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Everything posted by salyangel

  1. hello for 4:3 screen it's not very good
  2. It's the limit of the bezel project who not's scan our roms who doesn't have the same name. So now I have to rename and i'ts very very long just for one system like nes. Example: double dragon (USA).zip and double dragon (Europe).zip
  3. Hello, have you already thinking about a guy like me who use "Europe Roms" not "USA roms". Example: Your program stay on a full set US NES. It' will be very nice to add a file like "Double Dragon (Europe).cfg" Thank you
  4. Thank you i'ts work now
  5. I would like an easy add bezel like adding donwload images/media
  6. Unfortunatly we don't have this option, I'm waiting a next update of that.
  7. Hello can you add some video (playlist)? Mitchell Corporation (playlist) Banpresto Arcade Beat Em Ups Arcade Shmups Atari Classics Atlus thx you!!! Arcade_Beat_Em_Ups.mp4 Arcade_Shmups.mp4 Banpresto.mp4 Atlus.mp4 Mitchell_Corporation.mp4 Atari_Classics.mp4
  8. wait and see
  9. last beta impossible to switch lettre A to N O to Z it's ok.
  10. are you using mame 0.183 rom list?
  11. don't kill this theme please developp for US
  12. salyangel


    I have got a theme like Beat em All and Shmups and I use a theme like you midway, atari,item classic etc...
  13. salyangel


    thank you very much do you prepare another theme for mame arcade?
  14. Yes I really love this theme it's a trip to 80 and 90's with a love of gaming! I know You have a lot of work I use the city hunter theme with viking video but when your project will be finish I will replace it immediately.
  15. OMG!! this theme is amazing!!!
  16. oh yes I'm so Happy
  17. yes french guy happy now! joytokey is to slow to swtich 2 profiles in the same time when exit game and go back to bigbox new version.
  18. I find the solution, I have delete my profile of hyperspin because I used hyperspin before. And I keep juste one profile on joytokey and it's work
  19. are you using mapping profil with joytokey?
  20. for user of Rocketlauncher the exit game need to click with my mouse to restore bigbox...on 6.2 it was good. it's from the swtiching profile of joytokey by rocketlauncher. when the option is disable everything is fine...I still use rocketlauncher for manage mapping profile by system...
  21. I use Critical zone theme because it's easy to create a new system. If you can do different theme for this system it will be the paradise for me: 3DO Interactive Multiplayer Acorn BBC Micro Amiga CD32 Amstrad CPC Amstrad GX4000 Android Apple II Apple II GS Apple Macintosh (classic) Arcade Amiga APF Imagination Machine Atari ST Atari 800 Atari 2600 Atari 5200 Atari 7800 Atari Jaguar Atari Lynx Bally Astrocade Camputers Lynx Cave Casio PV-1000 Colecovision Commodore 64 Commodore PET Commodore VIC-20 Capcom System I Capcom System II Capcom System III Coleco ADAM Daphne Emerson Arcadia 2001 Entex Adventure Vision Epoch Super Cassette Vision Epoch Game Pocket Computer Exidy Sorcerer Fairchild Channel F Fujitsu FM Towns Marty Funtech Super Acan Game & Watch GCE Vectrex Hartung Game Master Intellivision Interton VC 4000 Luxor ABC 80 Mame Mattel Aquarius Microsoft MSX Microsoft Xbox Microsoft Xbox 360 MS Dos Movie (Cinema) Magnavox Odyssey 2 Nec PC-FX Nec SuperGraFX NEC PC-9801 Neo Geo Pocket Neo Geo Pocket Color NeoGeo NeoGeo CD NeoGeo MVS Arcade Nintendo 3DS Nintendo 64 Nintendo 64 DD Nintendo DS Nintendo NES Nintendo Famicom Nintendo Famicom Disk System Nintendo GameBoy Nintendo GameBoy Color Nintendo GameBoy Advance Nintendo GameCube Nintendo VirtualBoy Nintendo Wii Nintendo WiiWare Nintendo WiiU OpenBOR Philips CD-i PC-Engine PC-Engine CD / DUO RCA Studio II Sega 32X Sega CD Sega Dreamcast Sega GameGear Sega MasterSystem Sega MegaDrive Sega MegaDrive (Japan) Sega Genesis Sega Model 2 Sega Model 3 Sega Naomi Sega Hikaru Sega Sarturn Sega SC-3000 Sega SG-1000 Sega Triforce Sony PlayStation Sony PlayStation 2 Sony PlayStation 3 Sony PSP Sinclair ZX Spectrum Spectravideo Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Famicom design) Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES design) Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Japan version & video) Taito Type X Tiger Game.com TurboGrafx-16 TurboGrafx-CD Tandy TRS-80 Color Computer Visual Pinball VTech CreatiVision Sammy Atomiswave ScummVM Watara Supervision Windows (AAA game style) Windows (Indie game style) WonderSwan WonderSwan Color WoW Action Max Zen Pinball FX2
  22. I need Microsoft msx 2 please thanks for the good stuff
  23. amazing good idea theme, if you could do for all my system I'll adopt your theme. Just the scanline on game is not very good for me. It's hard to see the vidéo.
  24. I have the same problem like you. i5 gtx 750 8GB, but on beta 19 it was fixed.
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