shinra358 Posted January 17, 2015 Posted January 17, 2015 It's best to load cues instead for EPSXE or else CD sound based games won't play sound properly. Is there a cmdline for cue's? Quote
Jason Carr Posted January 18, 2015 Author Posted January 18, 2015 Hi shinra, good question. I see this post here that lists out the command line parameters: However, I don't see anything there about CUE files. :/ Quote
SentaiBrad Posted January 18, 2015 Posted January 18, 2015 shinra358 said It's best to load cues instead for EPSXE or else CD sound based games won't play sound properly. Is there a cmdline for cue's? Instead of loading the game through a .iso, .img or .bin you load the cue. Generally speaking though, no you shouldn't have any problem if you load games from the source not the cue. I fairly certain there is no compatibility issues or ePSXe already see's the cue and reads its information. A cue is mostly needed to write an image to a disc, and even then its not important. I would say just do this on a game by game basis. If you are having a problem with a game, you can right click an entry in LaunchBox, Edit, then select the .cue as the target instead of the image file. Quote
thunderchild Posted January 29, 2015 Posted January 29, 2015 When you try to launch a game using Applewin, only the program pops up and then you have to manually select the game you want to load. Does anyone know how to fix this, or know of a better Apple II emulator for windows? Quote
SentaiBrad Posted January 29, 2015 Posted January 29, 2015 thunderchild said When you try to launch a game using Applewin, only the program pops up and then you have to manually select the game you want to load. Does anyone know how to fix this, or know of a better Apple II emulator for windows? As for emulators we know work with LaunchBox and can emulate AppleII? As for trying to get this emulator to run: I did a bit of research and it seems this emulator has a few issues with getting to autorun from outside of the emulator. I did find a webpage that showed how to get it to run from a .bat file, which doesn't really help here unless you point LaunchBox to the .bat file, but you might be able to adapt the method to here and find proper command like arguments if the program accepts them. Quote
thunderchild Posted January 29, 2015 Posted January 29, 2015 Thanks! I think ill just try and get MESS to work. Quote
bd00 Posted February 2, 2015 Posted February 2, 2015 Jason Carr said Most definitely; big thanks to bd for his work on this post. As I had previously promised, I've finally started to integrate these settings into LaunchBox itself (so they automatically populate and such). I just put out version 4.2-beta-1 ( ) which includes settings for a handful of them. I'm adding them slowly in because I'm testing them one-by-one. Quick question. Since LB now includes preset CLI options, do you still need me to maintain this thread? or is it obsolete? Or rather, will users still reference it? Quote
shinra358 Posted February 14, 2015 Posted February 14, 2015 SentaiBrad said shinra358 said It's best to load cues instead for EPSXE or else CD sound based games won't play sound properly. Is there a cmdline for cue's? Generally speaking though, no you shouldn't have any problem if you load games from the source not the cue. Nah, loading from cue on EPXSE gives maximum compatibility. Some games fail to play sounds if you don't. Some even fail to play. For example, Mortal Kombat Trilogy is one of those games. Loading the .cue as the rom works though. Unrelated, I know Msi afterburner isn't a game or emu, but since we are talking cmd lines; does anyone know the cmdlines for it to switch to specific profiles? I can use this to set with 'Run Before' (to switch to an overclocked profile) and 'Run After' (to switch back to default clocks). This way, I can save energy when needed and only apply more performance with games that need it automatically. Edit: Nevermind. Found out it's just '-profile1', '-profile2', etc. following the program's path. Now to find how to prevent UAC prompt without completely disabling UAC. Edit 2: I noticed that there were no virtualboy cmd lines listed. Here are all the mednafen overall and system specific cmdlines: I don't know about vbjin though. Quote
Jason Carr Posted February 19, 2015 Author Posted February 19, 2015 bd000 said Quick question. Since LB now includes preset CLI options, do you still need me to maintain this thread? or is it obsolete? Or rather, will users still reference it? Hey bd, as always, thanks for your work on this thread. Most of my recommended settings inside of LaunchBox are indeed coming from here, however, there is a *LOT* more information here than what I plan to put into the app, so, yes, it would be wonderful if you could keep maintaining this thread. Thanks, Jason Quote
