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Who has the largest collection currently standing in Launchbox?


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6 minutes ago, lou silver said:

172k in my launchbox, Blue Maxima's Flashpoint has 38k, steam has at least 30k add in xbox 360 xboxone ps3 ps4 and switch

I'd estimate 250k roughly is the ceiling currently.


Not only English? Dupes versions? Betas, etc..?

30k steam? Wtf, do you own the company?

What is the total drive size holding all this?

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18 minutes ago, cleverest said:

Not only English? Dupes versions? Betas, etc..?

30k steam? Wtf, do you own the company?

What is the total drive size holding all this?

Launchbox 2020    look for yourself also platform art in Images/Platforms for everything included 3.1 gb dl

Google "how many games does steam have" 30k is the answer at least from awhile back Praise Gaben!!

I'm around 50tb of total space and condensing and removing drives since my 8tb #4 arrived yesterday so the actual collection size will be a little less than that

Edited by lou silver
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4 minutes ago, cleverest said:

Also ps4 and xbox one, and many switch, xbox 360 and xbox games do not play yet with emulators...curious what the playable total roms are if you have that worked out.

I looked the numbers up before 250k was If I remember correctly roughly the number I came up with , add in all your other online services too and its maybe 10 to 20k more -

I've been pretty vigilant in nearly 4 years of hunting games I rarely come across new platforms.

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13 minutes ago, lou silver said:

I looked the numbers up before 250k was If I remember correctly roughly the number I came up with , add in all your other online services too and its maybe 10 to 20k more -

I've been pretty vigilant in nearly 4 years of hunting games I rarely come across new platforms.

Damn man...I have a full 8TB, and I pride myself on it being 99.5% playable, no dupes, not beta, only english and translations to english....

BUT WOW....you running this on a NAS or the CLOUD?

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4 x8tb external Seagates

2x3tb 5x2b

2x1 tb in projects and games havent added

plus a few loose drives here and there

no nas just plain old internal and external drives

I started out on a few 2tb  drives then got some 3's and finally over the past two years the 8tbs

thousands of hours doing box fronts (for that complete look) only 20k left in my build

if you need anything for your build lemme know

Edited by lou silver
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Nothing really backed up , some stuff on the cloud mostly relying on friends and family builds I've done,

I usually keep and plan to clone my 2tb LB drive again as that's really the most important thing.

I'm still in the adding and editing stage really and most of the time I keep everything sitting cold only plugging in what's needed

my end goal is to get a fifth 8tb and shuck the externals and replace my LB drive with a 2tb nvme, accepting all donations ?




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13 minutes ago, lou silver said:

Nothing really backed up , some stuff on the cloud mostly relying on friends and family builds I've done,

I usually keep and plan to clone my 2tb LB drive again as that's really the most important thing.

I'm still in the adding and editing stage really and most of the time I keep everything sitting cold only plugging in what's needed

my end goal is to get a fifth 8tb and shuck the externals and replace my LB drive with a 2tb nvme, accepting all donations ?




Haha, good luck getting that! Sounds cool though.

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I do try to combine duped stuff so when you right click on a game you get all the revisions etc,,  so they exist without being counted , haven't gotten everything sorted out on some platforms yet, by no means is this complete

         *story time*

A few years back I had a normal ho hum 60 k of titles nothing special really it was chock full of holes artwise...

 then I saw a youtube video of this guys collection it was nothing special other than he deleted all the games missing artwork and it looked awesome!

I knew I had to have it for myself and tickled with the idea of collecting everything just for kicks, So two years later I got to 100 thousand games with all box fronts done, silly me -

I thought I was done ,

then I kept finding more and more games and the number just kept growing , admittedly some is fluffery and not everything is completely roms I do have some video sets, gaming

magazines and other random stuff.

In conclusion I'll say anyone stubborn and determined enough can do this , I won't hold this thread hostage anymore -PM for any other questions /tips you might need , thanks

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On 2/20/2020 at 1:55 AM, lou silver said:

Blue Maxima's Flashpoint has 38k


I just discovered this thanks to your post. This is frickin' awesome! It also has a front end which obviously took inspiration from LaunchBox. Man alive, 38,000 Flash Games self contained portable and able to play offline. For anyone else interested, take a look here: https://bluemaxima.org/flashpoint/

Command line options have not been implemented yet so individual games can't be imported into LaunchBox yet but this is something that is apparently going to be implemented according to here: https://trello.com/b/Tu9E5GLk/launcher

I read your post about 4 hours ago and have been playing Flash games ever since lol.

