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Everything posted by SiriusVI

  1. Hey thx, for checking. And you are absolutely sure that your controller is a legit DS3? What baffles me is that with the original Sony drivers, motion controlls work on all controllers, while with DSHidMini, two of my controllers have the bugged out G axis. What reason could there be for this behavior? I've just bought 2 more used DS3 controllers and will check what kind of behavior they show.
  2. Hello everyone, over the last few years, I've been on a quest of collecting original controllers for various consoles to be able to play emulated games with them. Currently I am facing a problem using RPCS3 with original Dualshock 3 Controllers. So here is what I did / tried: 1. I tried DSHidMini, which is almost perfect, but there seems to be a bug with the motion controlls. Here is a video showcasing what I am experiencing: Apparently, the "G axis" does not work with original DS3 controllers (DS4 and DualSense or even Switch Pro Controllers work perfectly, by the way). I originally tried 2 original DS3 controlers with it and both have the same issue / bug with the G axis. However, I recently bought a third DS3 controller and IT actually works. Now I don't know if that last controller is a fake (doesn't look like it, though) and therefore it works somehow or if this controller simply has a different firmware installed on it. If so, I'd like to update the firmware of the other 2 controllers as well, but there seems to no way to do that on windows. Does anyone know if this is possible. I would very much like to update the DS3 using my PC. If not, I am actually considereng buying a PS3 console just to update the controller firmware, buit I don't even know if the PS3 actaully supported controller firmware updates. So my question is: Does anyone know if the controller formware could be updated on a PS3 console? 2. I tried original Sony Drivers for Windows: On these drivers, ALL controllers I tried have perfectly functioning Motion Controlls (that's how I know that my controllers aren't broken, by the way). However, these drivers do NOT support Wireless functionality over Bluetooth Also, These drivers are incompatible with certain Windows 11 security settings. I'd have to permanently disable the "Core Isolation" feature, which I don't really want to do. For more information on this issue, see here: https://github.com/RPCS3/rpcs3/issues/14220 tldr: I want to use Dualshock 3 Controllers on RPCS3, but the motion controlls don't work on all of my original DS3 controllers. It might be a firmware issue, so I'd need some information on how to update the controller firmware on a Dualshock 3 controller. Thx for all your input!
  3. Hey man, no the platform was not "Windows" but actually "Windows Games", which is also notr a standard platform, just like Steam games or GOG games. I made these custom platforms to give each launcher it's own platform and then have "Windows Games" as a platform for games that have no launcher. Everything is nested inside a category called "Windows"- I'm not sure your suggestion would work, I haven't tested thism yet. However, there are a few points that speak against this working: 1. Why would my strange workaround work with Steam games if the platform name were to blame? 2. With my custom GOG Games platform everything works as intended and / maybe because it does not have anything in the application path box.
  4. I found a workaround. You must remove the application path that points to the steam game here: With this removed, Launchbox is able to search the game database properly. This is definitely a bug though. So the steps for the workaround are: 1. Remove the steam application path 2. Match the game to the correct database 3. Press OK to save the changes 4. Download Metadata and Media for the game 5. Add the steam application path back in
  5. It doesn't work. For some reason it just shows the old version in the drop done menu. But this seems to be a bug. i cantyple literally ANYTHING (like Super Mario Wolrd )in the text bar and will only show the old RE 4 game. Any idea what's causing this? EDIT: See? EDIT 2: Just tried this with another game and here I get this error: Something is definitely off here. Everything works fine with games that were not imported through Steam.
  6. Hey everyone, I can't seem to be able to match RE 4 remake with the correct entry in the game database. ILaunchbox always matches it with the old RE 4 version: This is the one I want:
  7. Yeah man, so weird. Anayway, of course after moving the folder to the correct location, everythig works fine now. What a headache, honestly...
  8. OMG, I think I found out what's wrong ... So for some reason there is an image folder nested inside another image folder. Take a look: The outside image folder shows this: the inside image folder shows this: Seems like the inside folder is the correct folder but for some reason it was placed incorrectly after the extraction process. How that happened I do not know.
