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Everything posted by faeran

  1. The LaunchBox for Android 1.13 beta thread has been opened, and can be followed here:
  2. Hi Everyone, This post is reserved for anyone willing to help us with LaunchBox for Android 1.13 beta releases. You can opt into the beta releases in the app by going into Options and enabling the Update to Beta Releases option. Then restart the app and follow the steps. Full Changelog: https://www.launchbox-app.com/android-about/change-log Beta 1 contains the following changes: You can now quickly sort your platforms by a number of different options Max Players is now available from the Filter's menu Search has been revamped to deliver more precise results. By default, it will now search by title (and alternate title), with advanced options to filter through more metadata (available filter switches: All, Dev/Developer, Genre, Plat/Platform, Pub/Publisher, Source, Status, Title) The follow emulator is now fully supported: Saturn.emu Fixed the hamburger menu and back button not working on some pages while using a controller Fixed the File Extension feature not working in some situations Users are now warned when the application tries to save a file on a device with not enough space The Background Fade progress bar under View Settings is once again visible Fixed 13 potential crashes throughout the app Beta 2: Added navigation sounds, which supports startup, move, select, and back actions. Each action can play multiple sound files randomly or sequentially. Custom sound packs are supported, including full compatibility with Big Box sound packs. Place sound packs in the LaunchBox\Sounds folder. Configure options in the Options menu You can now set a global view for all sections (Root Filter, Secondary Filter, Game views) from the Manage Theme menu (top-right corner). Global views override section-specific views without affecting individual section configurations Improved controller navigation throughout the app Beta 3: Videos can now be streamed directly from YouTube using the video URL metadata point found under a game's Edit Metadata page. These streamed videos will appear in the same places as local videos would normally be displayed. You can enable this feature via the options menu An option to download and save streamed videos directly from a game's Edit Media page has been added You can now track your Play Time and Play Count on a game's Edit Metadata page, with the option to reset those counts for a fresh start Thanks to all who are willing to help us test our betas.
  3. We looked into this and found that it's a security feature of IIS. We are still looking into the best way this could potentially be handled.
  4. You downloaded a game theme video for Super Mario Bros. 3 and it fell back to that video.
  5. In LaunchBox, go to Tools > Download > Platform/Playlist/Category Theme Videos...
  6. Potentially means you may need to recache the page. CTRL+F5 might work.
  7. If you are referring to the ROM auto-import feature, the Windows platform is currently excluded from this feature for now. We may provide some limited support for the Windows platform in future updates, but it's not in scope for this one.
  8. There's a fix in the latest beta for this. You can opt into the beta by going to Tools > Options > General > Updates, or you can wait for the next official release.
  9. When I switched to the Razer Kishi, I never looked back. There's a version 2 out now that's supposed to be a bit better, depending on how you like your buttons to feel. I used to use an ipega and had similar issues as you, but once I switched to the Kishi it was noticeably better in every way. However, it's not wireless (it connects to your USB-C slot), and it doesn't light up (which was something I specifically look for in a controller, as I play in the dark a lot).
  10. You wouldn't be able to utilize that file yourself. What you would have to do is open the following file in your custom theme: \Views\MenuItemView.xaml Then, replace the TextBlock that you see in there with the following: <TextBlock x:Name="MenuText" TextTrimming="CharacterEllipsis" TextWrapping="NoWrap" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" VerticalAlignment="Center"> <TextBlock.Style> <Style TargetType="TextBlock"> <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="{Binding Converter={StaticResource ScaleConverter}, ConverterParameter='27'}" /> <Setter Property="Text" Value="{Binding Text}" /> <Setter Property="Padding" Value="0" /> <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Text}" Value="Play"> <Setter Property="FontSize" Value="{Binding Converter={StaticResource ScaleConverter}, ConverterParameter='45'}" /> <Setter Property="Padding" Value="{Binding Converter={StaticResource ScaleConverter}, ConverterParameter='0,10'}" /> </DataTrigger> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding Text}" Value="Aplicaciones/Versiones adicionales"> <Setter Property="Text" Value="Otras versiones / CDs" /> </DataTrigger> </Style.Triggers> </Style> </TextBlock.Style> </TextBlock> It essentially just adds a datatrigger that looks for the menu text Aplicaciones/Versiones adicionales, and then replaces it with Otras versiones / CDs
  11. Beta 3 is out with the following: Improvement: Added logic to improve the ability to import SNES MSU-1 ROMs Improvement: A limited file extension blacklist was added to the auto-scan process to help with some common file types Improvement: The auto-scan ROM import notification now includes an action button that directly opens a window displaying the list of imported ROMs. Additionally, imported ROMs are saved within your log files (if enabled). Fixed: Potential issue with adding new platforms to LaunchBox using the ROM auto-import feature Fixed: Problem where Image Types weren't downloaded when removed from all Image Groups while the Media Limit option was enabled Fixed: RAHasher 1.7 has been replaced with its x86 counterpart to remove debug dependencies that the x64 version incorrectly included Fixed: Javascript error that some users encountered during the Epic Games login process This update fixes a number of issues people were reporting with the auto-scan feature, as well as ones we caught internally. If you were previously having an issue with the auto-scan feature, now would be a good time to see if this update solves it for you.