whitoxx Posted April 10, 2015 Posted April 10, 2015 I am new here and new to LaunchBox. I find it is an amazing tools for games and emulators. Here I encountered some problem when using LaunchBox with Demul 0.582: When I use command line to launch Atomiswave games, the emulator jumps out and list the Atomiswave game menu, and cannot jump directly to the game. I tried the method listed by Saboti. Is there anything I miss? However, Saboti's method is worked with Dreamcast cdi, which is great. Can anyone help? Quote
Jason Carr Posted April 12, 2015 Author Posted April 12, 2015 Hi whitoxx, welcome. I'll add Demul to my list of emulators to test/tinker with. As of yet, I have not tried it. Quote
Xlembros Posted April 14, 2015 Posted April 14, 2015 SpoilerHello I seem to be having issues getting Launchbox to launch turbografix 16 roms with TurboEngine the emulator itself will launch the roms both in .zip and .pce format but when I attempt to launch them from Launchbox I get this error : i know there is no issues with the roms themselves they launch fine via the emulator by either drag and dropping them into the emulator or opening them via the file launch. any kind of help would be appreciated I've tried 3 different emulators and each one ended up yielding different errors and issues. i would really like to use TurboEngine because of its low cpu/gpu and ram impact.. Edit : ignore this post i decided to give Retro Arch a try and after arguing with RA's configurations got it to work Quote
kamyk2000 Posted April 21, 2015 Posted April 21, 2015 Umm I'm having some issues with this thread big time. I just tried that batch file for working around Winkawaks, and first of all it's missing necessary characters. > usermessage.vbs echo WScript.Echo InputBox( "Enter the path to you romset (e.g. c: oms\cps2)", "ROMSET Path", "c: oms\cps2" ) That's what it says in the post it's in. oms\cps2)", "ROMSET PATH","c: oms\cps2" ) I ran it and it didn't work, so I assumed correctly that it was missing characters and changed it to >Usermessage.vbs echo WScript.Echo InputBox( "Enter the path to you romset (e.g. c:\ roms\cps2)", "ROMSET Path", "c:\ roms\cps2" ) That isn't the issue though, the issue is that when I ran it, it either deleted all of my NeoGeo romsets, or moved them somewhere obscure I can't figure out. Someone really needs to have another look at that code and make it do what it is supposed to be doing. And PLEASE tell me what it did with my roms? @echo off echo set WshShell = WScript.CreateObject("WScript.Shell") > desktop.vbs echo strDesktop = WshShell.SpecialFolders("Desktop") >> desktop.vbs echo wscript.echo(strDesktop) >> desktop.vbs for /F "usebackq delims=" %%d in (`cscript desktop.vbs`) do set desktop=%%d del desktop.vbs > usermessage.vbs echo WScript.Echo InputBox( "Enter the path to you romset (e.g. c: oms\cps2)", "ROMSET Path", "c: oms\cps2" ) for /f "tokens=*" %%r in ('CSCRIPT.EXE //NoLogo usermessage.vbs') do set roms=%%r del usermessage.vbs cd /d "%roms%" for /f "delims=" %%f in ('dir /A-D /B /O:GEN') do echo %%~nf >> "%desktop%\filelist.txt" cd /d "%desktop%" > usermessage2.vbs echo WScript.Echo InputBox( "Enter complete path to emulator (e.g. c:\emulators\winkawaks\winkawaks.exe)", "Emulator Path", "c:\emulators\winkawaks\winkawaks.exe" ) for /f "tokens=*" %%e in ('CSCRIPT.EXE //NoLogo usermessage2.vbs') do set emu=%%e del usermessage2.vbs echo start "Emulator" %emu% %%~n0> template.bat for /f "usebackq delims=," %%b in (`TYPE filelist.txt`) do ( copy template.bat "%roms%\%%b.bat" ) del filelist.txt del template.bat cd /d "%roms%" for %%m in (*.bat) do ( md "%%~nm" 2>nul move "%%m" "%%~nm" ) I'd be quite happy to upload the "fixed" batch file I used but the forum here is refusing to either allow me to type it with or without code tags without massive errors like the OP of it, nor will the forum allow me to upload a .bat or .txt file. There, figured to upload a screenshot If that's the way the .bat is supposed to look, it doesn't work. It eats your files. I'm not a happy camper just at the moment. Replacing all of my NeoGeo roms will take hours or days. Edit: I managed to get my roms back by hitting undo repeatedly in windows explorer... However someone still needs to do something about that post. It either needs to be fixed to work correctly or deleted or disclaimed as unworking and unsupported so anyone else running across it doesn't have the same results... Quote
