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Everything posted by Headrush69

  1. This isn't a simple thing as every game is different and depends on gearing in the original code and whatever spinner you have. I have an Ultimarc as well, but I have hi-rez encoder wheels in mine so my values will be different. If you google mame/spinner count you should find some pages that have good starting values for most of the more popular games. You can then modify to your likely. The important thing I was saying was that you do NOT want to set those INC and DEC value if you have a real spinner to the spinner outputs. If you want to set some keys to them as a backup method, that is OK. I'd just leave them blank.
  2. I would suggest not setting Paddle Analog Inc and Paddle Analog Dec with the the spinner inputs as you're getting double inputs and this will make fine tuning and getting the spin rate right harder. The Inc and Dec options are for digital to analog inputs. So MAME would be using the first entry for a true analog spinner, and than also a digital to analog equivalent since you mapped it to the analog spinner s well.
  3. I'll have a look around my archives to see if I still have that fixed rom. Sure you can. At some point, I don't remember why, I switched to using the Retroarch MAME core for this single game, all others using the a5200 core. I used the Retroarch MAME core over the standalone MAME core so I could still use the Duimon bezels and shaders.
  4. My top 5 may not be the best, but they had the most impact for me and I still enjoy playing all of them: Loderunner - Such a simple game but some of the levels were incredibly challenging and fun to figure out. Finally completing all the 150 original levels felt like such an accomplisment (Apple II) Sonic 2 - Colorful, catchy music and fast, enough said. (Genesis) Super Mario World 3 - Such a big world (at that time) and lots of variety and some really unique worlds. Rollercoaster Tycoon 2 - Never got into Chris Sawyer's previous titles but this was right up my alley due to love of Cedar Point. Spent many a night into the wee hours working on building amazing parks. (PC) Unreal Tournament 2004 - Loved this game and one of the only I played online. Just plain fun with simple controls. Great mix of level design, fast multiplayer and still simple to control and play. (PC)
  5. Use these for the majority of consoles with a few modifications to use my HQ system bezel image and an adjustment to the color to blend it better, Same. Original game bezels for arcade titles and system bezels for console. Same. I don't have an isue with them being distracting so I'm a yes with some simple rules: I don't want reduced playfield area. All bezels I use keep the playfield close to the maximum size. Arcade titles that have dynamic bezels are a must even if it means a bit smaller screen. (For example, lights on Lunar Lander, Gorf, etc) Console bezels are per system and not per game. Console bezels along with my my marquee show people watching what console the game is from and I always think it's nice to have the bezel showing the original controller button arrangements. I always forgot which buttons are X, or O, etc for Sony controllers when I'm using XBOX 360 controllers. 😀
  6. Just to add to this, at least with the iPac Ultimate, you need to disable this in the Human Interface Devices section, not the Keyboard section of Device Manager. You will likely have many USB Device entries and you will have to look at the hardware ID in the properties to find the right device.
  7. Yes, there are many hacks and alternate roms that MAME doesn't run. FBNeo also emulates many consoles as well. There are advantages and disadvantages to FBNeo and/or MAME, a lot of depends on personal preference. A lot of people will complain about MAME on Retroarch, but remember FBNeo is not the same as MAME under Retroarch. A lot of people use it for two features you can't get on standalone MAME, all the great shaders and run ahead support.
  8. The only thing in LB you need to do is enable LEDBlinky support in options. All the work is done by LEDBlinky. Just set the options you want in the LEDBlinky settings (like display game controls when browsing games, and switch Servosticks). LEDBlinky includes support for some MAME controls already, but to change or add games you will use LEDBlinklyControlsEditor. The LEDBlinky included documentation is pretty good. Any questions just post back. I think there may be some resources that have a lot of games preconfigured for more games and systems (it's been a while since I did looked), that you can search for. I ultimately wanted full control and did all mine manually. (Yes, time consuming)
  9. Headrush69

