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Everything posted by JoeViking245

  1. I really like the idea of having a startup video showing the controller information which is perfect for consoles. Before startup videos were available, what I did was modified the theme I use to add a custom image I made on the main menu. (Personal preference, I like seeing the details/description of the console, the console itself [nostalgia], the original controller and my cabs corresponding buttons) Obviously for Arcade (MAME) this doesn't really work. I tried to integrate CPWizard, but due to operator (me) error couldn't really get it to work. Similar to the Main Menu, I like the nostalgia. In this case seeing the original machine (if available), video clip and game information. As for controller information, I did manage to get CPWizard to create/map a layout that looked like my cabinet and then Export them. (please disregard player 2 button locations and my missing Left and Right. [blush] ) Since I don't have all the MAME roms in my my ../LaunchBox/Games/Arcade directory, I used a batch file to copy only the cp's in my temp ("D:\scratch\panels") directory that have the same name (minus extension) as the roms in my ../Games/Arcade folder to my ../Images/Arcade/Arcade - Controls Information folder. (Adapted from https://techguy.org/998534) Showing the batch file because I think it can be very useful. @Echo Off & SetLocal EnableExtensions pushd D:\scratch\panels For /F "tokens=*" %%I IN ('dir /a-d /b *.png') DO ( IF EXIST "F:\LaunchBox\Games\Arcade\%%~nI.zip" copy "%%~I" "F:\LaunchBox\Images\Arcade\Arcade - Controls Information\" ) I then created a new emulator that opened an AHK script. When selecting an Arcade game to Run, it looks to see if there's a cp image that matches the rom being loaded. If there is, show that image for x seconds then run the game. If there isn't one, just run the game. Works great. This doesn't take car of showing the layout during 'pause', but I think our LB/BB guru's are working on that. The script is about 115 lines (minus comments) so I didn't include it. If there is any interest, I'd be happy to post it.
  2. Tools. Audit Arcade. Click on the "region" header (to sort). Scroll till you see the ones you want changed.To change the default version, click the game title. In the edit screen for that game, got to the Additional Apps tab, click (once) on the the version you want to use and click "Make Default". This assumes you imported duplicates and they are combined. (Obviously I didn't import duplicates, hence no 'additional apps' shown.) If you have a lot to change, it'd probably be easier to re-import your MAME set making sure you select preferred region.
  3. I've had problems with 'scan for new ROMS' not finding any as well. But I'm sure it's just something on my end. To do a remove & replace in LB, Exit LB, got to the LaunchBox\Data\Platforms folder and rename your GBA's xml file to some other file extension (keeping it for just in case or whatever reason) or just delete it. Restart LB and then do your import. If your GBA platform is relatively clean and you just want to now add the newly renamed ROMS, you can do a [bulk] drag and drop from Windows Explorer right into LB.
  4. https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Help:Contents#Command_Line_Options
  5. 1st off, no worries. 2nd, I will always claim I only know enough to be dangerous. (my disclaimer) The 1st error is showing [capital] SMC where the script is in lowercase. Just making sure you don't have command line parameters lurking anywhere else. (in the emulator setup or in the game Emulator [tab] CCL) The script file looks good. It looks like geepee32 may be getting thrown off by the spaces in the path\file name.smc. ideally it probably should look like /smc="M:\ROMS\......", with the quotes around the path and file name to encompass the spaces too. I'm just taking a shot here... try double double quotes in the ahk. /SMC=""%1%"" ...or (shot 2)... quote the whole thing... Run, ""C:\Users\Eigenaar\LaunchBox\Emulators\GeePee32\geepee32.exe" /smc="%1%" /run" I don't know geepee32 (or GP32 for that matter) but maybe check using a batch file to see if these parameters will even work. "C:\Users\Eigenaar\LaunchBox\Emulators\GeePee32\geepee32.exe" /smc="M:\ROMS\GAMEPARK GP32\DOOLY SOCCER 2002 (KOREA).SMC" /run
  6. I've only kind of looked around for how to change where LB puts the "FULL\PATH\TO\ROM\FILE", but appears it only will put it at the end of the string. Which for most emu's that works. I think this will work... For your emulator settings, delete all your "Standard Command-Line Parameters" you have shown. Click OK. Edit one of your games. Click the Emulation tab. Check 'Use an Emulator' and select the GP32 emulator (if not already). Check the box "Use Custom Command-Line Parameters" and enter in: /smc=%file% /run I'm pretty sure it'll pass the rom filename into %file%. If that works, YAY!!! Now it's a matter of putting that in for all the games. I don't think the bulk edit give the option to change the CCL. So you'll need to do that for each one. If this method doesn't work there's always plan B. "Plan B": Create a new emulator pointing to an AHK script. You can't just add it to the "AutoHotKey Script" tab of your existing GP32 as far as I know. So again, New Emulator. The script will be something like: Run, "D:\emulators\Geepee32\geepee32.exe" /smc="%1%" /run Add a new emulator. Have the "Emulator Application Path:" point to the AHK script file. Give it a name. In "Associated Platforms" tab select your GP32 platform. Save it. Now have (or make sure) your games point to this 'new' emulator.
