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Everything posted by SiriusVI

  1. Old thread, I know, but I still have the same experience. I have recently bought a high end PC with one of the fastest Intel CPUs, DDR5 ram and only SSD storage, no HDDs and sadly, Bigbox runs basically the same as on my 10 year old, much weaker PC. The start up time is now much faster, which is awesome, but the videos just take way too long to show up. Example: Once the voice says "initializing BigBox", it takes around 10 seconds until the first platform category video starts playing and then when I go around all the platform categories, the videos take forever to change. So if I am on "consoles" and move up to "computer systems" for the first time, the console video still plays for another 10 seconds before the computer systems video starts. When switching to "handhelds", the transition is a bit faster. It seems to depend on how many games are imported. Computer Systems is the largest platform category, so it takes the longest. Oddly, once I have gone through all of the platform categories once, the transitions are instantaneous the second time. The same thing happens with all the platforms inside the platform categores and also on the level of individual games, but it's much less noticeable, because a single platform does not have as many games a platform category. The change is instantaneous, but the videos / transitions will lag / stutter a bit. I have no idea why this is. I thought it might be because of the video player, so I switched from VLC to WMP, but the issue persists. I must add that because of all the computer systems I have integrated, I have almost 300.000 games in Launchbox / BigBox. I guess BigBox struggles with these unreasonably massive collections.
  2. Hey everyone, I have a specific scenario and don't know what to do: I have a few PS2 roms that I converted from .iso and.bin to .cso to save some space. I have created a 1g1r dat file that contains the complete 1g1r set. Now what I would like to do is to check what games I am missing, but I want to check the files I have against the file names in the dat (not the md5 or sha1), since the files are now in .cso. Is there any easy way to do this?
  3. I saw here was an update on the Github page, but now there are two different versions: static and shared. Which one do I use to import flashpint 11.1 into Launchbox?
  4. @kurzih Thank you for your detailled reply! Seems like I have alooooong way ahead of me. As I said, Amiga floppy files, Amiga CD32 and Amiga CDTV all run perfectly with the retroarch core. It's just the CD games for the regular Amiga System, like Quake, that don't work at all. I've tried enabling teh Global HD setting in PUAE but I wasn't able to getinto the workbench screen that your screenshot shows, so I don't know how to install any games. For now I'm stuck =. If you know what I should do next, please tell me. I'm away over the weekend. Need to get back to it when I return. Thanks again! 😃
  5. Hey everyone, I 'm currentyl trying to setp up some amiga systems with retroatch (PUAE core) and I'm a litle confused about launching games in bin/cue format apparently from a system called "Amiga CD". Now, I know what regular amiga is and I can run the games just fine. I also know about Amiga CD32 & Amiga CDTV, both run no problem. But then there seems to be "Amiga CD" as well. So my first question is, what even IS "Amiga CD"? I cannot find any information on it. is it like a CD addon for Amiga computers? For example I have a version of Quake for this system. Google has this info on it and calls it a PPC game, but I don't know what that is: https://quake.fandom.com/wiki/Quake_(Amiga_version) Second question: How would I have to set up PUAE to get them up and running. All I get is a black screen when trying to run these games. Hope someone can help me out. Thanks!
  6. I use TOSEC for many computersystems, since No Intro lacks a lot of these systems and even if they are included, there sometimes aren't that many games. TOSEC on the othe rhand has a lot of (maybe even a complete?) set ofgames for almost any computer system. And the best part is that they are separated from Application roms for any given system. Mame Software Lists are also an option, but here the apps are mixed in with the games, which is not ideal. Also with TOSEC, you can easily just search for beta versions of a rom and delete them from the set. Duplicate Versions of games are usually combined together when importing into launchbox, so hat's not a big problem either. I used to use goodsets just for the hacks, but I found that there are so many different versions for the same hack and a lot of them are not completed, so I don't use goodsets anymore. At some point I will manually create the completed hacks myself (this will take forever though).
