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Everything posted by Headrush69

  1. I don't know your full set up and also only know the basics of Steam controller support, but can't you use x360ce to setup 1 (or 2 if needed) virtual Xinput devices and then use Steam's controller overlay support (not sure the correct name) to map steam controller support to those virtual devices? Sorry I can't remember more from the methods I tried, I currently have real wireless Xbox 360 controllers on my cabinets for games that cabinet controls don't work as well.
  2. I ran into some issues with that as well and a few times it required a reflash of the firmware. Have you checked out x360ce? I tried it in the past and it worked well making the iPac appear as an XInput controller. (I don't use it any longer for reasons not related to it.)
  3. As you've mentioned, the problem is Windows and the time to take see the hardware changes. This is why I stopped using that feature with my iPac. Instead of calling WinIPac directly in your pre-launch application, you could instead create a simple AHK script which then calls the WinIPac app with your profile. Then you could add a delay in the script. The problem is the time it takes Windows to see the change isn't a constant and at times I found it was too long for my liking. You'd just have to adjust the delay time and see if you have enough time to always wait out Windows and if you are happy with it.
  4. I'm not a big fan of demul myself. The few systems that it's the only one that plays them (Sega Hikaru, Sega Gaelco), don't work well enough anyways. I find the other emulators are better for Sega Naomi and Dreamcast now as well. Are you using an updated version of redream? You might need a development version for WinCE support. I can't remember if support can out after the version 1.5 stable release.
  5. I downloaded that game and I get slow loading and lock ups at various points using both Retroarch with the Flycast core and with the Flycast standalone emulator. Brief testing with Demul and it appears to work OK. I will do some more testing after work. Edit: Does work in Redream emulator.
  6. In LEDBlinky Controls Editor, Hit the button FE and than set up a primary control as 8-way.
  7. No they don't need an alternate BIOS, but there can be differences in some BIOSes that could affect specific games, especially since by default redream uses it's built in replacement BIOS. Best bet is to make sure your dreamcast bios is correct first or even try without a BIOS. (using redream's built in completely) Using Retroarch, verify the checksum for your dreamcast rom. Start Retroarch -> Load core -> (load flycast core) -> Information -> Core Infromation. The checksum of the correct BIOS is e10c53c2f8b90bab96ead2d368858623 Source: Retroarch documentation page for Flycast core.
  8. Just to verify, they are currently NOT zipped and extract ZIPs off in both emulator settings and associated platforms?
  9. This is really overkill and not needed. LEDBlinky is the tool you need to use and will accomplish what you want. Have you read the LEDBlinky manual? Around page 50 it shows how to enable Ultramap loading? You haven't really said what exactly you have set up or done so far, so it's hard to give advice. Although you can manually send ultamaps to the U360 before starting MAME, you don't want to do that. You have to setup LEDBlinky first, (It's manual is good) Here's a sample:
  10. It's not clear what you are suggesting your problem is. So you have enabled LEDBlinky support in LB? You have set up LedBlinkyConfig to enable setting Ultrastick maps? You have set up LedBlinkyEditor so the primary controller is set so for your games so it knows which Ultrastick map to load? If all those are working correctly, are you saying the Ultrastick has a slow response time?
  11. The github page has a package to download that has BAT files already configured for most of the games supported and the easiest method is just to set each game to runt hem, not use the emulation settings in LB. Hypseus Windows BAT files
  12. That it works when you zip the CHD and enable "decompress before launch" but it doesn't work when not zipped and that option is disabled, sounds like the "decompress before launching item" is still enabled. Are you sure the Extract ROMs option in your Associated Platforms sections isn't enabled?
  13. I'm not familiar with the brooks board, but I do have a setup with 8 different controllers including an iPac. Currently I'm using Tur-Game_Controller_Order_1.5. It uses devcon as well but also includes instructions for getting it to run with administrator privileges on startup. This also has the advantage that it can continuously monitor usb insertions and deletions and make sure device order stays the same.
  14. If you have children in the house, mapping those functions to the shifted feature of the iPac might be a safer option. You pretty much double the number of keys you have and it gives you lots of options for handling keystrokes needed for even games in computers systems. (ex Y, N, F1..F11)
  15. Yes, being network based it does add a slight latency to image display but it does offer some advantages as well. If you ever add light guns (IR based at least), or have emulators that change resolutions, you don't have to deal with several issues that dual screens set ups have, and it works in LB as well. There are ways to deal with them, and if you boot directly into BB you can hide them, but it's one less thing to deal with and maintain. Tell me about it. I bought 2 (not from Pixelcade), and they look absolutely identical, but one was a complete disaster needing custom timing and other issues and the other one worked out of the box perfectly without any configuration or "hacks" needed.
  16. There are some handy 3rd party tools like Display Fusion that are useful for multi monitor set ups and I believe include actions for moving specific windows to selected monitors.
  17. Kudos for all the work you put into assembling all this information in one place. I have already done all this for my Supermodel3 setup, and like you mentioned the various information is spread all around. This will be a great resource and really simplify things for new users setting up this emulator. Great job. 👍
  18. I felt the same way about mine and also found the switching wasn't always so easy. If it wasn't easier for me knowing how to do it, I knew it would be worse for other users. In the end I switched to Ultimarc servosticks which allowed me to automate the switching which was a better end user experience and everybody seems comfortable with the greater throw of those sticks.
  19. Sounds about right. I think I have 3-4 less than the full working CHD set and I'm at 87GB.
  20. Glad you got it working. That is a confusing option for many as you would naturally think you are passing a zip file to Retroarch, it needs to be unzipped.
  21. Are you 100% sure you are checking the right location of Retroarch? Did you install Retroarch using LB's bult in installer or from a manual install of Retroarch? Do you have both installed by chance?
  22. That's a huge task and might not be practical considering the percentage of people that use Windows over other OSes. For now you can place a shortcut to Launchbox/Big Box in your Windows startup folder. There are some links about cleanly and silently setting up Windows to boot into LB. I don't have the link handy, but I think there was a good exhaustive and detailed instructions on the arcadecontrols forum.
  23. If you look in your Retroarch -> config -> corename folder you will see overrides you have saved. (.cfg files) One named the exact same as the core name applies to all games run by that core, a game specific named overrides that and applies to a specific game. Any other named ones are directory overrides that match a folder. The order they are applied is core -> directory -> core If you look at the files, right near the top, likely the first line is the overlay file it is set to use. The easier method is just pick your overlays in Retroarch, bring up the Quick menu, go to Overrides and make sure to pick the correct override you want. It will replace any previous saved version and correct any mistakes you made.
  24. All those are based on open source Linux. LB/BB can't legally distribute a copy of MS Windows.
  25. Are you sure you saved the game bezel as a game preset and not as a per-core or a per-directory overlay preset?
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