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Everything posted by Tony

  1. Yes, this theme works with WMP but not VLC, as noted by Jason in the thread I mentioned. The problem for me was I don't have WMP installed and I'd rather avoid since I also use LB on Linux.
  2. Jason replied about it here. It's unfortunate, this is also my favorite theme. I've also interacted with EatKinola in the past on testing the .net version before release and he seems a great guy, hope he's ok.
  3. Edit: Just reverted to a more simple theme. I'm on 11.8 and getting the error "Could not load type 'Meta.Vlc.Wpf.VlcPlayer' from assembly 'Unbroken.LaunchBox.Windows launchbox" when using the Nostalgia theme. I haven't loaded LB up in a while so I'm behind the times but how do I correct the issue? Would it be as simple as symbolically linking the new VLC directory to the old location? I've tried a couple times but this failed. Or all else fails I'll just revert to a simpler theme that doesn't use plugins at all because it's always such a pain when you spend so many hours configuring a theme to perfection only to have it break in an update.
  4. Aren't there batch files for sorting MAME roms like Sega m2, m3, Naomi, etc? I recall seeing something like this here at one point but I can't find it. I know there's other mame sorting techniques but a simple batch file to keep around for when I do set updates would be the bees knees. Solved: I just copied the text here into a .bat file and it sorted just fine.
  5. Should the video problem happen again, try changing your media player in options to VLC or WMP. Also make sure to use the default theme when testing videos, otherwise it may likely be a theme issue. Using emumovies videos is the most compatible, most tested. If you use various videos from the internet as I do, you will sometimes get videos not playing or crashing with certain themes.
  6. Edit: Apparently my platforms.xml was corrupted. I deleted the Colecovision entry in platforms.xml, assuming I wouldn't see that system in Bigbox anymore and it'd do no good but I did. I'm guessing I had two entries there, maybe? No matter the theme I use, Bigbox 9.10 crashes when loading my Colecovision games. I renamed my video folders so videos wouldn't play to rule out player issues. I don't really use BB that much so if it did so with a previous version, I can't say. Here's the error it gives: Value cannot be null. Parameter name: key App: Big Box Version: 9.10 Type: System.ArgumentNullException Site: Boolean TryGetValue(TKey, TValue ByRef) Source: mscorlib at System.Collections.Concurrent.ConcurrentDictionary`2.TryGetValue(TKey key, TValue& value) at (Game ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Data.Game.GetActualFrontImages() at (Game ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Data.Game.GetActualRandomFrontImage() at (WheelGamesViewModel , String , Boolean ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf.BigBox.ViewModels.WheelGamesViewModel.UpdateImage(String imageType, Boolean updateModel) at (WheelGamesViewModel , Guid ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf.BigBox.ViewModels.WheelGamesViewModel.LoadDetails(Guid instance) at (<>c__DisplayClass174_0 ) at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf.BigBox.ViewModels.GamesViewModelBase.<>c__DisplayClass174_0.<LoadSelectedGameDetails>b__2() at Unbroken.LaunchBox.Wpf.Threading.<>c__DisplayClass0_0.<Queue>b__0(Object state) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.RunInternal(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.ExecutionContext.Run(ExecutionContext executionContext, ContextCallback callback, Object state, Boolean preserveSyncCtx) at System.Threading.QueueUserWorkItemCallback.System.Threading.IThreadPoolWorkItem.ExecuteWorkItem() at System.Threading.ThreadPoolWorkQueue.Dispatch() Recent Log: 3:45:52 PM Music.Resume Start 3:45:52 PM Music.Pause Start 3:45:52 PM Music.Resume Start 3:45:57 PM Music.Initialize Start 3:45:57 PM Music.Kill Start 3:45:57 PM Music.Kill Finished 3:45:59 PM Music.StopAndResumeBackground Start 3:45:59 PM Music.Kill Start 3:45:59 PM Music.Kill Finished 3:46:01 PM Exception
  7. 1) At one point, yes, it was working but I haven't launched Bigbox in a good 6 months, I mainly use the LB interface. 2) Theme videos? I don't really use those, if I'm understanding the term correctly, I just use video snaps for games and usually search youtube for console commercials as my main console videos. I'm not sure it's allowed but for instance, my source for MAME videos was the Arcade Punks HQ pack, most other places it was Emumovies. The other Bigbox theme I use, Unified Refried and default, plays those videos fine. One exception I've experienced lately is BB crashes when loading my Colecovision games, no problem with LB, but that's another issue I'll have to resolve later. I'll PM you a few examples. Edit: SOLVED! Thanks to eatkinola's quick response. Just had to specify in LaunchBox\Themes\Nostalgia\Views\Styles\Nostalgia.xaml to use VLC instead of WMP via editing <sys:String x:Key="NostConfig_MediaPlayerImpl">VLC</sys:String>. I suspect maybe a codec issue with built-in WMP and since I'm using odd snap packs from the internet that may use various other encoding means for x264 videos.