bd00 Posted April 21, 2015 Posted April 21, 2015 Ahh, yes you are correct. I am so sorry for any inconvenience this may have caused. The code was correct when I copied it to my clipboard, however it seems to have had an issue when pasting it to the forum. I found the problem! I created a code block inside a blockquote, which bizzarely seems to have chopped the pasted code up. Very odd. Anyway, I have fixed the original post and here is the correct code again (no blockquote this time): SEE 2 POSTS DOWN FOR BAT FILE The forum seems to remove the whitespace I added too. Can't seem to fix this one... Very annoying. REMEMBER: Create and run the batch file from your DESKTOP, this is important. If it is an issue I can easily change it, but wait for the updated script. At the time I figured most people would prefer to work from the desktop, so I built around that. If you need any more assistance just shout. Quote
kamyk2000 Posted April 21, 2015 Posted April 21, 2015 I hate to have to tell you... but the forum chopped your post again. It seems to seriously dislike \ being listed first in a line, possibly among other characters for all I know. I'd suggest screenshoting your batch file and uploading it. It seems the only workaround. It will be a pain to type it rather than copy and paste it, but that seems the only way you are going to get to post a working copy of it, and any inconvenience of typing it will be far outweighed by having it work correctly. Edit: Actually I found a much easier solution (although figuring it out just consumed several hours). Easier to implement anyway. I tried an emulator called Raine that seemed to support command line loading of NeoGeo, and it did, but it kept giving me errors about some ipl.txt. After hours, and a vague reply from the Dev of Raine it turns out that if it sees .zip on the filename it assumes it's a NeoGeoCD image. Leaving the .zip off the command loads the rom just fine. I had to write a small batch file to make it work though, since it seems that Launchbox won't let you specify a file without the extension. "G:\Games (E)\Emul8\Neogeo\ raine\ raine32.exe" -nogui %~n1 as the "emulator" for NeoGeo is all it takes. Ok, wow, I figured out what was wrong with your post too. Apparently the forum hates \ followed by an r and does bizzare things when you put them together. My post looked like this before I added the spaces. "G:\Games (E)\Emul8\Neogeo aine aine32.exe" -nogui %~n1 So to use my batch command, if anyone ever does, just remove the spaces between the \ raine\ raine32.exe part Raine is here: if anyone wants it. Quote
bd00 Posted April 21, 2015 Posted April 21, 2015 Wow OK. I checked the preview and it was fine. The problem occurs only when actually posting it. I should of checked the posted version I guess. My bad. Glad you got it figured out. The forum doesn't allow uploads of *.bat files so I stuck it in an zip archive and uploaded it instead. Just in case anyone else wants it. Quote
kamyk2000 Posted April 21, 2015 Posted April 21, 2015 Always good to have options Now there are two. Raine, or Winkawaks. I swear it was like the scripting community had something against loading Neogeo from the command line. Yay for options. (I still have the nightmare of Sega Dreamcast ahead of me though, ugh). Edit: Urgh, it didn't post your zip file either... Quote
SentaiBrad Posted April 21, 2015 Posted April 21, 2015 bd000 said Wow OK. I checked the preview and it was fine. The problem occurs only when actually posting it. I should of checked the posted version I guess. My bad. Glad you got it figured out. The forum doesn't allow uploads of *.bat files so I stuck it in an zip archive and uploaded it instead. Just in case anyone else wants it. Don't forget, you can always paste the full text on something like PasteBin and post the link to it on the forums. Quote
bd00 Posted April 22, 2015 Posted April 22, 2015 kamyk2000 said Edit: Urgh, it didn't post your zip file either... That's strange, I can see it and download it. Am I the only one? Either someone is winding me up, or there are few issues with the forum that Jason should really attend to. SentaiBrad said Don't forget, you can always paste the full text on something like PasteBin and post the link to it on the forums. Hi Brad. Yes I know, I just prefer to keep things "in house" but it looks like I might not have any other choice. It is not great that code cannot be posted in a code block on your forum, without being distorted that is. And on top of that, uploaded files only accessible by the uploader... not good. Looks like the forum needs a little TLC <3 Quote
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