  9. Hey, thx for the detailed instructions. 1. I tried your new importer plugin and the nesting worked perfectly. 2. I followed your suggestions for the images. I looked up 10 different apps from different platforms and all the images were actaully there. Example: Now of course I don't know if all the images are actually there, but at least the ones I checked were present. I also stumbled on the option for on demand image downloading, but I figured it doesn't matter, because all the images are there already. But I'm not sure, of course. EDIT: OK, so I just tested something else. I went into the Flashpoint launcher, searched that game from the screenshot and launched it inside the flashpoint launcher. Then I reimported everything to Launchbox again and, well, take a look: It still did not import the logo, but it did import a screenshot that it didn't import before. I then double checked to see if screenshots of other apps were missing until they are launched one time in Flashpoint, but the screenshots were all there. So I don't know what's going on unfortunately =/
  10. Hey thx for answering. In the Flashpoint Launcher I can see all the images. However, I don't know if the images are actually on my drive or if the Launcher just loads the images online as it needs to. This has never been an issue with older versions of Flashpint, though. So yeah, the images not being on the drive could be a reason why this does not work, but why wouldn't they be on the drive, though? I downloaded Ulimate 12.0 and extracted as normal and then used the internal updater to upadate to 12.1 ...
  11. Hey, yes I actually checked the Launchox folders. The images are not in there (see the pictures below): That wouldbe ideal. I would have done the "nesting" manually anyway, but if you could implement that, it would be even better.
  12. Hey man, thank you for updating the importer. Importing the games worked perfectly this time, however, I am still having trouble with the images. I use the "Copy" optrion and it seems like the images are not copied to my Launchbox directory. There are SOME few games that have an image copied over, but most im them do not (The ones that are there might be leftovers from a previous install, too). Can you reproduce this on your end? Thx! EDIT: There is another issue as well: The "Favorites" playlist is not grouped under the Flashpoint Platform Category. While I'm at it, may I make a suggestion for improvement? I think it would be better if the playlists were separated from the platforms. In my ideal world, we would have 2 platform categories: 1. Flashpoint Platforms 2. Flashpoint Playlists EDIT 2: I just checked again. I deleted my "Flash" folder in Images and restarted the importer. Afterwards, the Flash folder was recreated and it now has 86 images in it. So your importer definitely does copy over some images, but only very few. Hope this helps.
  13. @oblivioncth Looks like 12.1 has just been released, although the ultimate variant is not yet available as a separate download.
  14. Yeah, I figured it out myself! That's first, haha. So this script opens yuzu with betterjoy and then closes both of them when hitting escape: run, M:\LaunchBox\Emulators\Yuzu\BetterJoy\BetterJoyForCemu.exe, M:\LaunchBox\Emulators\Yuzu\BetterJoy, min Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe yuzu.exe Process, Close, BetterJoyForCemu.exe } !F4:: { WinClose, ahk_exe yuzu.exe Process, Close, BetterJoyForCemu.exe } Send, !{F4}
  15. Hey everyone, I have another problem I'd lie to solve with an AHK script and as always, I'm a t a loss, haha. It is similar to my last problem when I wanted to run and close a program called XOutput.exe with my retroarch emulator. This is the script that was suggested to me and it worked: run, M:\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch - Original Controllers (PSX)\XOutput\XOutput.exe, M:\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch - Original Controllers (PSX)\XOutput, min Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe XOutput.exe } !F4:: { WinClose, ahk_exe XOutput.exe } Send, !{F4} Now I want to rund and close a program called "BetterJoy" whenever I start a Switch game with yuzu emulator. I can get BetterJoy to launch together with yuzu, but the shutdown process doesn't work. My guess is that while XOutput turns up as a program in task manager, Betterjoy is listed under "Background Processes". So I need to find a way to automatically kill that background process, once I shot down yuzu. Here is what I got so far (again, launching works, but shut down won't): run, M:\LaunchBox\Emulators\Yuzu\BetterJoy\BetterJoyForCemu.exe, M:\LaunchBox\Emulators\Yuzu\BetterJoy, min Esc:: { WinClose, ahk_exe BetterJoyForCemu.exe } !F4:: { WinClose, ahk_exe BetterJoyForCemu.exe } Send, !{F4}
  16. That worked perfectly! Thank you 😃 (Seriously, I have NO idea what is going on with Wii Sports and that bluetooth dongle. Every game I've tried works perfectly when just shutting down the emulator)
  17. Hey, thx for the suggestion. This didn't work unfortunately. This is what happens: When pressing ESC (on my actual keyboard), nothing happens at first. If I wait a few seconds and try to press ECS again, the emulation eventually stops, but the emulator won't close. I've tried this AHK earlier and when I have this AHK, the emulation stops immediately if I press ESC for the first time, and if I press ESC a second time, the emulator closes: So what I need is basically have this command executed twice when I press ESC.