  8. I love this theme but some videos don't play yet they do when using the default theme. One specific system that doesn't play is MAME using WMP or VLC, though VLC standalone plays them fine. Relevant pastebin of video properties from MPC-BE player. Edit: Also using LB 9.10 and the latest Nostalgia which I downloaded today.
  9. Ok, tried a different video pack. No matter what I do I can't get my NeoGeo video set to be recognized unless I point each game to its respective video in LB, only a few work without manual fixing. Same with the MAME games now that I notice. I think it's maybe the MAME naming convention, for videos, that it has a problem with.
  10. I scraped them as MAME roms, it just doesn't seem to understand the videos have MAME names also.
  11. I mean I have my own personal collection of videos for NeoGeo but they have MAME names. It seems LB knows to use MAME-named roms for AES and conveniently shows the full title when imported, it just doesn't seem to understand MAME-named videos. I suppose I could create a script to do this but since I'm not well-versed in those things, by the time I do I could probably receive a good answer here.
  12. I have NeoGeo roms that I imported as AES which are using the MAME naming convention, ie Aof, Aof2, etc. It successfully imports and updates the images and metadata but the videos aren't recognized, I guess because they're using the MAME naming convention. Is there something I'm doing wrong or does LB not recognize NeoGeo AES videos if they're not fully named? And what's the easiest way to rename them? Edit: I just downloaded a renamed video set. Much faster than creating a script.
  13. Not sure where to put this but in case anyone wants to use this overlay, they're welcome. Retroarch_PSP_Overlay.zip
  14. For a few emulators, namely some of the older more obscure consoles and computers, the best way to play them is through MAME and the working roms they use are using the MAME naming nomenclature. This makes it a pain to download media for as it doesn't recognize them from the names alone. I've tried using the MAME import option but apparently the xml file LB uses by default is outdated or doesn't cover non-Arcade games that MAME can emulate now. What can be done other than renaming these games one-by-one or is there an easier option I'm missing?
  15. Edit 2: Nevermind, it's the Nostalgia theme I'm using. I noticed this also after recently upgrading to 8.1 from 7.1. It seems VLC now has a problem with flv videos, my mp4 videos work fine. I've tried replacing VLC with older or newer versions but I sometimes wind up with the same issue or an error since LB is expecting another version. Seems my only option now is to download mp4 sets or convert. Not sure what I'll do yet. Edit: Actually, VLC standalone seems to play them just fine. Not sure what the problem is.
  16. Version 1.0.0


    Just a simple startup video I made to get myself pumped. It's accompanied by a snippet of Motorhead's "Play The Game" song.
  17. I'm using overlays and SNES games, for instance, seem to have different heights so I keep having to adjust the Y width on different games, all NTSC. Anyone know why the height changes for different games, gets annoying? Using Bsnes-mercury-performance, btw.
  18. Shouldn't have to mess with that. Just by clicking on the rom, it adds that context. Also here's a helpful link in case you need it.
  19. One more suggestion, maybe it'd be a good option for 7zip to not delete extracted roms after you exit the game. When playing my PSX backups it re-extracts the game which can really slow the game's startup. And maybe add an option below "clean up images" like "clean up extracted roms" or something. But I think of Steam game ratings and groups feature and see potential in LB. Maybe you could have some sort of social aspect implemented into LB for people to share reviews, comment on individual games and tag games into groups, etc. Personally it's not that big a deal to me but at least maybe an average community rating, star rating or whatever, for individual games might be nice.
  20. It'd be nice if it was extended, like Steam, so you could review and rate the games and we had the option to read the community game reviews in BigBox/Launchbox or possibly link to youtube reviews of the game. With such a vast library as some consoles have, it'd definitely help to find what you might like. Also, 7.3 is working great. Good work, Jason and LB team.
  21. Sorry, I was wrong. Go to Tools --> Download metadata and images after you select all your games.
  22. In LB, use ctrl+a in your platform, then right click to download media. Yes, if you drag/drop your new games, it'll prompt you to download media for it. Third, maybe for anonymity or technically easier this way, don't know. Fourth, I asked about this and I suppose search is being improved a bit.
  23. No prob. Just create it, it should see it upon startup. Should be named "Platforms", case sensitive possibly. Also make sure that it's named after its platform name in LB.
  24. Those go in Videos --> Platforms. You may have to also change your Big Box video settings also if that doesn't work.
  25. It doesn't delete your roms or media when importing, only add. There's an option to clean up images that you may want to use and an option to refresh media.
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