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Everything posted by Cypher

  1. I always thought something like this, plus the game logo image rather than text, would look nice as well.
  2. Old bump, but it's currently relevant. Which game did you mod? I'm currently try to mod Persona 3, and I can't get anything to work completely for the life of me by either launching the game through Steam or Launchbox. If I go with the method you outlined, things refuse to launch. If I leave P3 as being managed by the emulator but add the elf stuff to the command line, it'll force close on boot. The only way I got things to actually function was through Steam and directly launching the ELF, but going that route robs me of my ability to use the config files. edit: Ended up getting it to work; still don't have a clear idea on what my solution was. I'm going to try to reverse engineer what I did to see if it matches the OP.
  3. Unless the Retoarch core lays out the settings configurations in the same exact manner, it's likely everything would have to be redone from scratch. And given the speed at which the core will be updated compared to the standalone, it might not be worth it to convert. But I'm not an expert, so take what I'm saying with a barrel of salt.
  4. I'm digging this. Can't wait to see a video of it running.
  5. Visible save and load slots? I gotta test this out!
  6. That's what I thought too, lol. I downloaded the 1.2 version just for kicks and replaced the PlaytimeTracker dll of the new one with the old one, and now they both work. I'm not a programmer or a dll-ologist, so I'm not sure if this will allow the old verion bugs of playtime to crop up, but that's a workaround for people who want to use both at the same time.
  7. Yup, I'm having this issue as well. edit: Seemed to have fixed it by downloading 1.2 and replacing the 1.3 PlaytimeTracker.dll file with the 1.2 version. Whether or not the Xceed dll prevents the bug that lead to 1.3 being created in the first place, I have no idea. But for now, both are running at the same time.
  8. I figured it out. Instead of burning my entire install, I just dumped my plugins folder and just added everything one at a time to figure things out. I got the config tool to work this way, but the Playtime Tracker plugin prevents it from working properly. Removing that plugin allows the config tool to function as it should.
  9. Yeah, it's a weird bug. But all of my crucial games have configs already, and the others wouldn't be too much of a nuisance to fetch manually. So I'm not stressing too much in the meantime.
  10. No error message, LB boots up, but the config tool doesn't prompt when I right click to config. My first instinct was that the settings file was borked, so I deleted it, restarted LB, and still nothing. EVen tried changing the version number inside of the settings file, and then nothing. After that, that's when I did the whole bouncing between PCSX2 versions, deleting, and reinstalling stuff I already mentioned.
  11. I was able to download the zip from the github through right click>save link as. Any other way gave me the error you probably got. My dlls weren't blocked; the only time I ran into a blocked dll was when I tried to use yours. Even with your dll, it's still not working for me. I'm going to see if a system reboot clears it up; otherwise I'll just try nuking Launchbox and reinstalling it.
  12. That's the one I'm using. Even redownloaded it a few minutes ago to try again just to be sure I didn't save over the old version with a new file name by mistake.
  13. I just tried it with 1.6 & 1.7 dev and the tool stopped working. Even reverted back to 1.5 and tried reinstalling the plugin and it doesn't work anymore. I wouldn't risk it, personally.
  14. I second this one. I created and uploaded some 3D boxes last week (or the week before) that I immediately found issues with and fixed right after I uploaded for the submission. I didn't want to double up on submissions, so I left the incorrect ones alone while finishing the proper ones and leaving them in my Launchbox instead. I'll get around to editing the database ones, but it would've been more convenient to not have to wait for it to get past moderation to do it.
  15. PCSX2 Config doesn't use individual versions of the emulator, it creates new config files for the emulator named after the game in question, and then Launchbox uses command line to launch the emulator with the appropriately named config file. This is something that might be useful for EPSXE, but pretty much every other emulator allows you to edit the per-game config files for the emulators straight through the emulator themselves. Dolphin does, though you'll need to look at their wiki to know what headers and stuff to add in the config file. CEMU does as well, though it's a bit more and a bit less annoying to set up. But for the most part, PCSX2 is the only one that has one made for it, but for something like Yuzu, you can do it yourself. Backup your system config file for the emulator, set it up specifically for how you want a game to run, rename the ini, and then use Launchbox's command line to launch the game and emulator with that specific config file, or use a guide to create a .bat file or custom dummy .exe to launch the game and the config together. This is what I used to do back when I used Steam as my core games launcher. But for your specific Geist circumstance, your best option is to just download that one specific version of Dolphin, set it up how you want for the game, store it in another folder, and then set that version of Dolphin as the emulator for Geist.
  16. I was looking for more of the photoshop templates the community has been using. You can readily find pictures of custom boxarts and whatnot that are similar to the templates used for PC/PS3/etc cases like the ones represented in the DB and Emumovies. I hoping to find those templates and scripts so I could contribute to more boxarts in the same styles.
  17. Does anyone know where I can find the templates/scripts for these three consoles. I've found basic PSDs for the box art sleeves themselves, but not for the 3D cases. I'm trying to do some renditions for PS3/360 games as they are now in the PS4/Xbox One cases, but I can't seem to find the tools for them And I want some indie PC titles in Switch cases, but can't seem to find anything for that either beyond the format for the sleeves.
  18. This is going to be annoying, but tyou might have to start from scratch. But first, see if your PS2 category is causing you issues. Mine is named "Sony Playstation 2." If yours isn't named like that, see if changing it up works. If not, go into your plugins folder and delete the configurator. If Launchbox is open, close it. Download the zip again. Open the zip file, and drag the folder inside of it into your plugins folder. Open Launchbox again. Go to your PS2 games section and the option should be there. If that doesn't work, the problem could be with your Launchbox install.
  19. Right click on your PS2 game and go to "PCSX2 Configurator". Follow the obvious steps in the popup, or configure yourself. If you choose that option, you'll be given an instance of PCSX2 where you choose your options. Once you finish, it'll save a set of configs that get launched when you launch that specific game.
  20. Download the zip, extract it, and place the folder in your Launchbox\Plugins folder. If Launchbox is open, close and open the folder again. Also, if you run into an issue where you get an "Unexpected Parameter" error when trying to launch PS2 games --I've been dealing with this one for the past day-- it's because of the command line. After you use the configuration tool, you're going to have some command line text under the emulation tab. Look specifically at the "nogui" part, delete the long dash in front of it, and replace it with two short minus/hyphens so that it looks like "--nogui". Your games will boot just fine after that.
  21. This is like 95% of what I want in a theme, and I'm only saying 95% because it's in beta. This is amazing work.
  22. I'm looking for Xbox one, PS4, Gamecube, and Wii U specifically, but any and all scripts would be beneficial. I think I have all of the other disc based platforms. I've been making things by hand using some PSDs, and nothing is turning out how I like it as often as I like.
  23. I went to the site but I didn't know where to look earlier so I gave up. Thanks for pointing those out to me; those PSDs will go a long with with supplementing the PNGs I found. I don't have all 3D boxes covered, but what I do have should suffice. Now I have what I need to get some work done for some of the romhacks missing some stuff, and the Steam games that use DVD case sized work instead of Bluray sized ones.
  24. Thanks. Couldn't find what I was looking for, but I think I found enough of what I needed on VGBoxart -- even though the layout is confusing -- to get started. Now I just need to figure out how to do the back of the box stuff, lol.
  25. There's plenty of downloads available, but I can't find very many templates. I want some front/back 3D box artwork and in some cases, I prefer the fanart boxarts over the official ones. If someone could tell me where I could find some PSD templates, especially if they have templates for the various Blu-Ray sized cases, I'd appreciate it.
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