  12. This is true. There's also other use cases where people are importing these types of files into LaunchBox. Either way, we should have a solution that hopefully will work for you. It should be out very soon.
  13. This would indicate that you have files saving into your games folder that aren't games. RetroArch hasn't saved files in there by default for a while, but I do know at one point a long time ago they did. We will try and make this a little better for the next beta update. You can disable the auto-scan feature under Tools > Options > General > Automated Imports We found out that the new 64-bit version of RAHasher 1.7 that we used has a systemic issue with the way it was built, and therefore requires dependency files that most users won't have on their computer, and are not necessary to run the app. Apparently the 32-bit version doesn't have this issue, so the next beta update we'll be using that instead. Not for this phase. We have a plan to eventually get to this but since deleting game entries is more destructive than adding them, we want to make sure that what we have in mind is solid enough that we won't start deleting user's games just because access to their files disappears for a short time (eg. network drives or external hard drives).
  14. You could participate in string translations here: Another option, if you just wanted something for yourself is to do a string replacement for that option, using a datatrigger, that might be a bit to explain though, but if you would rather just change it for yourself, I'll look into an answer for you.
  15. We've just deployed some changes to the Games Database based on all the feedback provided from you guys. Here's the complete changelog: Card and list views are now saved for signed-in users Platform and game names are no longer displayed in all caps Images directly appear on the Changes Status page Resolution information is now displayed when hovering over each image on Game and Platform image pages Platform names are now visible on the Moderation page for each submission All pages are now accessible on the Changes Status page Games with only year-based release dates now appear on their respective game lists You can now easily adjust games to and from a year-only release date format A reason box has been added to the bottom of platform and game edit pages The submit button is disabled in the platform and game edit window when no changes are made String errors within game edit and rejection popups have been resolved We will continue to tweak and fix things up based on your feedback. Just keep in mind that while we would love to get to some changes, they ended up being much more involved than they seem on the surface. We will also be moving onto a few new phases, including the addition of new features and data points.
  16. I'm guessing then I don't use any special clear logo for the ones you mentioned, which would mean it just falls back to the clear logos that come with LaunchBox.
  17. That's going to require a plugin to facilitate the randomness you are seeking. Unfortunately, I'm not entirely sure if there's already one floating around for this exact purpose.
  18. Use any files app, and check the LaunchBox\Updates folder, see if you have the latest apk there, and run it manually.
  19. You would need to copy the entire contents of the Default folder and rename the new folder to whatever you want your custom theme to be named. Then you would have to dive into the file: [your custom theme name]\Views\TextGamesView.xaml Then, you would find the part of the code that displays video and delete it. You can do a search for VIDEO, and that will bring you to a self-contained Grid with only 1 thing inside of it which is named VideoContainer. Remove the whole Grid and you should be good to go. I'm not entirely sure what you are asking for your second question. Are you wanting to change the font size, or change the entire string to something else?
  20. Are you trying to have many images for one game that you would then randomly select, or are you trying to solve the issue where a platform may have games that have the same name and you are wanting to differentiate between them?
  21. For the images re-appearing issue, make sure you have this option turned off: Automatically Download Missing Media When Needed We'll look into the background fade setting, the horizontal bar looks missing in your screenshot, so we'll make sure that's back for the next beta.
  22. Themes cannot be applied this way. The reason is because themes are a collection of as many view types as the theme dev wants, so the choice the user needs to make is which view are you wanting to apply to each section of LaunchBox. This means that you need to navigate to a particular section of LaunchBox, click on the 3 dots, and choose Change View. From there, you'll see all available Views for that section, including all default views and custom theme views. Available sections are: Platform Categories View (optional) Primary Filter View Secondary Filter View (optional) Game List View Optional views can be turned on/off in the options menu. There's also launching views that can be switched under a game view's view options.
  23. I can't quite remember off the top of my head. It's got to be somewhere inside of the theme folder. Maybe something like LaunchBox\Themes\Vision\Images\Clear Logo
  24. It's possible this is something queued up for the next beta, which should be out today. Sorry about that. However, that's probably the most inconvenient place for a user to check. The Date Added filter dropdown is probably the easiest. A quick google search and it looks like you may have something wrong with a C++ dependency file that RAHasher may need. You may want to google that error and see if any of the troubleshooting threads can help you out with that.
  25. Also, if you have logs turned on, all imports will be listed in them. So, currently there's 4 options on how to find out what games were just imported: All Games > Arrange By: Date Added Audit All Games > Sort By: Date Added From the filter dropdown menu > Date Added Within your log files We will also add a 5th option that will be an actionable button on the import notification that will list out games that were added during that import round.
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