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Mr. RetroLust

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Everything posted by Mr. RetroLust

  1. Thanks for your reaction, ah ok I thought I mention it as feedback in case it got overlooked.
  2. @Jason Carr One last thought, I don't know if you are already planning this but I personally have a hard time to quickly navigate my eyes to the data I'm specifically looking for as all the text is in one color, might it be possible to add an option to alternate/colorize the data columns? Maybe even together when you change the theme color, see below for an example of what I mean, in my opinion it would really benefit the readability and design. Like it is now: Alternate column color example (it's not a very nice color in this case but at least you know what I mean):
  3. @Jason Carr I do notice in this beta that the setting for fade background doesn't make any changes, the background image has no fading applied to it, do you notice the same or is it my settings? I do have unchecked everything in 'background priorities' and 'default background' set to use launchbox default background. Ps I cant believe how super smooth and fast it is now in comparison with regular launchbox and a huge (mame at the moment) library, thank you again, really happy with this
  4. I really (really x3) love this image and would like to make some variations on this for other arcade systems in the future, but I would very much like to know whom is the author of this so I can ask for permission. Can anyone point me in the right direction? Thanks This:
  5. It looks amazing, thank you so much!
  6. Example of reconstructing/remaking from low quality Neo-Geo mini-marquees with high quality scanned material from flyers and doing translation from japanese version to english, quite some work all in all but in the end we'll have a near complete collection of marquees of almost every Neo-Geo game.
  7. And finally the Night Mode version, some special attention to the specific lighting sources.
  8. From photo to restored Marquee. Finished result in Day Mode (will upload everything as soon as I'm done with the Neo Geo collection, I think about 2 weeks from now):
  9. Filters are nice to work quickly but basically you can do everything yourself if you know how, there is always something to learn in photoshop (or other software like photoimpact as I use for a very very long time now) if you search for tutorials on glow/diffuse glow and such.
  10. Vectorizing the lightning bolts from the existing mame bezel and adding them to the project with blown up reference photo of the marquee.
  11. Thanks, I really like the Wii U marquees you made, my pc isn't capable of emulating Wii U sadly but to me your skills seem above entry level! Hope to see you continue to make more marquees man! For the the glow aspect of most of the marquees I used an old free photoshop filter named: "Diffuse Glow v1.1" by Richard Rosenman, you can still fiddle with the results of this filter by adding more gaussian blur, saturation and stuff like that. If you ever need help or advise let me know, would be glad to help out.
  12. Thanks! Yeah me too i'm suprised others didn't apply a night/lit mode earlier in their graphics, since an arcade is mostly dark and light plays an important role therein. In the future i'll start on bezels with lighting effects as well, will be a 5 year plan all in all perhaps lol but it's worth it.
  13. Finally seeing the finish line (phew), all that's left to do are the lightning bolts and the spiral behind the logo.
  14. Recreating the original The Irritating Maze marquee.
  15. Version 2.0.0


    Arcade Marquee Wallpaper/Fanart images 119 Cut-outs from high quality marquee images, can be used as desktop wallpapers and/or to be used as fan-art backgrounds for example, all up to you Ranging from 1080p to Ultra HD resolution and any resolution in between, all images in 16:9 aspect ratio. Arcade_Marquee_Wallpapers.zip
  16. Arcade Marquee Wallpapers View File Arcade Marquee Wallpaper/Fanart images 119 Cut-outs from high quality marquee images, can be used as desktop wallpapers and/or to be used as fan-art backgrounds for example, all up to you Ranging from 1080p to Ultra HD resolution and any resolution in between, all images in 16:9 aspect ratio. Arcade_Marquee_Wallpapers.zip Submitter Mr. RetroLust Submitted 04/20/2018 Category Game Media Packs
  17. Restoration full size marquee, from the arcade museum database a very low quality image. https://www.arcade-museum.com/game_detail.php?game_id=6930After remake, Day Mode: Night Mode:
  18. Deleted v1.0, working out v2.0, what's coming, exclusive to Launchbox. Optimized marquees without scratched texture overlay for deeper colors and contrast Cleaned up artwork Exclusive Day mode / Night Mode (unlit/lit) for every marquee. Further working out about 153 Neo Geo game marquees total, double that with night modes and full version marquees (lol) Including exclusive official full marquee artwork for certain Neo Geo games revived/restored to Ultra HD resolution, not to be found on public internet or perhaps anywhere else for that matter (see examples below: 3 Count Bout & Double Dragon) Optimized dual mini-marquee layouts for full screen 21:9 marquee monitors Examples below in low res 1280 pixels width, original resolution 3840 pixels width.
  19. It absolutely shows! Love the details of all the characters. I know all to well about clients from hell I hope you want to make art for the community as well in the future, especially for marquees there are a lot of marquees in desperate need of a professional artist, as a custom replacement or restoration. Working on a new complete Neo Geo marquee collection myself, though I'm not an illustrator.
  20. Friggin awesome dude! Oh the fun that will be had with this! Congrats on a job well done Are you an artist btw? I bet you can make amazing marquees as well
  21. Gracias, agradable de escuchar, también haré CPS2 y 3 en el futuro.
  22. Street Fighter II and Capcom World 2 is included in this pack aren't they? If those other games you mentioned are part of Capcom Play System I then I will include them in this pack, could you provide me with wiki info and front artwork of the games?
  23. Version 1.0.0


    Capcom Play System I - Complete pack of 33 carts (High Quality) As far as I could see this should be the complete CPS1 collection, if you find any carts that are missing let me know.
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