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Everything posted by Retrofrogg

  1. Thanks eXo, your detailed response is much appreciated. For what it's worth, I do not personally take your work for granted and cannot imagine how much effort must have gone into curating this huge collection. It's the best body of work on DOS games collections out there in my opinion. My question was in part prompted by the wish to leverage the full weight of this collection, which includes the "extras" as we have discussed. Part of the issue that I personally had with the setting up process came from having the games stored on a network drive, and not realising that the extras were also on the network drive, rather than imported into LB along with all the other media. Once I was aware of this, I was able to fix the issue by making a symbolic link as you had stated. Having the extras imported locally along with the other media would be ideal - though whether it is worth 15-20 hours of work is of course debatable. I think that for the individual this would be questionable, though for you as the pack curator and producer it might be a good thing to do so that the hundreds of users benefitting from your collection get the extras too. However, I would prioritise getting the other eXoDOS and win3Xo 3.1 packs out first! Keep up the good work man.
  2. I'm currently working on DOS emulation using the excellent eXoDOS packs. In LB I've been using shaders and screen overlays with other systems to recreate the original visual experience as much as possible. My question is, is it possible to use these (shaders in particular) with DOSBOX? I know that there was an SVN build of DOSBOX called SVN Daum which had shaders, though this build is no longer supported. Thanks!
  3. Thanks eXo. But extracting the gamesadv.zip file just produces the !dos folder I already have extracted. As you know, the folder structure after running setup is eXoDOS/eXoDOS/Games/!dos It seems that the games are in the "Games" folder. The !dos folder seems to have expanded versions of the games in the "Games" folder, is this correct? My issue is, that the game folders in the !dos folder have a bunch of subfolders containing the game metadata and images. It seems that most of these were migrated into LB through the setup process, though the "extras" subfolders (or the contents of those) do not seem to have been imported. Are you aware of this issue and is it expected? And is there a way to get this extra media into LB? Like I said, it tends to contain extra items like hint books etc which would be great to have. I don't feel like importing these into LB manually one by one! Thanks mate, loving the collection still. EDIT - I have sorted it. I didn't realise that the symbolic link was necessary. I thought that the exoDOS setup copied all of the images etc to the LB directories. I did not realise that it leaves some in the !dos folder. Now I am a bit confused as to why you told me to delete the !dos folder! But all good. My current issue is with the "extras", e.g. hint books and such - they open fine in LB as a PDF. When I selected the in BB however, they don't open. They are in the menu "additional apps" so I wonder if BB is trying to open them with DOSbox. Anyone come across this issue?
  4. Really keen to get this sorted so would appreciate any pointers!
  5. It's looking good. I'd like to see a list of platform organised by platform category, for reference
  6. exo - I just tried opening the hintbook (in LB in "additional apps" for KQ3) - though it couldn't find it. It seems to be in the Meagre extra folder but not in LB? In LB it points to eXoDOS\Games\!dos\KQ3\Meagre\Extras\Kings_Quest_3_Hint_Book.pdf for this item. Also, after installation, all the games remained zipped - is this correct? And - I have all the media in the LB folders, but the games themselves are on a different drive. How do I set the games location for all the games (rather than having to do it one game at a time)? Sorry for all the questions! Edit - just for clarification: my method of install was to run setup on my network drive, then copy across/merge the relevant folders into my Launchbox install on my local drive. I plan to leave the games on the network drive for space.
  7. Thanks exo. Another query - when running the setup, it seems to put all the artwork etc into the appropriate launchbox folders. For example, if I go into the launchbox/manuals folder, then I see the manuals for the dos games. However, I have found that there is further artwork/manuals withing the exodos/games/!dos folder. What is this folder, and should I move the stuff out of it into Launchbox as well?
  8. exo - are there any plans for a win3xo update? I am currently working on adding the 2 new exodos v3.1 packs to Launchbox. I have a separate folder with the old versions plus the win3xo combined. I'm working whether to add my win3xo stuff to LB or to wait for an update. Thanks!
  9. OK, well it sounded similar to me and I thought others might want to know how I solved it. Hopefully you get to solve your issue too.
  10. Solved - at least for me - you have to tick the box that says search for game information from the Launchbox database.
  11. I'm having the same issue. Currently working on Nintendo Entertainment System. I sucessfully downloaded all the game descriptions and some other artwork. Now i am trying to download the front boxes. I previously had front boxes in the folder, though these were small and from emumovies. The Launchbox ones seem to be bigger. So I deleted all of the contents of the front box folder from the NES media folder. I then selected all NES games and told LB to scrape the front box images from the Launchbox (not emumovies) server. LB shoots through all the games in a few seconds, says it has successfully updated the metadata for 700 items, though it didn't download the covers!! If I edit each game manually then I can download them that way - though this method is of courese untenable! Edit: could it be because I deleted the images through file explorer rather than in LB - so LB think that the images are still there, maybe? Maybe some sort of datafile/cache issue?
  12. How can I change the order in which the images are shown in LB? When I go to edit a game, you can flick through the images in the tiny box and change the image "type", but I see no way to change the order of these images. When I am looking at a game's images, it is very unintuitive to have the back of the box appear first, then the flyer, then perhaps the front of the box, etc. Thanks!
  13. Thanks - I tried that software and it looks OK. I cannot figure out how to get the picture just on the front of the case, and not the spine. Is this possible?
  14. I too would like to know how to change a 2D box into a 3D box.
  15. Love the built-in PDF reader, but how do you access the controls for it (including the zoom level)? All I can seem to do is scroll up and down. Thanks!
  16. No, I mean the view with the slightly smaller boxes along the bottom of the screen. I don't think I cycles through image types for the game details screen - it just lets you see the images for the selected game.
  17. Great theme and my default at the moment. Nice and clean. One issue - I have the games list view set as "horizontal boxes with details". I also have the game image type set as "3D boxes". However, many of the games are being shown as the flyer rather than the 3D box. If I switch from BB to LB, then it shows the 3D boxes fine. Any help appreciated!
  18. Tried this and just can't get it to work. It shows my game list, though won't show any of the media. It doesn't rely on the media being in the LB subfolders does it??
  19. Sorry if this has been covered before - but how do I add the new exoDOS packs (versions 3.1) to an existing Launchbox install (i.e. without running the setup file which installs a new instance of LB)?
  20. I think that just adventure and RPG new packs (3.1) are on PD so far.
  21. When I resize the game details pane, then close LB, then open LB again, it doesn't remember the resize - it has the pane back to its (slimmer) original setting. Is this expected behaviour?
  22. Yes you're right, the Lightspeed tool is no longer recommended. It would be nice however to have LB use the history.dat and similar files, just like MAMEUI does!
  23. The history.dat and mameinfo.dat files in MAME provide loads of useful information regarding the machines - much more than just a game review. I can't see any way to use these in LB - am I missing something?
  24. Set a symlink in Windows? But wouldn't the link just point to the other folder, rather than incorporating both folders?
  25. Thanks Neil - that's the workaround which I am using right now, though with limited HD space it's not a very elegant solution!
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