    MAME CHD's

    1, Downloading the entire MAME CHD set is a waste of time and space as only a few are needed and the majority are likely unworking anyways, 2. Save the CHDs you need in the same rom folder as your other MAME roms. Best practice is to place each in a folder named the same as the rom name. For example: roms -> area51.zip roms -> area51 folder roms -> area51 folder -> area51.chd Technically you can put your CHDs anywhere as long as the folder is in the rompath set in your mame.ini. You just need to place them in folders named like the rom name.
  10. Just to be clear, you are using MAME standalone emulator and not MAME Retroarch core?
  11. Expect to get some varied answers, but both are great emulators. They have different goals and if your use case is just playing games than either will work. A few points: MAME supports more games MAME supports outputs (if that is important to you.) FBNeo supports Retroachievements in some games FBNeo supports Retroarch's shaders If you have lots of input devices, MAME is probably easier to deal with them. FBNeo supports end user improvements while MAME maintains absolute accuracy, (including faults and problems) FBNeo supports some hacked roms FBNEO supports alternate control devices, sound output, colors for various games Some will suggest that MAME is more accurate but that can be debated and likely not that important to the average gamer. Why not use both IF needed, Easy enough to set roms to use either emulator. No need to use one for all roms.
  12. I haven't had time to really investigate but since a couple versions ago I have the same consistent issues. It seems the GUI stalls yet everything is functioning otherwise. If I click around the screen, I can hear LB playing the preview video for whatever game I may be clicking on. The GUI elements don't highlight. The only way to fix is to close LB and restart. Edit: Ypu should ask a mod to move this to the troubleshooting forum where it will likely get more attention. This one is for website/forum problems.
  13. Me either. FYI If it's availiable and playable and you're looking to add it to your kid friendly setup, be aware the ending has some not too subtle nudity. sucramjd, would that be part of the artwork? 😆 Thanks again for all your work on these.
  14. Did you install Retroarch manually or through LB or both? It could be they are starting different Retraorch installations.
  15. No Launchbox doesn't have anything to do with emulator settings changing unless you have passed some command line options to the emulator. Teknoparrot is a constantly changing emulator. Have you recently updated it and have you checked that the custom resolution option is still set in the Teknoparrot UI? Just tested with MKDX1.18 and custom reolution @ 1920x1080 and still working OK.
  16. That's interesting. I still use RL mostly just for Teknoparrot for it's loading screens. Some Teknoparrot games take so long to start (Mario, Buck Hunter, etc) , so the having support for actively waiting for the game window over just timed start up screens is perfect. Of course if LB added startup screen longer than 30 seconds and it wouldn't be needed.
  17. There is no way to use CHD unless Rich the developer adds support for that format in a future update.
  18. Same here. I wasn’t suggesting changing.😃
  19. For the most part yes, but some people will suggest standalone emus over the RA cores of the same emulation engines. Some notable changes are: BigP emu for Atari Jaguar Ryujinx and Yuzu are both excellent for Nintendo Switch Retroarch has a separate a5200 core now that works well for many games (based on same atari800 core)
  20. I'm pretty sure this issue is inherent to the emulator and no solution exists at this time. I installed a clean copy of m2emulator to verify and when in windowed mode the emulator's internal resolution is 640x480. Larger windows, whether displayed or borderless, just stretch the image to fit. When in fullscreen mode the emulator's internal resolution is higher. For some games this may be perfectly acceptable but where it is especially noticable is if you use crosshairs. (Yes real men don't use crosshairs but these old eyes need them 😀 ) Crosshairs will get stretched as well which will make them larger. Of course you can account for that and resample your crosshair images smaller to account for the stretching. Just something to be aware of.
  21. I have a Logitech MOMO steering wheel and pedals working fine with both Retroarch flycast core and standalone Flycast. Your wheel will be mapped to a virtual XBOX layout and you will most likely need to go into the game service menu and calibrate the controls.
  22. You can but it might ackward and have the same issues you might be looking to avoid using the builtin Retroarch override system. I don't use them anymore, but you can pass Retroarch the location of the Retroarch config file and at the very least have that config put the to a different location for the options file. Retroarch doc is here. Not that I know of. You could also use a prelaunch command to copy/modify the options file manually which wouldn't tie it to the name. I have use this in the past but it's cumbersome to maintain (easier using Joe's bulk editors), but I find it was easier just to use the built in options for my sanity rather than trying to remember what hacks/routines I used for specific games.
  23. If you are using the a800 Retroarch core for atari computer systems and the a5200 Retroarch core for atari consoles, you should be able to bring up the Retroarch menu (F1 by default), go to core options and change the computer system emulated. Then just save a game override and that game should load as that system.
  24. I'm not sure where the error is. The first code is the old deprecated format, and the second one is the new format. Other than that they look functionally the same. (I haven't had my morning coffee though ) The default bezel will apply to all games. If you want seperate ones for vertical and horizontal you need a vertical.zip and a horizont.zip
  25. I don’t think so, but I could be wrong. I was sure it was hard coded into the emulator that it scaled when in full screen and stretched in window mode. That is why RL’s bezel system does and you don’t get the nicer scaled resolution. my guess is reshade and such intercept the frame buffer, rescale and do what ever they need than send the new frame buffer to get displayed. The emulator thinks it’s full screen still and uses the better scaled resolution. my setup is working so don’t really want to touch it, but I remember that was the issue when I set it up.
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