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Everything posted by Robin55

  1. Thanks Djronz Though the original box template is not my work I just cleaned it up a bit. no I don't plan on making master system boxes. Here are the PSD's. BLACK TEMPLATE.psd PLASTIC COVER.psd SHINE.psd
  2. Just saw your post now Darkstar. Thank you very much for the complements, I'm glad you like my work
  3. You posted this back in 2018 and I'm only seeing it now...heh Do what you want man theres better 3D Boxes for arcade out now made by Mr.Retrolust
  4. I just re-uploaded these, there working again now I don't know what happened there...
  5. Glad you like them
  6. Sega Saturn 2D Box Pack - Japan (1211) (2 Versions) View File This is a complete collection of 2D Boxes for the Sega Saturn Japan Region. There are 2 versions, a version with all Covers squared off and a version with all Covers in jewel case templates. LIST OF BOXES IN THIS COLLECTION: Submitter Robin55 Submitted 06/20/2020 Category Game Box Art
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This is a complete collection of 2D Boxes for the Sega Saturn Japan Region. There are 2 versions, a version with all Covers squared off and a version with all Covers in jewel case templates. LIST OF BOXES IN THIS COLLECTION:
  8. Thunder Force III was not released in Europe. It was released for the Mega Drive in Japan. The cart will be in the Japan set. see here:https://segaretro.org/Thunder_Force_III
  9. Sony Playstation 2D Box Pack - Japan (3911) (2 Versions) View File This is a complete collection of 2D Boxes for the Original Sony PlayStation Japan Region. There are two versions. A version with all the covers squared off and a version with all the covers in CD Jewel case templates. The collection is complete and named after the 2019-3-31 ReDump rom set. There are also around 220 extra Boxes in the set that were not included in the ReDump rom set. Please note that some of the original files were not very high quality scans. This collection was originally a collaboration between @aorin1 , @diskmach and Myself in making the 3D Box set that I have now converted to 2D Boxes for this collection. LIST OF BOXES IN THIS COLLECTION: LIST.txt Submitter Robin55 Submitted 06/14/2020 Category Game Box Art
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This is a complete collection of 2D Boxes for the Original Sony PlayStation Japan Region. There are two versions. A version with all the covers squared off and a version with all the covers in CD Jewel case templates. The collection is complete and named after the 2019-3-31 ReDump rom set. There are also around 220 extra Boxes in the set that were not included in the ReDump rom set. Please note that some of the original files were not very high quality scans. This collection was originally a collaboration between @aorin1 , @diskmach and Myself in making the 3D Box set that I have now converted to 2D Boxes for this collection. LIST OF BOXES IN THIS COLLECTION: LIST.txt
  11. Sega Dreamcast 2D Box Pack - Europe (260) (2 Versions) View File This is a complete collection of 2D Boxes for the Sega Dreamcast Europe Region. There are two versions. A version with all the covers squared off and a version with all the covers in CD Jewel case templates. LIST OF BOXES IN THIS COLLECTION: Submitter Robin55 Submitted 06/11/2020 Category Game Box Art
  12. Version 1.0.0


    This is a complete collection of 2D Boxes for the Sega Dreamcast Europe Region. There are two versions. A version with all the covers squared off and a version with all the covers in CD Jewel case templates. LIST OF BOXES IN THIS COLLECTION:
  13. Yes all of the Authentic sets will be getting the treatment over the next while.
  14. Sega Dreamcast 2D Box Pack - Japan (544) (2 Versions) View File This is a complete collection of 2D Boxes for the Sega Dreamcast Japan Region. There are two versions. A version with all the covers squared off and a version with all the covers in CD Jewel case templates. Many thanks go out to @aorin1 for his database which is attached. LIST OF BOXES IN THIS COLLECTION: SEGA DREAMCAST - JAPAN.xml Submitter Robin55 Submitted 06/10/2020 Category Game Box Art
  15. Version 1.0.0


    This is a complete collection of 2D Boxes for the Sega Dreamcast Japan Region. There are two versions. A version with all the covers squared off and a version with all the covers in CD Jewel case templates. Many thanks go out to @aorin1 for his database which is attached. LIST OF BOXES IN THIS COLLECTION: SEGA DREAMCAST - JAPAN.xml
  16. Yes, I will release a 2D Pack soon.
  17. Sega Dreamcast Disc Pack - Japan (433) View File This is a collection of 433 Sega Dreamcast Discs for the Japanese Region. Thanks go out to @aorin1 for downloading the original scans and for helping rename them. LIST OF DISCS IN THE PACK: Submitter Robin55 Submitted 06/06/2020 Category Game Cart Images
  18. Version 1.0.0


    This is a collection of 433 Sega Dreamcast Discs for the Japanese Region. Thanks go out to @aorin1 for downloading the original scans and for helping rename them. LIST OF DISCS IN THE PACK:
  19. Thanks @Retrofrogg. It's a lot of work setting up and it's still a work in progress but it's a lot of fun.
  20. Thanks joe, I have the SNES and PlayStation Split up too. By the way I saw your post about the missing eshop 3D Box. I'll get that done soon.
  21. This is just a little showcase of my setup with consoles split into different regions. Completely unnecessary of course but a lot of fun. There's still work to be done on this set up but it's getting there.
  22. Sega Dreamcast 3D Box Pack - Japan - Authentic Set (563) View File This is the Authentic version of the Sega Dreamcast Japan Set. This means it uses the Templates made by @Suprakarma some of which I have altered slightly. 101 Boxes have inlays that have been researched properly so they are correct. About 20 boxes that should have inlays don't as inlays could not be found for them.The Database was made by @aorin1. Thanks again Aorin! LIST OF BOXES IN THIS COLLECTION: SEGA DREAMCAST - JAPAN.xml DISCS CAN BE DOWNLOADED HERE: Submitter Robin55 Submitted 05/28/2020 Category Game Box Art
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