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Everything posted by ninja2bceen

  1. ninja2bceen


    Don't know what else to say brother. For your sake, I hope you are right, all you will become is worm food when you die I guess. That's a much more fitting end then if you are wrong. Not a real impressive ending in my opinion either way though I'm going to continue to put my hope in Christ. Read the New Testament brother. Hope to see you on the other side Luke 22:31 John 3:16 @jasoncarr you may want to lock this silly thread
  2. ninja2bceen


    So much to unpack here my friend. Your comments are not truth and you are reading too much in between the lines here. If you truly have read scripture, you would understand that lucifer was a fallen angel. His job was to praise God. He rebelled and was cast out. He was later called Satan since he was cast out. Ezekiel 28 12-19 Luke 10:18 You arnt speaking scripture my friend. Even Sagan must obey the creator and he even does his will for the good
  3. ninja2bceen


    Sounds like you have to make the choice then, do you believe or no? Try picking up the New Testament and see if you find the same conclusion. I feel good about the choice I made, I hope the one you make doesn't cost you
  4. ninja2bceen


    Sounds to me you are questioning the names of God. This is easily explained. A good reference is in the link below but in a nut shell, the names are describing him based on whatever is being discussed in scriptures. It's not like they called him Sam or another name, they used words that described what he was doing at the time. I too was grown up Catholic but you talk a lot about what your family is but not so much what you are. At some point every person has to choose for themselves. I determined that Catholics pray to many sources which goes against everything in the bible. You shouldn't pray to anyone other then God. Saints and Mary etc are nothing more then followers who did amazing things by the power of Christ, there is no reason to be praying to outside sources. I hope this clears things up for you. Keep on searching https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.gotquestions.org/amp/names-of-God.html And http://www.patheos.com/blogs/christiancrier/2013/10/17/7-powerful-bible-names-of-god-with-meaning/
  5. ninja2bceen


    Sounds like you need to spend more time in scripture instead of listening to some guy who is making a dime off people's wonder my friend. I get what you are trying to portray but I cannot come to the same conclusion as you having read the bible cover to cover and on going daily. There are many manipulations of ideology being said in these videos here. Spend some time in the word, stop wasting your time on this stuff I leave you with a question, can you make something from nothing? Can energy create itself? Either the bible is the most fantastic story of humanity ever written or it's the greatest lie. If it's not the greatest lie, boy would that be a mistake for you. Many eye witness accounts occurred, Christ fulfilling all prophecies. The odds of all the prophecies being fulfilled of our Christ is like the same odds of putting a quarter on ever square inch of Texas, painting one quarter on Texas then flying in a chopper and you flinging a quarter hoping to land on that one red quarter. The odds are too incredible to dismiss it Seek and you will find my friend. The only reason topics like this come up is because Jason is transparent about his faith which is fantastic and if it gets folks searching or challenging thought then Jason is advancing the kingdom because he is getting you to talk about it
  6. Also hyper marquee is an excellent app for dual monitors
  7. If you are a former Hyperspin user, you may know of a few apps that are essential to its build. The following are apps that you can find at Hyperspin and I would love to see a plugin for Randomizer- it randomizes a start up video Start up script- ability to launch apps along with the front end like Joytokey, randomizer Joytokey- ability o use a controller to press keys Hyper speech- allows the computer to speak what is in an ini file for system info and game info
  8. Great work
  9. I think all that remain are these and music I think. Great work
  10. That's not really true. Each emulator has an official compatibility list
  11. @jason carr you know I was thinking but it's probably an impossible request. It would be really sweet if somehow you could cross reference a compatibility list and say if it doesn't load or is not playable, hide the game from the wheel. That way the wheel set only displays the playable games. Emulators update frequently but some do not any more. So for the ones that get updated, you would either need to only support the most current version or have the ability to select the versions compatibility. What do you think?
  12. Pinball, magazines, media or apps, Nintendo, sega, Sony, Microsoft, fan made, favorites are the only others I can think of
  13. Great! Got any previews?
  14. Can you make one for magazines, fan made, media center, miscellaneous too?
  15. Exactly
  16. Sounds like we need a randomizer. Hyperspin has an add on that does that for intro videos and I asked for a similar feature but for platform intro videos for this very reason
  17. Looking good. Is there a plan to support multiple level nested filters? Aka consoles>Nintendo>X, y,z I don't think any front end supports this and something I know the community has been at the bits for. We are so close to having a full transition from Hyperspin! A couple features I'm still after that it may already support Shutdown computer upon exit Can you play random intro videos upon start up? Say you have a collection of 30 or so Adjust volume with hot key on front end Support instruction cards for front end. For cabinets I like to have a layer of art that explains what buttons do what within the front end so that anyone can walk up to it and know what buttons do what Would be kind of cool to support high scores from the community or start challenges. Think game ex you can see who has the highest score from the community. Also think Hyperspin where there is a weekly challenge where folks just sign up and say I played X game and here is my score. It's sort of a weekly or monthly contest. The winner picks the next game. Could be cool and unique if it just worked through the ui rather then the forums
  18. How do you make sys links?
  19. Hello Say I want to keep Hyperspins set up but also use launchbox premium as an alternative. Is there a way to use the same media (wheel art, box art, carts, videos) by selecting specific paths so I don't have to duplicate art? I realize the Hyperspin themes are lost in translation at this time Got any tutorial videos for making the switch? I have platinum but have no idea what I'm doing yet nor have I tried looking very hard yet
  20. That is looking really great
  21. Legend of Zelda master quest? It's a harder oot and a rom from preorder of windward
  22. I'd say post them. There is always need
  23. Wow, thanks.
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