  7. You might have misunderstood. I don't want to copy the new Flashpoint folder into the old one. I was just asking if I can import the new Flashpoint into launchbox or if I have to delete all the flashpoint platforms previously imported into launchbox first.
  8. Hey man, I finally have some New HDD space and downloaded Flashpoint 11. Now if I want to update m existing Flashpoint 10.1 install integrated into Launchbox, do I just install the new version 11 over the existing launchbox install or do I have to remove the previous installation from Launchbox? All the best!
  9. I'm still here. Thanks =). However, this tutorial is kind of pointless now that retroarch has a dedicated cdi core, I think...
  10. Ruhe in Frieden
  11. Oh man, this thread is rather old, haha. It's probably time for an update. I've learned since then, that you just need a full mame set + softest roms in the correct folders. That will save a LOT of headache.
  12. Thank you for the notification. I'd like to try it, but I've run out of hdd space recently and have to save some money to buy more storage. Probably next month.
  13. Would be great for sure. I just checked and Flashpoint 11 is 1.42TB when extracted. Holy sh**. I think this alost twice the size of the 10.1 version.
  14. These look great, but I don't get what "hardware set" is suposed to mean. Which folders should I put these images in?
  15. There are still even more mismatched colors: 1. Arcade Platform Category video is blue but colorful theme color is purple. The Platform CATEGORY theme color should be blue, just like with consoles and computers. 2. The platform Category "Mobile" is green (should be blue to be consistent with the other platform categories) and the video is also green, but a different shade of green. 3. Handheld Category video is blue (as it should be) but Theme color is green (should be blue, too) 4. APF Imagination Machine color mismatch (different shades of green) 5. Atari 5200 very slightly different shades of blue (just enough to see a vertical line where the video ends) 6. Atari 7800 very slightly different shades of blue (just enough to see a vertical line where the video ends) 7. Casio OV-1000 color mismatch 8. Microsoft Xbox very slightly different shades of green (just enough to see a vertical line where the video ends) 9. Microsoft Xbox 360 very slightly different shades of green (just enough to see a vertical line where the video ends) 10. Nintendo 64 very slightly different shades of green (just enough to see a vertical line where the video ends) 11. Nintendo 64 DD very slightly different shades of green (just enough to see a vertical line where the video ends) 12. Nintendo Satelliview very slightly different shades of yellow / orange (just enough to see a vertical line where the video ends) 13. Sega Genesis slightly different shade of red 14. Neo Geo CD slightly different shade of purple 15. Gameboy Color very slightly different shades of yellow / orange (just enough to see a vertical line where the video ends) 16. PSP very slightly different shades of blue / purple (just enough to see a vertical line where the video ends) 17. PSP Minis very slightly different shades of blue / purple (just enough to see a vertical line where the video ends) 18. Tiger Game.com Color mismatch 19. Wonderswan very slightly different shades teal (just enough to see a vertical line where the video ends) 20. Apple II very slightly different shades of blue (just enough to see a vertical line where the video ends) 21. MS-DOS very slightly different shades of blue (just enough to see a vertical line where the video ends) 22. ScummVM very slightly different shades of orange (just enough to see a vertical line where the video ends) 23. Sharp X1 very slightly different shades of red (just enough to see a vertical line where the video ends) 24. Sinclair ZX Spectrum very slightly different shades of red (just enough to see a vertical line where the video ends) 25. Arcade Namco System 22 slightly different shade of red 26. Arcade Sega S-TV slightly different shade of purple / blue 27. Sega Hikaru slightly different shade of purple 28. Sega Naomi slightly different shade of orange 29. Sega Naomi 2 slightly different shade of orange Those were all the ones I could find. Thanks for your hard work! Maybe these will be fixed in the future 😃
  16. Hmm, I'd like to change it on the fly, because I have different retroarch instances configured for different controller types (e.G. Original SNES controllers and so on). I'd like to be able to decide on the fly if I want to play USA, EU or JAP version with an XBOX One controller, SNES controller, Arcade Stick, and so on. Bummer this doesn't work.
