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Everything posted by cleverest

  1. Seemed to be working great so far...but can you tell me if I should toggle SAVE CONFIGURATION WHEN EXITING' turned ON, or should I toggle that off...there is a bug apparently for some, and it hit me last time that caused all config saves to fail...would you happen to know the best approach to this?
  2. Sorry man, I totally spaced on this, good to hear you got it figured out...you hacked/programmed it?
  3. I will, going to try it now, but wary of it nuking my ability to save configs in retroarch, that happened with an earlier Windows version release I tried awhile back (from that other link...), I simply could not save any more manually...like after controller inputs or any other changes...it was frustrating, had to restore RetroArch and rebuild all my configs...gonna do one platform at first just to test it out...I'll let you know!
  4. I appreciate your help and responses...any idea when the final version will be released on the GitHub?
  5. Thank you. I hate Rocketlauncher, I only use MAME and Retroarch, is that okay or will that cause an issue?
  6. This one: https://github.com/thebezelproject/BezelProject Actually, it worked this time, but I see no RELEASE/zip/exe to download for this...sorry if this was covered already somewhere, but how do I get this? Thanks.
  7. This collection that you see here loads fine, but my 8TB takes a min to load and can lag a bit when editing titles; much more so then this one pictured here.
  8. Link is down? I can't access Github...any other way to get this? Will this prevent saving RetroArch configs after installing? I had this issue once with something like this before...it was a mess... is this it? Is this the same? https://github.com/thebezelproject/BezelProject-Windows/releases
  9. Thanks for posting this, but Is it possible to set this up and get it working WITHOUT Rocket Launcher? I hate RL.
  10. This is old guys, but the best N64 one I've found is Mupen64Plus-Next (or called NX) - it renders true to original resolution...very nice.
  11. Okay this is crazy, but it worked. I converted the CUE / many bins to one CUE/ISO, using ISOBUSTER, and it works now in Raine!
  12. Weird...it works fine with CUE/IMG games though..., just not CUE/BIN ?
  13. I have to use RAINE because it has the FAST LOAD feature, and the friend I'm setting it at REALLY WANTS that emulator to work ?
  14. Having issues with this...getting the IPL.TXT error...games are not zipped, they are CUE/bins...anyone have this working? what does your EMULATION / EDIT screen look like?
  15. I realize this is an old post but was also wondering about, "Is there any way to set controllers individually to just a certain game instead of having to make more than one copy of DEMUL?" Also, there is a newer Demul now, at least as late as April 28th, 2018 I believe...fixes a couple of things.
  16. I need to reinstall over an install I have on a particular drive that locks up a lot, not responding, just to eliminate that being the issue, but will this reset any of the metadata when I do this? Genre, favorites, etc...anything at all?
  17. Do your Saturn games not extend fully vertically as well LordMonkus?
  18. Interesting I want to do that too, how do I change the shader?
  19. I removed -ss.special nn2x -ss.stretch aspect_int and it seems better, but still not FULL, I get black borders on every side, top and bottom still. what am I missing? I changed the CFG as per above, and removed those lines and still isn't using a lot of my screen space vertically.
  20. Mine did not, although I'm still also using -ss.scanlines 40 -ss.special nn2x -ss.stretch aspect_int -video.driver opengl -video.glvsync 0 -video.blit_timesync 0 -ss.input.port1 3dpad -cd.image_memcache 1 -ss.cart auto as per LordMonkus's post at the top...I'm not sure what I'm supposed to remove, but I'm guessing ss.stretch aspect_int - I'll try and report back for future readers.
  21. Sorry, I totally meant 9.7! oops!
  22. Okay, thanks. Bummer. I'll try it...
  23. I would like to be able to change the default generated one without removing and re-adding one...the ALL GAMES default one is AWFUL!
  24. Does this still work with LaunchBox? (Version 7.6)
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