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Everything posted by faeran

  1. Just guessing, but sounds like a color profile issue with Steam Link and your Windows settings. Some kind of mismatch there maybe.
  2. The best way is to copy and paste the FlowControl from another theme, like The POC, and then play around with it. You'd be looking for everything inside of coverFlow:FlowControl Replace over your coverFlow:FlowControl in your wall view. Then play around with the properties and the items inside of the FlowContext. The Documentation.pdf also has descriptions of the properties inside of the new FlowControl. This is found in your LaunchBox\Themes folder.
  3. Version 1.62


    The newest version of this theme requires version 13.3, or higher. An alternative to the LaunchBox Default theme. This theme's main difference is the Game Details. Providing an alternative layout, with an image border at the top, and smooth animations upon load. The theme also has icon support on the side bar. Around 90 controller images have been added to the theme to showcase how it works, but the images can be changed out to anything you'd like (icons must be in png format). The icons can be replaced in the following location (restart of LaunchBox is required). LAUNCHBOX\LBThemes\Default Plus\Images\Icons Installation Extract the Default Plus folder into LaunchBox\LBThemes In LaunchBox, open Options, under Visuals > Main Window Theme and select Default Plus from the dropdown.
  4. Default Plus View File The newest version of this theme requires version 13.3, or higher. An alternative to the LaunchBox Default theme. This theme's main difference is the Game Details. Providing an alternative layout, with an image border at the top, and smooth animations upon load. The theme also has icon support on the side bar. Around 90 controller images have been added to the theme to showcase how it works, but the images can be changed out to anything you'd like (icons must be in png format). The icons can be replaced in the following location (restart of LaunchBox is required). LAUNCHBOX\LBThemes\Default Plus\Images\Icons Installation Extract the Default Plus folder into LaunchBox\LBThemes In LaunchBox, open Options, under Visuals > Main Window Theme and select Default Plus from the dropdown. Submitter faeran Submitted 01/31/2022 Category Custom Themes  
  5. Beta 7 is out with the following fixes: Fixed: Restored ability to use platform specific game marquee views Fixed: Helped correct some of the issue regarding LaunchBox Game Detail's audio playing after the video closes Fixed: Added more logic to avoid Uri errors while attempting to load a Game Details video Fixed: Carousel preview items can now be navigated correctly using a keyboard
  6. Hi @NagakiriHidechi, What is your resolution of your monitor? Also, what is the scaling of the monitor, and do you have a multi-monitor setup?
  7. The next beta should fix the audio issues you were seeing.
  8. First thing you want to check is whether you added the AHK script to the "Running Scripts" section of your Emulator window, and not the Exit Script section. This is because you need AHK to know about the Escape key while the emulator is running.
  9. This is correct. The CTC files have not been released. This theme is still a work in progress. Had to put it on hold until CTC 2.3 was release, but now that it's here, should be able to provide an updated version of the theme with some major changes to some of the views.
  10. faeran

    New badges?

    There is a Reputation system on the forums, so by giving thanks to a user, it does get noticed.
  11. This, along with other fields were fixed in dev and will be available in the next beta. Thanks for helping beta test.
  12. I was able to work it out with @Steams71. It wasn't related to custom marquee screens. The issue is related to platform-specific marquee views. This will be fixed in the next beta.
  13. Hey @Kan. Our forums have been moved to new servers and updates have been applied. Please let us know if this error still persists.
  14. Just trying to catch up with this thread, and not sure if it's been mentioned, but could you just use the BackgroundImagePath binding? <Image Source="{Binding Path=ActivePlatform.BackgroundImagePath}" /> You can find a ton of Image bindings in the Documentation.pdf file inside of the LaunchBox\Themes folder.
  15. Hi @rbarr110, I would run a test with your playlist images. Download a png image that you are not currently using. Right click your playlist, go into Edit. On the right side of the window, press the Add button and add your image file. Click where it says the image type and change it to Clear Logo (if it isn't already). Press OK to save out. Then open up the edit window again and see if you still see the image there.
  16. Check Big Box Options > Marquee Screen, and make sure you have everything in there unchecked, and that you have Screen Hardware Compatibility Mode set to None. Let us know if that helps.
  17. Beta 6 has been released with the following fixes: Fixed: Videos in the LaunchBox carousel with embedded thumbnails of different aspect ratio from its source (like some EmuMovies videos) will now play correctly in the default theme Fixed: Videos in the LaunchBox carousel now have the right-click context menu to Fullscreen and Delete Fixed: Viewing a video fullscreen in the LaunchBox carousel now opens a window inside of LaunchBox instead of a VLC instance
  18. faeran

    Noob questions

    Right click Sega 32X Hacks, go into Edit. Click on the Parents tab and place it in any location(s) you like.
  19. faeran

