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Everything posted by Retro808

  1. Do you do the workaround steps I posted in this thread? You have to set that field to false and leave it as false for now. Everyone that has experienced this issue has successfully down the workaround as LB is back and running. This will suffice until the devs release the next beta likely early in this week.
  2. https://forums.launchbox-app.com/topic/74383-retroachievements-functionality-will-no-longer-work-until-the-api-is-brought-back-up/#comment-439333
  3. That’s up to what the emulator requires. LB has nothing to do with the file type an emulator can run. Typically .xbe is used but been a while since I messed with xbox emulation so not 100% on what others may be used.
  4. Well that mind of depends on what you are wanting to code for. Building themes for LB/BB you would use basically WPF which uses XAML as the frontend language/C# as its backend). AHK is usually used for scripts for launching special requirements for games.
  5. Did you go into BB settings to the controller mapping section and set up the controls?
  6. A couple things. 1. You need to use a theme that supports videos on that Platform level. Most due like the Default theme, but some do not. So just want to clarify that. 2. You would need to download a video of the consoles boot video. When you download it be sure to name the file exactly as the platform is named in your LB/Bb and save it to the \Videos\Platforms folder.
  7. Yeah, this error would not mess up LB like you are stating. I suspect you have something else going on. As for the "if it isn't going to be fixed any time soon" comment I think you did not read this part from one of our devs...
  8. Considering the cost difference between the licenses (Android $15/$30 vs Windows $30/$75) you would likely have to pay the difference. If you got this on Black Friday it would likely be the differences in those prices. Do not take that as a given. That is just my view. However, you would have to email our team. Send them an email and explain your concern and request. support@unbrokensoftware.com
  9. Our devs are aware and have found the issue with a likely fix in an upcoming beta. Please see C-Beats ppost just above mine. Combining threads following this post.
  10. Moved to own thread as this is not a beta issue. It would be helpful if you post pics of your LB set-up for Mame. Go to Manage Emulators and edit Mame. Post a pics of the items below: 1. Details page 2. Associated Platforms page 3. Startup Screen page 4. Running Script page 5. Exit Script page
  11. If you are running the beta here is fine but honestly this may not be an actual beta issue so I may at some point move this to its own thread. Have you tested running the prior non-beta release? Also please give our devs time. Its a small team of 2-3 and they have other work they deal with daily. Providing testing notes is helpful. Moved these posts to seperate thread.
  12. Anyone having this issue please do the workaround below (steps provided by our Devs). With LaunchBox closed: Navigate to the folder you installed LaunchBox in. Go to the Data folder inside of this folder Open the Settings.xml file Look for "EnableAutomatedImports" tag. (It should be around line 54 - may not be exact depending in your build) If it is Set to "true" change it to false Save and close the file Reopen LaunchBox
  13. Those two files to download are right inside the post you quoted. Just click on them.
  14. If it is not beta related you just need to start a thread with your issue in troubleshooting forum. I would not even start a new thread. Just edit the title of this one and edit your first post with the issue you are having. 13.8 has been out since Oct so probably a good chance the issue has already been noted and may have a fix in the beta if it is in fact a bug.
  15. If there are images in the media image tabs but not showing on the game list display it could be due to the image type you have selected to show in LB preview there is not one for that image type for the game. Example: I can you see have you images set to show Box-3D. If the game does not have a Box-3D image downloaded it will be left blank (you will see the gray box). What you can do in these cases is set a fallback option. In LB tools you will see "Image Priorities". In those sections you can set alternate image types to show if a game is missing the main image type. This way game boxes will not be left gray, LB will try to fill the void. If the game does have an image for the image type but it is still not showing try hitting F5 to reset the image cache. With regards to DoDonPachi III I am not sure what is going on. The game is in the Games DB but when you scrape for it the data is only pulling an alternate name of ddp3. You can select that and it will download images and then change the name to correctly show the full game name.
  16. In your \Updates folder are the installers of the prior versions you have used. Just run that installer over top your build. It will not mess up any settings. Note: Make sure you look at the install folder location before you execute the operation. Confirm it is not pointing the install to a \Launchbox\Launchbox folder. It should only be \Launchbox.
  17. Probably best to ask in his thread. Not a lot of CTC creators on our forum responding to help questions and he is providing support from his patreon site, but does still respond here. You will probably get a quicker response in this thread.
  18. Next beta has a fix for this. It should be out soon. In the meantime you can reinstall the prior version if you need to have it in place until the next beta.
  19. You can email our support staff and see if they can send you one of the older 32bit installers. However, newer version no longer support 32bit. support@unbrokensoftware.com
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