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The LaunchBox 2022 Community Poll


The LaunchBox 2022 Community Poll  

2,001 members have voted

The results of the poll will be posted after the poll is completed.

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24 minutes ago, famicomman said:

Fuzzy ROM search that offers up ROM title match options at the end of a media scan would be a great feature. My ROM sets aren't perfect and almost every system I've scanned has required me to go and manually rename numerous ROMs to get the system to find the title in the DB

It already uses a fuzzy match system but there are some rom sets out there with terrible naming schemes.

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Requesting a feature for big box theme creators:

- The ability to dynamically change the x,y coordinates and height, width parameters of media (game video) dynamically based on conditions like say the platform of game selected in a list view. 


As far as features within LaunchBox I actually would prefer the interface be streamlined more and features *removed* with the purpose being less clutter and better performance in displaying say box art. That's just me though. 

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some neat ideas! Here's one: the ability to either 1. hide 'licensed to XXXX' in upper right corner, or 2. ability to change the name (mine is registered to my real name but if i could i would just change it to nullgolem. i take screenshots and share in different places time to time and would prefer to not have to worry about selfdoxxing or w/e)

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On 5/12/2022 at 5:06 PM, KazeOne said:

I would like to see native support for pdf and cbv files to have strategy guides and retro gaming magazines viewable on the system.

Not sure if this helps but: I have added my C64 Magazines and C64 SID tapes (got them here they were part of a C64 pack someone had) as both a custom 'platforms' and a playlists.

I've also done this with auto-generating Playlists for Release types (Mods, romhacks, homebrews, etc) Playlists are maybe LB's most powerful feature....

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My dedicated emulator PC is running Debian Linux, I just love how much more stable and console-like it feels than windows, everything from boot to customizing GUI, etc. I like some aspects of it so much more than I’ve quit using Launchbox regrettably, as I find myself trying to avoid Windows for emulating classic games (and even new games, which work surprisingly well on Linux now through Steam).

I have a lifetime Launchbox license, but I would buy another one if it meant getting a native Linux version. There’s also like zero competition on that front, because in my opinion all the Linux front ends are TERRIBLE.

Edited by MetaRidley42
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Something needs to be done with the import process of ps3 games . There might be some easier way but its not clear or simular to other platforms and I had to import each game 1 at a time because the importer didn't know to look for the correct file . Then I had to rename it as well . I believe this is an issue with OG Xbox Games as well. What an absolute pain over 450 files 1 by 1  painful I tell you.


Would also be great if we could get some sort of movie scraper integration . I don't care where the info is scraped from, plex, Imdb , Wikipedia doesn't matter as log as i can import my moives and get cover art and basic info 



Edited by Partiesplayin
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The feature I would like is not listed. I have not been using Launchbox at all because I am too busy to go through and customize the retroarch and all options in launchers so things launch without problems and play without sound or control issues. Would like to import tuned configurations for all launchers to keep things streamlined and easy to just open a game and go.


This is something that prevents me from recommending Launchbox to others without me second guessing my decision. Is it just me going in circles on this?

Edited by rayzrz
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I miss one important improvement....

Bulk importing of systems....

Now when i do a new install i have to make the same choices for every rom set again and again. While this is normal for the rom location and the emulator setup. But for all other it can be standarized.

For example. You have 1 screen where you set rom locations and choose emulators. For every system 1 line. Then all the other settings pages can be the same for every system. This way you can import all systems at once in bulk.

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2 hours ago, MetaRidley42 said:

My dedicated emulator PC is running Debian Linux, I just love how much more stable and console-like it feels than windows, everything from boot to customizing GUI, etc. I like some aspects of it so much more than I’ve quit using Launchbox regrettably, as I find myself trying to avoid Windows for emulating classic games (and even new games, which work surprisingly well on Linux now through Steam).

I have a lifetime Launchbox license, but I would buy another one if it meant getting a native Linux version. There’s also like zero competition on that front, because in my opinion all the Linux front ends are TERRIBLE.

I'll join that club. I'd get another licence, my third if you include my Android licence, if they made a native Linux version.

The other front ends are awful and none of them merge multiple versions together. It's the worst. 😅

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23 saat önce, neil9000 dedi ki:

Çeviri yapmak için gönüllü olarak Türkçe konuşan birine ihtiyacımız var, bu bir özellik değil, sadece bunu yapmaya istekli insan eksikliği. Yazınızın Türkçe olmasından yola çıkarak sizin de İngilizce'den çeviri yapamayacağınızı varsayıyorum, tıpkı Amerikalı geliştiricilerimizin de dili bilmedikleri için İngilizce'yi Türkçe'ye çevirememeleri gibi.

Evet haklısın, umarım ilerleyen zamanlarda bu iş için bilgili biri vardır. Çünkü ben launchbox'ı çok seviyorum ve hergün kullanıyorum. Arkadaşlarıma ve Çocuklarıma'da kullandırıyorum onlarda çok seviyorlar.  iyi günler dilerim.

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I will be a little crual here.  But I'm a little , ok more then a little dessapointed about this pool.  2 reasons...

1) Majority of questions is on launchbox, not on Big Box

2) Majority of questions are more for TV players.  Not for Arcade Cabinet..., yes they can be used in a cabinet, but the root context of the polls are not for cabinet people.


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