    Noob questions

    1. I’ve imported a full Mame set along with the corresponding mame.exe, but I have noticed that at least 1 game is missing. If I search for Virtua Fighter, it doesn’t show up in LaunchBox. If I load mame manually and run it there, it works fine. Any ideas? Virtua Fighter is considered by MAME to be in an unplayable state. During import "Skip games unplayable in MAME" was most likely checked. For games that are mostly playable, but is considered by MAME to not be, you can just drag and drop those ROMs into LaunchBox (or use the ROM importer). Make sure you choose The "Force using MAME metadata", and uncheck the "Skip games unplayable in MAME" filter. 2. My 32x rom collection has the official games, and a folder of hacks. Is there a way I can keep these separate? Having the hacks as a child menu item for 32x? You can import everything under your Sega 32X platform and create 2 playlists, one for your official games, and one for you hacks. You could also import them as separate platforms, just make sure whatever you call the platform, you make sure your "Scrape As" value is set to Sega 32X. Either way you do it, using the Platform Category filter, you can set up the hierarchy the way you are looking for. 3. Can I set a controller hotkey combination to exit a game? Both LaunchBox and Big Box have controller mappings for exit game, and you can achieve what you are looking to do. 4. Anyway I can hide BIOS files from the game list? If you mistakenly imported a BIOS file, simply remove it from your library. By default, it will not delete it from your computer, just from your LaunchBox library. Alternatively, in LaunchBox, you can right click the BIOS entry, go into Edit and toggle "Hide"
  20. Here's an example code you can look at. You will need to replace the coverFlow code that's there with this one, and adjust what you need. <coverFlow:FlowControl x:Name="FlowControl" Grid.Column="4" Grid.ColumnSpan="3" Grid.Row="0" Grid.RowSpan="8" VerticalAlignment="Stretch" HorizontalAlignment="Stretch" Endless="True" Columns="1" ItemSpacing="1.5,0" SelectedScale="2,2" VisibleCount="7"> <coverFlow:FlowControl.Camera> <OrthographicCamera Position="0,0,5" LookDirection="0,0,-1" NearPlaneDistance=".01" FarPlaneDistance="1000" Width="5"/> </coverFlow:FlowControl.Camera> <coverFlow:FlowControl.FlowTemplate> <DataTemplate> <coverFlow:FlowContext> <Grid Height="225" Width="500" Background="Transparent"> <Grid.Style> <Style TargetType="Grid"> <Setter Property="Opacity" Value=".3"/> <Style.Triggers> <DataTrigger Binding="{Binding RelativeSource={RelativeSource FindAncestor, AncestorType={x:Type coverFlow:FlowContext}}, Path=IsItemSelected}" Value="True"> <Setter Property="Opacity" Value="1"/> </DataTrigger> </Style.Triggers> </Style> </Grid.Style> <coverFlow:FlowImage ImageType="Clear Logo" Stretch="Uniform" StretchDirection="Both"/> </Grid> </coverFlow:FlowContext> </DataTemplate> </coverFlow:FlowControl.FlowTemplate> </coverFlow:FlowControl>
  21. Yes, with the changes today, a theme dev should now be able to alter the PreviewBackground property and have videos adhere to those changes. This was the main issue Mr. Retrolust brought up. It will not be changed for default due to needing seamless margins no matter the content's aspect ratio. This is what's great about custom theme support. We just have to make sure it's as flexible as we can make it
  22. Just to clarify: having black bars is not actually an issue. The issue was that Videos were not adhering to the PreviewBackground property, if a theme dev decided to change its color.
  23. Thanks for the feedback. Just to clarify a few things. The new GameDetails was a team effort. The goal was to update the look, but to have it streamlined for as many users as possible. We tried to make things as flexible and customizable as possible, so that custom themes can be made with as many alterations as possible. That's what's great about LaunchBox, we provide a default canvas, and you guys can go crazy. Just to answer a few of your inquiries: "Black Bars" can be easily removed via the PreviewBackground property You can get the effect of adding all images to your carousel by turning on all items in either the Background priorities or screenshot priorities. Font sizes and colors can be adjusted from within LaunchBox options (this is a premium feature of LaunchBox). You can also hard code other values if you create a custom theme (like you noticed).
  24. Beta 5 is out with the following fixes: Fixed: Game Details background no longer stops you from deleting the file being shown Fixed: Videos now only take the space required to play them (Which caused the black box on either side even when PreviewBackground was Transparent) - For Theme Devs Fixed: Items were showing twice in the carousel previews if the item was used both in Background and Screenshot Image Priorities Fixed: Wikipedia and YouTube link mouse-over wasn't working on the transparent sections of the icons Fixed: Some menu items weren't updating their strings correctly Fixed: Document badge wasn't showing up correctly for all items with a manual Fixed: Completed check box was missing it's tooltip Fixed: Carousel play button flickering when GameDetails is first opening up Fixed: Carousel video now responds to volume change correctly Fixed: Carousel video can now be double clicked to open a full screen player like you used to be able to in previous versions
  25. Yeah, both should be done using code. Depending on the opacity mask, you may find it easier to use an image. With the new flow control stuff, you would just need to replace the code with other code. I may have time to give you an example at some point.
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