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Everything posted by spectral

  1. Thanks, it's working great again now. I really appreciate how you keep updating every time they change things and screw it up.
  2. Been getting the error "Problem creating retroarch list from html" when check for updates the last couple of days.
  3. Actually turning the blank tags into Amiibo is stupidly easy so long as you have an Android phone with NFC. Install the Tagmo app, copy a few files over, go into tagmo settings and point it to the files. Then you just select the amiibo from the list, press write tag and hold the blank tag near your phones NFC antenna for a second. But then you're just left with a plain looking white tag, it works but its a bit boring. I don't have the coin cases yet because I want to figure the art out first but the aim is to get these looking something like these
  4. I've made some fake Amiibo using some 28mm Ntag215 PVC discs. They have adhesive on and I want to print out and attach some art. However arty stuff is not my thing and I'm at a complete loss where to even start. I need to cut out appropriate art for each amiibo and size it to fit on a 28mm diameter circle. Then have them all on one page to print out. The easier option would be to just print out some pics, place the tag ontop and cut round, but that would be a big waste of ink and paper. I know this isn't really the forums for this sort of thing, however nowhere I go is and I know a lot of people here have experience with this kind of thing for use in themes and such. Any help greatly appreciated.
  5. I don't think the problem is with Stellar. It looks like for whatever reason the download file it uses just isn't on the nightlies page at all. The only one there is the bigger download. I don't know if it means anything but prior to this disappearance the nightly build hadn't been updated since the 8th. Edit: Looks like its all working again now.
  6. Is there a way to display only games with missing media? It would help narrow down games that need media adding in large collections.
  7. That comes up when it recognises the game name and has a configuration available to download. There isn't one for every game. For games that don't you have to configure them yourself. The real point of the plugin isn't the downloadable configs, its that it allows you to save different PCSX2 settings for each game. Which is really useful as with PCSX2 the settings that work well for one game could completely break another. Even with the downloaded configs you're probably going to want to tweak some of them anyway as its unlikely you have exactly the same PC as the person that makes them.
  8. Its fine and some people seem to prefer the way it is now. I'm happy to stay on 8.1 while sorting things out.
  9. Yeah I realise that. I'm only pointing it out because at this point we don't really know enough to know what is not implemented yet and what is a bug.
  10. True, but with something the size of the mame romset even that is significantly slower. I usually just copy/paste the name of the last rom I checked. I think I'm just going to turn off updates and go back to 8.1. Speaking of pressing pressing the key doesn't seem to jump to that letter in the new LBN
  11. With everything after 8.1, when you search in LB then highlight one of the result and than cancel the search it now jumps back to the beginning, whereas in 8.1 and prior it stayed on the highlighted game. Is this permanent and intentional or a bug? I have been going through the mame roms and deleting games I dont want to keep and since there are far too many to do at once the search was a good way of getting back to where I left off. Unfortunately that is no longer possible in the newer versions.
  12. Thanks for the update. It seems to be working great now.
  13. Great to hear You'll be updating. Other the LB and the emulators themselves its the app I'd hate to lose the most. I couldn't see one on the site but if you ever set up a donations paypal or something I'd be happy to at least buy you a drink or two.
  14. Ahh, fingers crossed he's still interested in updating it. It has been really useful
  15. has this stopped working for anyone else? it's not been working for me since at least yesterday. I get the error "error: problem creating Retroarch list from HTML"
  16. All the combined items should be shown in the right click menu and you can just click which you want.
  17. You already know my vote. But then I'm fairly lucky. While not blazingly fast my internet is reasonable (27.5Mbit or so) and no usage caps. Sure it takes a long time to download but its a one time thing then it can last you until something happens with mame that compels you to upgrade, which may never even happen. So even if it did take a day or two, is that really such a huge deal in the long term? It's not like you can't do other things on the PC at the same time. I like that Non-Merged are pretty much impossible to accidentally screw up and I just like that they behave more like your standard roms on other systems.
  18. I'm not sure on the exact process but I think if you separate them then re-merge them you can control which one the other are merged into. I think It might just be a case of selecting them all, then right clicking on the one you want as the main one and right clicking on that one and select to merge selected games.
  19. Another that I don't know if I could say is good but I have a soft spot for is Alien Storm
  20. I only tend to know the more obvious well known stuff and you seem to more or less have that covered. I did notice Turtles in Time wasn't there though, I think that is worth adding.
  21. I have a few of those and the names are the same for me, although I'm still using 185. There's no real point doing too much now other than getting the general idea of what you want to do down as there is no telling what might change between now and 200.
  22. while I agree in general about CHD's it does seem a shame for a few games as I think SFIII 3rd strike and both KI games deserve to be on the list. But as mentioned previously it doesn't necessarily have to be that conclusive. The main thing is that it filters out the filler noone in their right mind would want. I'm sure everyone is going to add/remove some games themselves to fit personal tastes anyway.
  23. I know download time, ISP usage caps and too a lesser degree HDD space is an issue with the non merged. However I do think they fit in better for LB. With every other emulator there are no dependencies between roms. So with non merged it will behave more like all the other systems do.
  24. I tend to be a fan of having an entire series. That said I'm not sure that is the best option here. This is a no filler list and I think a lot of that stuff is so similar having a bunch of them could very much feel like filler. I don't think there is a one rule fits all solution here. I think you're going to have to make judgement calls on which entries in a series deserve to be there or if you are unsure maybe put it too a vote. I think it should also depends on how many entries a series has too. I don't see a problem with MK1,2, 3 and 4 for example. each entry has significant differences. However for Street fighter I think some would need pruning., definitely so for King of Fighters and Guilty Gear.
  25. I guess it depends on whether or not it was intentional and how most people would like it. I'd happily stay on 8.1 for a while if more people prefer it like this. I'm just currently going through mame trying each game and deciding which to keep and which to delete and its an easy way of getting back to where I was.
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