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LaunchBox Beta Testing - 6.8+

Jason Carr

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Ok something bad happened it was updating and my power went out.  Now when I try to open Big box or LB it just hangs and never starts .   How do install clean just re download and drop it on my current set up?  I wanna keep themes, images, and of course games where they always stayed. 

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I'm guessing the setup just got cut off half way through, @ALIE. It should be safe to install the latest setup on top and it should keep your configuration. It is always dangerous when that happens though because data loss is always a possibility. If it was just in the setup though, hopefully it shouldn't be any configuration files that would be messed up.

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Looks like I need to test deleting platforms with the new XML model; will do. Per RocketLauncher, we are aware that this will "break" the existing implementation. Things should still work but changes to your collection will no longer be updated in RocketLauncher until the new version of RocketLauncher is released (simply because RocketLauncher will continue to use the LaunchBox.xml file which is no longer updated). I notified bleasby from the RocketLauncher team of the changes yesterday and he will be integrating the new file formats soon.

OK, great to hear that.

Another 'issue' that i have in LaunchBox:

When a game is not found on import, i go to the game editor and search. If the game is then found in the database i select it. All the new data is shown on select, but it also removes the current set emulator. On save a popup says there is no emulator set, if i want to create one. I then have to close the popup, go to the emulator tab, select the emulator and then click save.

Is this working as designed?
When a few games are not found its not an issue, but with large sets it could be quite irritating. I think the current emulator should remain on edit, as you already defined that.

If this is not clear i can make screenshots tomorrow.

Verstuurd vanaf mijn GRACE met Tapatalk

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Lol. @lordmonkus, only if I can pretend I'm kissing your monkey lips.

@rebelone Is it just that the emulator field is getting cleared when you select a game from the list? That could be because the default emulator has not been configured for that platform. Let me know if I'm not following. That does sound like it can be improved.

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all my settings,games, everything is gone.  in the xml backup folder i see 


BigBoxSettings_2016-09-20_11-23-58.  can be opend with xml.

LaunchBox.xml.backup-635948477048168922. windows shows it as a white papir.




whitch one do i place in the launchbox folder?

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17 minutes ago, Jason Carr said:


@rebelone Is it just that the emulator field is getting cleared when you select a game from the list? That could be because the default emulator has not been configured for that platform. Let me know if I'm not following. That does sound like it can be improved.

I only have one emulator set-up and that is Rocket Launcher.
Maybe the screenshots clarify it a bit.




This is before saving anything.
Normally the launcher tab is shown, so you don't know the emulator field is cleared.
So the normal response is to just hit save, and than it complains about missing emulator.

I have half a workaround, that is i don't set an emulator till all edits are done and than mass edit the emulator field on all my games on that platform.

Edited by rebelone
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@Jason Carr been busy creating a new theme for BigBox will not release it till i have all bugs worked out have all the platforms views done started yesterday have to say it is really nice (well myself and my daughter thinks so she loves it) however in one of the platform views i have a a Horizontal Wheel Coverflow but you have to click the opposite way when using Horizontal Coverflow this breaks access to Recent  Games,you can click on Favourites by Clicking down with the D-Pad but it wont let you click down further to access Recent Games how do i fix this? all help really appreciated.  Also when i have theme finished how can i upload a video of it as the Forum needs a url for Videos and i dont want to join Youtube or any site.  Cheers.

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13 hours ago, rebelone said:

I only have one emulator set-up and that is Rocket Launcher.
Maybe the screenshots clarify it a bit.




This is before saving anything.
Normally the launcher tab is shown, so you don't know the emulator field is cleared.
So the normal response is to just hit save, and than it complains about missing emulator.

I have half a workaround, that is i don't set an emulator till all edits are done and than mass edit the emulator field on all my games on that platform.

I've had the same issue updating games not in the db. I used the same workaround.

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I'm on 6.9 and having a weird VLC issue where I'm in a platform, say Nintendo then go to the games list and scroll through games. Then when I back out to platforms i'm on the Nintendo platform but it's playing the platform video for AAE and not nintendo. Also doing the same thing as above and instead of the wrong video playing, my Recent games images are not showing at all and this is when the Esc key hangs up and won't work until a scroll up or down forcing the recent games images to update.

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2 minutes ago, Sithel said:

I'm on 6.9 and having a weird VLC issue where I'm in a platform, say Nintendo then go to the games list and scroll through games. Then when I back out to platforms i'm on the Nintendo platform but it's playing the platform video for AAE and not nintendo. Also doing the same thing as above and instead of the wrong video playing, my Recent games images are not showing at all and this is when the Esc key hangs up and won't work until a scroll up or down forcing the recent games images to update.

Someone else mentioned this same thing 

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@rebelone Try going into your emulator settings for RocketLauncher (Tools > Manage Emulators) and then under Associated Platforms mark all of them as default. That might fix the issue for you.

@Maddoc1007 That is hard to visualize without seeing it but I can imagine that input is likely going to be a problem with multiple wheels; are you still tackling the multiple wheels thing? Can you give me an example of what you're building?

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Just put out a new beta guys that hopefully addresses the issue that @Sithel describes as well as some other issues with Escape buttons, switching CoverFlow image types, and (hopefully) the issue with voice recognition for UK users.

- Fixed: The back button in Big Box was not registering properly in some situations (such as after Attract Mode was running or while games were animating)

- Fixed: Several issues with the selected game getting out of sync when entering and backing out of filters in Big Box

- Fixed: Image types were not switching properly for CoverFlow views in Big Box

@martinconroy I'm really hoping this fixes the UK voice recognition thing. After playing with everything in a UK Windows environment, it's obvious that Microsoft has some strange glitches with the SpeechRecognitionEngine class when using the en-GB culture. I'm hoping I've found a workaround though. What I was seeing is that it would stop working once an en-GB speech pack was added, and that the issue had little to do with the selected language or culture, but more to do with whether that pack was installed or not. Still, it's fixed on my system so I really hope it's fixed for you and everyone else as well. :)

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