Edit** Kotaku Link: https://kotaku.com/over-36-000-flash-games-have-been-saved-and-are-now-pla-1841389493

Edited by JamesBond@ge
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10 hours ago, JamesBond@ge said:

Command line options have not been implemented yet so individual games can't be imported into LaunchBox yet but this is something that is apparently going to be implemented according to here:

I admittedly don't know much about Flashpoint, but if this is the same thing you're talking about, I followed this guide: 

 and imported it just fine. The only caveat is that a batch file needs to run in the background before the games will launch through launchbox. There are no "system" additional apps so unless you want to do it for every game theres no great way to launch bat. I gotta be honest I'm not sure but I don't think this added 30k games to my build though. Am I confusing something here?


Edit: I went through and checked out the replies (more recent then when I set this up) apparently flashpoint has added a lot more content and I don't think this import method works with the newer versions.

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  • 1 month later...
On 2/17/2020 at 2:36 AM, fromlostdays said:

A few of you all have been mentioning wanting to set up a set with all USA games, and then European and Japanese exclusives. For No Intro at least, this is called a 1G1R (One game one rom) set, and just in case you are doing it by hand, which can be exhausting and ambiguous, you can download 1G1R dats from dat o matic for plenty of systems and use Clrmamepro to create the set pretty much instantly, instead of finding the European and Japanese exclusives one by one. 

I use the 1G1R sets where applicable, but specifically because of launchbox's "combine multiple games of the same title into a single rom" feature, I've been making what I think of as 1G1F sets haha (One game one folder). I create folders for every entry in the 1G1R set, and then add all the extras, revisions, regions etc. into the folder with the main rom. Set launchbox to prioritize USA and on import I'm left with 1 game displaying in launchbox with all the variations set up as additional apps. When I open the main directory rom folder I can still see how many games were released in the USA plus Europe and Japanese exclusives on a per system basis by counting the folders.

I use the same folder structure for multi disk systems like Playstation and Commodore 64 etc. One game folder with all the disks inside. Its a labor of love as considering how long I've been at it I must be enjoying myself haha. I gotta tell ya, I've never felt like I had something complete until I had the games stored and imported into launchbox like this. :)

Edit: I do wonder if Launchbox tallies additional apps as part of the total "games" displayed. I don't think it does, so my total numbers are probably gonna drop from this.   


Wos thats insane, how many terrabytes you using for that??  you should make a tutorial video as well. would b great and btw excellent work there.. 

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59 minutes ago, Mcfly 2019 said:

Yes, I've tried to gather as much as possible.

I appreciate that approach, but I'm just trying to get 1 rom only, I mean on all platforms though obviously, no betas, alt versions, and English only, unless Japanese only systems (EX: PCFX), or translated to English roms (over 350), and I'm at around 42k roms, can probably had a few thousand more total...not sure if there IS more than that though...

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On 3/29/2020 at 3:33 PM, JohnnyJedi said:

Wos thats insane, how many terrabytes you using for that??  you should make a tutorial video as well. would b great and btw excellent work there.. 

I've got a full 8 terabytes of just games, which is actually kind of small from what I hear other people have. I think the biggest collection I've heard/read about is 22 terabytes. For disk based systems I use a regular 1g1r set because a full ps1 or ps2 set with all regions and revisions is enormous. When I have enough money (or storage gets cheaper) I fully intend to go full lists on those too, but I have to factor in backing all of this up. For systems like snes, you're only talking about adding maybe a couple gigs or less per set to get it all.