  17. Hey everyone, Launchbox allows us to assign multiple emulators to the same platform (e.g. Dolphin retroarch and Dolphin standalone for gamecube and wii games). You can select which emulator you want a game to launch with by right-clicking and choosing "Launch With ..." in Launchbox. When importing different versions (e.g. regions) of a certain game into Launchbox, you can choose which version to launch by right-clicking and selecting "Play Version ...". However, what we cannot do (or at least I haven't found a way) is to launch a specific version of a game with a specific emulator. Let me give you an example: Say I have both the US and the Japanese Version of Zelda Twilight Princess for Gamecube imported into Launchbox, and I have assigned both the retroarch Dolphin core as well as the standalone version of Dolphin to my Gamecube platform. I would now like to be able to decide on the fly which version I want to play with which emulator. So US --> Retroarch, US --> Standalone, JAP --> Retroarch, JAP --> Standalone. Is there any whay to achieve this?
  18. Extremely helpful! Thank you for sharing! I've started this thread for sharing autoboot commands. Check it out, maybe there is something in there you can use =). By the way, have you figured out an easy / automated way to sort the actual games from software in mame SL folders? When importing mame SL collections, there are always so many non-games that it makes browsing and launching games not fun at all.
  19. I've recently updated to the new Version, but sadly there are still a TON of mismatched colors between the theme and it's corresponding videos. E.G. Arcade Platform Category is dark purple in the theme, but light blue in the video. This is just one example, there are multiple mismatches for the different platforms as well. One of the best aspects of COLORFUL is its consistency, which is destroyed by these color mismatches. Are there plans for fixing this sometime down the line?
  20. Sorry, I'm very bad with command lines. Did't even know that it's called ascii code, hehe. The full command line is: -L "M:\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\cores\mame_libretro.dll" "bbcb -autoboot_delay 1 -autoboot_command *cat\n*exec\x20who0\n -rp \"L:\LaunchBox\Games\Arcade\" -flop1 \"%romfile%\" However, as previously said, the game won't even work with at least the retroarch version of mame (haven't tried standalone mame). The graphics are all glitchy. But it's good to know that can use these types of codes for other games that need them 😃
  21. Works like a charm! Where did you find commands like this?
  22. I know, but it doesn't work. I just wanted to tell you that with the quotes you suggested, the bbcb system doesn't even load. If I use my original command: -L "M:\LaunchBox\Emulators\RetroArch\cores\mame_libretro.dll" "bbcb -autoboot_delay 1 -autoboot_command *cat\n*exec who0\n -rp \"L:\LaunchBox\Games\Arcade\" -flop1 \"%romfile%\" Mame loads the bbcb just fine, it just fails to autoload the command to boot the rom. But I can manually type in the correct command and get the rom to load. Now I just need a way to get the command line to accept the SPACE. The quotes you suggested don't work. Mame in Retroarch seems to work differently than standalone mame, or maybe it's the disable quotes option in the Launcbox emulator settings that's the problem. EDIT: Isn't there a special command that can send "SPACE", the same way "\n" sends "RETURN"?
  23. Thanks, I'll try that, but I think I already did and it didn't work. I think if I do this, the command line won't load the rom file. I get a notification from retroarch that the game "n*exec" is being loaded are something like this. This might have something to do with the fact that I checked the remove quotes options for this particular instance of retroarch, but I'm not sure. Anyway, I'll report back shortly after trying again. EDIT: Just tried it and it doesn't work. It's as I described above. It wants to load "n*exec". EDIT 2: I have tried multiple other place for the quotes to go, but it just won't work =/. EDIT 3: Just to explain what happens with your suggested quotes: Retroarch starts the mame core like normal, but I get the notification that "n*exec" is being loaded instead of the real rom. Then the screen just stays black, so the bbcb system isn't even launched correctly. I cannot enter the main system menu by pressing TAB.
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