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Everything posted by srxz

  1. Just uploaded a better version. Regarding this error I never experienced it, let me know the exactly steps to do it and I can try do reproduce
  2. Try the new version that I just uploaded should work edit: I will include a new method later in order to delete all fields names tags so it could clean up the mess
  3. Yes, I updated them with appropriate and common places now with newer versions. Fanart backgrounds are possible but need to find a reliable place to grab it.
  4. I did not knew about the tags, I can change the code thanks for the info, this plugin has like 7 years so it maybe not be up to date with new launchbox features
  5. unfortunately after some testing its not working. Plugin has too many incompatible dependencies with new 9.0
  6. Awesome! Glad it worked I will make available the ImageServer this weekend as a service or container, so launchbox can serve the Images and send the url to mqtt
  7. @kwatts please download the new version and check if the problem still persists
  8. Hmm, I will test more with 13.19 regarding the feeze when start the game, the ImageServer doesn't affect anything it just concatenates the serverurl with path of the Image, so its optional. I have a webserver ready to publish by need more time.
  9. Try this one: ArchivePlugin9.0.zip
  10. no problem, I try to create simple plugins over complex super feature made plugins because its easier for me to use, but theres a bunch of steam scrapers here done by other people and I thought that nobody were still using my simple plugin hehe
  11. Well, I was going to let this die but theres people still using it so I updated it, no enhancements were done I just refactored a bunch of things, steam changed their cdn as well so it should be ok now let me know how it goes
  12. updated to .net 9.0 and added the possibility of provide images to mqtt topic
  13. So guys, I'm kinda late for the party, here have this:
  14. Launchbox MQTT View File Version 2.0.1 - From Launchbox 13.19 to the latest. Version 1.0.1 - Until Launchbox 13.18 So, basically what this does is expose some of the information to a MQTT Topic, or multiple really, this way you can add the Information on your Homeassistant instance or whatever consumer of that topic is. Requirements: MQTT Server Installation Extract to the plugins folder Setup Open the Launchbox Menu --> Tools --> MQTT Settings Fill the information about your MQTT Topics: launchbox/systeminfo Info: { "TotalGames": 14, "TotalPlatforms": 2, "BigBoxRunning": false, "IsBigBoxInAttractMode": false, "IsBigBoxLocked": false, "IsPremium": true, "BigBoxCurrentTheme": null } launchbox/nowplaying info: { "Title": "Donkey Kong Country", "Platform": "Super Nintendo Entertainment System", "Developer": "Rare", "Publisher": "Nintendo", "ReleaseDate": "1994-11-24T06:00:00-02:00", "Rating": "E - Everyone", "LastPlayedDate": "2025-02-04T14:57:47.1845482-03:00", "Genres": [ "Platform" ], "Favorite": false, "PlayCount": 12, "Status": "Playing" } launchbox/retroachievments (I have no idea why this doesnt work, I personally dont use it so Dont know) info: { "GetGameInfoWithProgress": {}, "TotalPoints": [ {} ], "TotalAchievements": {}, "LastGamePlayed": {} } Homeassistant Create the sensors in configuration.yml: mqtt: - sensor: - name: "LaunchBox Total Games" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.TotalGames }}" icon: mdi:gamepad-variant - name: "LaunchBox Total Platforms" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.TotalPlatforms }}" icon: mdi:gamepad-classic - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Title" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Title }}" icon: mdi:gamepad - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Platform" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Platform }}" icon: mdi:microsoft - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Developer" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Developer }}" icon: mdi:human - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Publisher" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Publisher }}" icon: mdi:office-building - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Rating" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Rating }}" icon: mdi:star - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing PlayCount" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.PlayCount }}" icon: mdi:counter - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Status" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Status }}" icon: mdi:gamepad-circle - name: "LaunchBox BigBox Running" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.BigBoxRunning }}" icon: mdi:play-box-outline - name: "LaunchBox Attract Mode" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.IsBigBoxInAttractMode }}" icon: mdi:motion-play-outline - name: "LaunchBox BigBox Locked" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.IsBigBoxLocked }}" icon: mdi:lock-outline - name: "LaunchBox Premium Status" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ 'Premium' if value_json.IsPremium else 'Free' }}" icon: mdi:crown - name: "LaunchBox Current Theme" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.BigBoxCurrentTheme if value_json.BigBoxCurrentTheme else 'None' }}" icon: mdi:theme-light-dark An example of simple dashboard (i'm horrible designing these): Code for card: type: vertical-stack cards: - type: custom:mushroom-title-card title: 🎮 LaunchBox Status - type: custom:mushroom-template-card primary: "Total Games: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_total_games') }}" secondary: "Total Platforms: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_total_platforms') }}" icon: mdi:gamepad-variant layout: horizontal fill_container: true - type: custom:mushroom-template-card primary: "BigBox Running: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_bigbox_running') }}" secondary: "Attract Mode: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_attract_mode') }}" icon: mdi:play-box-outline layout: horizontal fill_container: true multiline_secondary: true - type: custom:mushroom-template-card primary: "BigBox Locked: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_bigbox_locked') }}" secondary: "Premium Status: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_premium_status') }}" icon: mdi:lock-outline layout: horizontal fill_container: true - type: custom:mushroom-template-card primary: "Current Theme: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_current_theme') }}" icon: mdi:theme-light-dark layout: horizontal fill_container: true - type: conditional conditions: - entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_status state_not: Idle card: type: custom:mushroom-template-card primary: "Now Playing: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_now_playing_title') }}" secondary: "Platform: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_now_playing_platform') }}" icon: mdi:gamepad layout: horizontal fill_container: true multiline_secondary: true - type: conditional conditions: - entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_status state: Playing card: type: custom:mushroom-chips-card chips: - type: entity entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_developer icon: mdi:human - type: entity entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_publisher icon: mdi:office-building - type: entity entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_rating icon: mdi:star - type: entity entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_playcount icon: mdi:counter OBS: This has super limited support, I made this out of curiosity only, I tested it literally 30min so expect bugs or things dont working fully. Submitter srxz Submitted 02/04/2025 Category Third-party Apps and Plugins  
  15. Version 2.0.2


    Version 2.0.1 - From Launchbox 13.19 to the latest. Version 1.0.1 - Until Launchbox 13.18 So, basically what this does is expose some of the information to a MQTT Topic, or multiple really, this way you can add the Information on your Homeassistant instance or whatever consumer of that topic is. Requirements: MQTT Server Installation Extract to the plugins folder Setup Open the Launchbox Menu --> Tools --> MQTT Settings Fill the information about your MQTT Topics: launchbox/systeminfo Info: { "TotalGames": 14, "TotalPlatforms": 2, "BigBoxRunning": false, "IsBigBoxInAttractMode": false, "IsBigBoxLocked": false, "IsPremium": true, "BigBoxCurrentTheme": null } launchbox/nowplaying info: { "Title": "Donkey Kong Country", "Platform": "Super Nintendo Entertainment System", "Developer": "Rare", "Publisher": "Nintendo", "ReleaseDate": "1994-11-24T06:00:00-02:00", "Rating": "E - Everyone", "LastPlayedDate": "2025-02-04T14:57:47.1845482-03:00", "Genres": [ "Platform" ], "Favorite": false, "PlayCount": 12, "Status": "Playing" } launchbox/retroachievments (I have no idea why this doesnt work, I personally dont use it so Dont know) info: { "GetGameInfoWithProgress": {}, "TotalPoints": [ {} ], "TotalAchievements": {}, "LastGamePlayed": {} } Homeassistant Create the sensors in configuration.yml: mqtt: - sensor: - name: "LaunchBox Total Games" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.TotalGames }}" icon: mdi:gamepad-variant - name: "LaunchBox Total Platforms" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.TotalPlatforms }}" icon: mdi:gamepad-classic - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Title" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Title }}" icon: mdi:gamepad - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Platform" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Platform }}" icon: mdi:microsoft - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Developer" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Developer }}" icon: mdi:human - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Publisher" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Publisher }}" icon: mdi:office-building - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Rating" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Rating }}" icon: mdi:star - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing PlayCount" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.PlayCount }}" icon: mdi:counter - name: "LaunchBox Now Playing Status" state_topic: "launchbox/nowplaying" value_template: "{{ value_json.Status }}" icon: mdi:gamepad-circle - name: "LaunchBox BigBox Running" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.BigBoxRunning }}" icon: mdi:play-box-outline - name: "LaunchBox Attract Mode" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.IsBigBoxInAttractMode }}" icon: mdi:motion-play-outline - name: "LaunchBox BigBox Locked" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.IsBigBoxLocked }}" icon: mdi:lock-outline - name: "LaunchBox Premium Status" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ 'Premium' if value_json.IsPremium else 'Free' }}" icon: mdi:crown - name: "LaunchBox Current Theme" state_topic: "launchbox/systeminfo" value_template: "{{ value_json.BigBoxCurrentTheme if value_json.BigBoxCurrentTheme else 'None' }}" icon: mdi:theme-light-dark An example of simple dashboard (i'm horrible designing these): Code for card: type: vertical-stack cards: - type: custom:mushroom-title-card title: 🎮 LaunchBox Status - type: custom:mushroom-template-card primary: "Total Games: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_total_games') }}" secondary: "Total Platforms: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_total_platforms') }}" icon: mdi:gamepad-variant layout: horizontal fill_container: true - type: custom:mushroom-template-card primary: "BigBox Running: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_bigbox_running') }}" secondary: "Attract Mode: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_attract_mode') }}" icon: mdi:play-box-outline layout: horizontal fill_container: true multiline_secondary: true - type: custom:mushroom-template-card primary: "BigBox Locked: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_bigbox_locked') }}" secondary: "Premium Status: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_premium_status') }}" icon: mdi:lock-outline layout: horizontal fill_container: true - type: custom:mushroom-template-card primary: "Current Theme: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_current_theme') }}" icon: mdi:theme-light-dark layout: horizontal fill_container: true - type: conditional conditions: - entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_status state_not: Idle card: type: custom:mushroom-template-card primary: "Now Playing: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_now_playing_title') }}" secondary: "Platform: {{ states('sensor.launchbox_now_playing_platform') }}" icon: mdi:gamepad layout: horizontal fill_container: true multiline_secondary: true - type: conditional conditions: - entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_status state: Playing card: type: custom:mushroom-chips-card chips: - type: entity entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_developer icon: mdi:human - type: entity entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_publisher icon: mdi:office-building - type: entity entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_rating icon: mdi:star - type: entity entity: sensor.launchbox_now_playing_playcount icon: mdi:counter OBS: This has super limited support, I made this out of curiosity only, I tested it literally 30min so expect bugs or things dont working fully.
  16. Hey, I'm glad that someone picked up the project, ive been really busy and couldnt fix the plugins that Ive made, Thanks @maikeru86. Would be good to post the source-code as well if possible.
  17. Strange, for me it's breaking directly lol. I think it's related to some Launchbox change not sure, I will try to debug asap. Thanks for the test
  18. I'm on beta, but shouldn't make difference, I tried to even download more plugins to see if it was some sort of compatibility issues, but I can use the plugin normally, with or without the plugin dll. Try to copy the /core dll to the plugin folder, not sure what to do anymore
  19. I have no idea what it could be,try to delete the folder and extract it again. I have uploaded a new version without the Plugin dll. Are you with latest launchbox version?
  20. The DLL should be at : LaunchBox\Core .
  21. Try to delete the DLL from that folder, it shouldnt be there, it's already at core level of Launchbox.
  22. Try to delete this dll, it should not be there.
  23. @NexusX0 @rocko2001 Guys, I cannot reproduce this problem not sure what I can do to help :( Maybe windows changed the unblock this on the latest update, not sure.
  24. Hey guys, I fixed, I think. @CRZ52 @drodrick @LittleNeoGeo
  25. Hey guys! I tried to fix the plugin, please test it and see if its working.
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