I don't really know how to make videos :D and the process is all over the place depending on what kind of set it is. Working with no intro is the easiest. The general workflow is:

  1. Create a 1g1r set using Clrmamepro and dats from dat-o-matic.
  2. Use program file2folder to place each game in the 1g1r set into its own folder named after the rom
  3. Use program Bulk Rename Utility to remove all of the regional tags from the folder names - basically tell it to delete everything after the first ( in the folder names and then replace " (" with "".  This basically leaves you with a folder for each game that is named ideally after the correct title of the game with no extra info. Example:

Folder name: Super Mario World

Rom inside named Super Mario World (USA).sfc

Now leave this set alone and go back to your full set. (Also, the below is how you get all of the disks in disk based systems like Amstrad CPC for instance into the same folder named only after the game and no regional tags, disk numbers or revisions.

  1. Use program file2folder to place each game in the full set into its own folder named after the rom
  2. Use program Bulk Rename Utility to remove all of the regional tags or disk numbers from the folder names - basically tell it to delete everything after the first ( in the folder names and then replace " (" with "". This time, because there will be multiple games with the same name but different region tags and/or disk numbers and revisions, you wind up with folders named like this:

Super Mario World

Super Mario World_1

Super Mario World_2


Whats in the folder with the _1 at the end might be a revision or a different region or disk.

  1. Search the directory for all folders with _1 in the name in windows and move into a separate temporary folder. Do the same for _2, _3 etc.
  2. Now go into each one those temporary folders (containing all the _1 items, and then the temp folder containing all the _2 items etc.) and use Bulk Rename Utility to remove the numeric ending to the folder name. So just replace "_1" with "". Now, all you have to do is drag those folders back into the main full set. Since they are folders and they don't have any kind of region tags, or disk numbers etc. they will be named exactly the same as the ones in the main full set and windows will automatically merge them into one folder. At the end you're left with something like this:   

.../Super Mario World

......Super Mario World (USA).sfc

......Super Mario World (Europe).sfc

......Super Mario World (Japan).sfc

I took it a step further and added fan translations and hacks that I like to the folder by amending their names like this

......Super Mario World (Infinite Lives) (Hack).sfc

......Super Mario World (Japan) (Translated English).sfc

I took it a step even further than that and manually changed all of the Japanese and European games to the USA title (obviously excluding the exclusives). Be warned, if you skip this step, when you start merging these folders you can wind up with a different folder for Castlevania and Akumajo Dracula which are regionals of the same game. You can solve this in two ways.

  1. what I did was I manually changed the latter to just be Castlevania (Japan), and then by the end of it it was in a folder called Castlevania and it merged fine with the Castlevania folder that held the USA game.
  2. When you have your full set that has been completely merged with all the revisions and regions etc. into one folder each, make sure its on a separate drive from the 1g1r set you made initially. Now drag the entire 1g1r set into the full set, but be very careful not to click anything afterward. Because they are on separate drives when they merge all of the items that merge will remain highlighted. Drag those highlighted items back into the first folder. You basically took the 1g1r set and merged it with anything in the full set folder that had the same name and then pulled it back out. You'll get A LOT of the revisions and regions this way, but you'll miss any game that has different titles in different regions, such as the above game Castlevania. These are mostly Japanese games, but also a surprising amount of European games have slightly different titles.

Anyway, that's the general workflow haha. If you're really interested I can do a step by step but basically all we're doing is using Bulk Rename Utility and File2Folder to let us manipulate what Windows already does with folders with the same name, e.g merge them. I've always kept my games in separate folders because I like to tell the emulator to save savestates and saves in with the rom files. So I always had folders named after the entire rom like Super Mario World (USA). This is basically just a couple tricks to delete all of the tags from those folders and merge them, and as a bonus merge them with a 1g1r set.

At the end I'm left with a 1G1R folder set. As in there is a folder for each USA game and then a folder for each regional exclusive. But within those folders is every possible revision, disk, region, and hack (I hand pick hacks.) Though I'm sure its not perfect (for instance, I was surprised to find that No Intro titles are changed over time) its the most satisfactory set I've personally had. 

So once all that's done, I just tell launchbox to prioritize US and when I import the entire folder, I get one instance of Super Mario World (the US one) and all of the rest including the hack and translation are automatically imported as an additional app. :)

Like I said, it was a lot of work, but I must have enjoyed doing it because I'm done now with over 200 systems. :D   

Edited by fromlostdays
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