-the-number-of-favorite-and-recent
  22. Annnnd then I got duplicates again within the same platform. So I just followed up and executed each platform folder independently from the adjacent ones.
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