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Everything posted by spectral

  1. Maybe it isn't de-selecting then, I just assumed it was and thats why it was jumping back to the top. If its going to stay jumping to the top I'm going to have to disable updates and stick to 8.1 for quite a while.
  2. Yeah plus didn't some files for the audio in capcom games and such change after somewhere around 180? I suspect too much has changed now to make those reliable. I tend to go with non merged. Big but unless you want to keep the multiple versions of the same game it makes deleteing the unwanted ones much safer, you cant accidentally delete a parent rom. Plus storage is cheap enough these days that 100-150GB isn't really that huge anymore. I have the folder in LB I'm deleting things from and a separate backup of the entire set in case I delete something I later decide I want. I think I'll still keep this one for the time being even if I end up using your list when 200 comes out. As tedious as going through them can be, It has led me to try some I didn't even know about that look interesting. Also I used to play P.O.W. when I was little and coudn't remember the name just the bit at the start where you blow up the door. I was so happy when I randomly loaded it up and recognised it, I've been wanting to know what it was for years.
  3. I really like this idea. Mame is so unwieldly and cluttered. I have 0.185 atm and have slowly been going through trying to decide what to keep and what to trash. But I don't really know enough to trash any without trying them first so it is taking forever. Even the ones I'm keeping are only preliminary. I have a quick go decide if it has any potential, if so keep if not trash. Then its going to need a second pass with more playtime for each.
  4. One idea. For games like TMNT maybe include both the 4p and 2p versions. The reason being on the 2p version you use a character select to pick the char. On the 4p you have to push 1-4p start and most people don't have that many controllers or all 4 mapped to a single controller.
  5. Not sure if it is possible but is it possible to have it get rid of games with certain controls. For example if all you have is an arcade stick you could get rid of all the light gun, trackball, paddle,etc games.
  6. Not sure if this is a bug or an intended change but when I search for something in LB then select it, when I close the search to get the rest of the games to show up again it de-selects the game and jumps back to the top. I generally use it to get back to where I was before in going through the mame roms deciding what to keep and what to delete. It was an easy way of getting back to where I'd previously left off.
  7. Not always a good solution. For example I've spent a lot of time removing games I don't want to reduce the clutter. They'd have to be a damn compelling reason to get me to change to a new set and do all that again.
  8. I'm not sure tbh, although I don't think so. The games weren't adapted to run correctly at that speed most of the time. They actually just ran slower than they were designed too. So if you ran the US version and got some slowdown, that shouldn't be any worse than what the PAL version is doing by design. Edit: If you can look up footage of an EU version of FFX, Tidu's run animation looks like slow motion compared too the US version and later HD re-releases.
  9. There is no compatibility issue. However when you can use the US version. PS2 was an SD console and as such still used the old TV standards (NTSC in the US/Jap and PAL in the EU). PAL runs at 50hz so EU games are actually slower than the US version. The same holds true for pretty much any console older than the Xbox 360. The reason EU ISO's are bigger is usually down to them having the audio for more languages included.
  10. That's such a shame, this is not only the most unique looking theme but also simply one of the best. However too much missing for popular platforms to use if it is never going to be updated.
  11. Not sure if its just something with my system or not but has anyone got Soul Calibur working on on Demul without the screen flickering to black in the intro video?
  12. Hi, I love the glass effect logo thing. Would it be possible to do one on a more plain/generic background rather than a specific system?
  13. Mine is significantly faster too. Especially Launchbox.
  14. No problem, that's what these forums and the community are here for. Glad you got it working, it's a really useful plugin.
  15. I just know the plugin has gone through a few revisions and so has LB since 7.10. It could be the current plugin has problems with how the older LB handles it's plugins.
  16. @alec100_94 Could it be the old version of LB he's using?
  17. Have you ran it yet though? I'm not sure but I think it creates some of its files the first time its run.
  18. Have you ran the game yet? Try running it to make sure its set up right
  19. I had it freeze when I first got it too and it was because I hadn't yet added pcsx2 to launchbox as an emulator. It didn't crash per se, just stopped and wouldn't move on
  20. Do you already have the PS2 games imported into launchbox? You need them set up first so the plugin can detect them.
  21. Seems to have fixed it for me too.
  22. Thats the same as mine too. Except mine is slightly faster than that, probably because I have a lot less platforms atm (I only have 9)
  23. I think I've been getting this too. Not quite 10 seconds but while most start ups are faster than earlier versions it seems to randomly take a few seconds longer than older versions did. I just assumed it was some quirk with my system and since its not a huge issue, just let it be. However since someone else is also having the issue I thought it best I mention it.
  24. I don't know if its something that's fixable or not but I multiple instances of RA for different sets of systems, so my emulator in LB isn't named retroarch. They're named things like "retroarch sony", "retroarch N64",etc. So I'm not getting the option in the menu.
  25. Thanks I'll take a look. So as well as playing, there's nothing playing out of sync at all? starting of finishing before/after it should
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