  7. I'd 1st look in your roms folder and make sure all 518 are the exact same "type" or file extension (or applicable PAL Megadrive game extensions). Sort by 'type' to make it easier to see. If they all have the same file extension, then: In LaunchBox, run an Audit for your PAL Megadrive platform. Look at the "Additional Apps" column and see in any are greater than zero. (Again sort by this column to make it easier to find). Some of your 'missing' 10 may be nested under another game/file/rom. If neither of these 2 things shed light, then I think the answer to your question is no.
  8. Do you mean like: Commandline options /GXB=<filename> Loads GXB file /FXE=<filename> Loads FXE file /SMC=<filename> Loads SMC file /RUN Starts emulation You can not use FXE and GXB at the same time
  9. .206, but that part shouldn't matter. ...until now that I just read your edit. lol Not that it should make a difference, my controller is the 360 (vs One). Just tried Robotron again and confirmed all's good here. Was able to shoot all 8 directions. And after playing it for more than just a few seconds this time had an "oh crap! I remember playing this game in the arcade!! ..moment. Sorry, no help here.
  10. Just tested those 2 games and it seems like it worked fine. On your input selections for the game, is it showing [for right joystick] "Joy 1 RSY -" (etc..) like this?:
  11. Gmail should be fine. They're probably talking about something like mail.com
  12. Glad to hear you got it going! Now if only I can get Kung Fu Panda to 100% on mine... ?
  13. Just tried both versions and only needed to (change) Enable HW Hacks and check Align Sprite for the vertical lines. ...and with PAL... So I think it has to some little setting or checkbox. Or maybe there is that much difference between a 3.0 and 3.5 GHz i5.
  14. Now you'all got me curious. I'm going to try it on my i5 3.4/6Mb/GTX960-4Gb
  15. Your computer specs are fine (especially with the holycrap 6Gb video ) to run PS2. I'd say stick with using PCSX2. I have an i5 3.4/6Mb/GTX960-4Gb and most my PS2's run fine. Note: most What version of PCSX2 are you running? I assume (at least) 1.4.0. You can find more recent builds but they're listed as "unstable" as a disclaimer for being unofficial. I looked at Zombeavers' setups and it turns out none of what I have is on the list. (mostly my taste in games) I ended up searching the pcsx2 wiki and forums for suggested configurations. https://wiki.pcsx2.net/Main_Page https://forums.pcsx2.net/ You'll find that a lot of games are listed as "playable" which can mean 'ya, you can play 'em but they emulate poorly'. Are you experimenting across the board with just one game, or have you tried several?
  16. In an AHK script it's: send, !{Enter} Problem is I don't know to incorporate 'after the program starts, press enter'. I think you to do something like: Run, "D:\MyFolder\MyProgram.exe" then add in something to the effect of 'if the program is running, press the Enter key then exit the script'. May try searching this site or Google.
  17. The easiest one to get going would probably be Pinball FX. https://www.pinballfx.com/ The best free (IMO) would be Visual Pinball. https://www.vpforums.org/ Though it'll take a little setting up to do (outside of LB/BB). Another good free pinball 'emulator' (player?) is Future Pinball. https://futurepinball.com/ Like VP, there's some extracurricular setup to go through.
  18. I have an XBox 360 controller and the official Microsoft wireless adapter and it works without a hitch. (If it helps any...) under Settings/Input/Input User 1 Blinds it looks like this: I don't think I had to do any other configuring.
  19. Joe's rendition take-away from https://docs.mamedev.org/usingmame/aboutromsets.html using ROMS for the game 1941. A merged set will have 1 zip file containing the parent game data and all clone games data. For example "1941.zip" will contain 19 files & 3 folders. (MAME 0.201) A split sets and non-merged sets will have the parent and clone game data in separate zip files. i.e. 1941.zip, 1941j.zip, 1941r1.zip, 1941u.zip. In this case "1941.zip" contains 19 files and no folders. Look inside "1942u.zip". If it contains 19 files it part of a non-merged set . If it only contains 4 (or 5?) files, it with a split set.
  20. Ya, I set it up quite a while ago and forgot about the FP.exe launcher (thought the name looked funny). I still get the editor window as well.
  21. Open your 1942.zip file in explorer. How many Files are inside the zip file? Any folders? If I'm correct on this, you should have 27 files. If you do, 1942 should work. (At this point, not to confused with 1942a, 1942w, 1942p...etc).
  22. Unless I'm behind on FP updates (which is very likely), the setup is very basic. If it doesn't seem to work, try different tables.
  23. I just checked mine, and got the same 'missing box front' for my Wii collection as well. Remembering from an earlier post... looked at the LB folder and sure enough mine are all "-02". Renamed them to -01 and now shows accordingly.
  24. I hadn't ran across this post before and wanted something very similar to your LMM so (just 2 days ago) I started creating an Access database that will do this. Guess I don't have to now. ? Actually the 'geek' in me still wants to just because I (think) I can.
  25. You won't need to convert the batch file to exe just for LaunchBox. Either will work. Based on your exe file (...Launcher.exe), I assume it's a game through Steam which makes this actually an issue with Steam and not LB. However a quick search indicates there have been issues (and resolutions) for 'forcing' DOA-5 to read the ini file. I don't have the game so I don't know, but since you're getting the option to Start the game OR run Settings Configuration, it might not be reading your ini file (via its' actual location). I presume the startup screen (after the short video clip) should look like: ...in which case, passing the "Enter" key is easier than passing a mouse click. May want to look at the SteamCommunity for more.
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