  18. Hey everyone, I have a very niche issue that I'd like to resolve using a specific AHK command. Short story: I want an AHK script that first stops Dolphin's rom emulation and then waits a few seconds until the emulation is stopped before it closes the emulator entirely. Long story: I have an original Wii Bluetooth module converted to USB, so I'm able to use Dolphin's Bluetooth Passthrough feature. (more info here: https://wiki.dolphin-emu.org/index.php?title=Bluetooth_Passthrough) With most games, everything works fine, but with some games (such as Wii Sports USA (Rev 1)), closing the emulator before the emulation stops, causes a weird issue with the bluetooth adapter. I am in no way capable to explain why or how this happens, but the result is that I have to uninstall the bluetooth device from my device manager and then reinstall it with the Zadig software, before Dolphin accepts the BT device again. If I however stop the emulation and then afterwards exit the emulator, everything works as expected. Hope someone able to help. EDIT: It should be achievable by: 1. first removing the "-b" from the default command line parameters in the emulator settings 2. somehow telling Dolphin via AHK script to send ESC and after (say 5 sec) send ESC again. I just don't know how to do that
  19. Have you already been able to figure out what the deal with Ultimate is this time around?
  20. I haven't frankenstined too much on my current build. I've simply copied over that one config file and when I checked there was just one line missing from my ultimate install compared to the infinity one. This is the contents from the infinity config file: { "flashpointPath": "../", "useCustomTitlebar": true, "startServer": true, "server": "PHP Infinity Router", "backPortMin": 12001, "backPortMax": 12100, "imagesPortMin": 12101, "imagesPortMax": 12200, "logsBaseUrl": "https://logs.unstable.life/", "updatesEnabled": false, "gotdUrl": "https://download.unstable.life/gotd.json", "gotdShowAll": false } As far as I can tell, the onlky difference is that on ultimate, the following line is missing. Otherwise they are identical: "server": "PHP Infinity Router", And as I said, that's all I've changed this time around. So did they actually update it to 12.1 already? I thought that was a misunderstanding on my part. Anyway, the "version.txt" still says it's infinity, so no way for me to make sure what version of Ultimate is currently out.
  21. OK, my bad. I accidentally clicked on force download all images. I deactivated it and now the import process is very fast. However, now I have the problem that no images are displayed in Launchbox. This never happened before, either: I can Launch the games, and the images are copied to the corresponding Launchbox folder.
  22. OK, so I couldn't wait and decided to redownload Ultimate and try again. This is what I've found: 1. you need to download Infinity and copy the "config.json" from the Launcher directory to ultimate's launcher directory. Doing this will solve the missing key error. 2. When using the importer, it takes much longer now than with 11.1. This screenshot shows the progress after roughly one hour after starting the importer. I'm not sure what's wrong. Might be that Ultimate is just weird this time around. Edit: This is after roughly 3 hours
  23. Oh, but I do get this error message: EDIT: Nevr mind, I downloaded Infinity and copied it over my ultimate install. Now it seems to work. There is definitely something wrong with Ultimate this time around. EDIT2: Never Never Mind. This seems to have broken my Ultimate Install. Now it thinks I have infinity and all games show as not downloaded, even though they are there. Guess I have to redownload again. See you in a month, lol. EDIT3: Seems they will fix the problems only in the next version update. Guess I'll just skip 12.0 then.
  24. Oh, I never cared to check. My version.txt says "Flashpoint 12 Infinity - Axolotl" even though it's an extracted ultimate archive. I think I confused "12 (REV1)" (which is what the updater wanted to download, but I ended up downloading the completeb archive later) with "12.1". Sorry, my bad.
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