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Everything posted by SiriusVI

  1. Hey @oblivioncth, I get this weird error and Launchbox crashes when I click on the "Flash" platform and on any random game: Any Idea what this is? EDIT: Did some testing: This happens with a new Launchbox install as well, so it's not due to my configuration. This didn't happen with Flashpoint 10.0. It happens with the new Version 10.1. I did get a warning before importing Flashpoint, but I doubt it has anything to do with it (besides, I think the warning is wrong, because I redownloaded the whole Flashpoint 10.1 collection from their homepage, so I'm 100% sure I have 10.1) I think the path might be too long (even though I disabled path length limitation in Windows). The folder names are caused by the regions of the games I believe. A fix might be to disable populating the Flashpoints region metadata in Launchbox. EDIT 2: I'm now fairly certain that the Path Length is the problem. I don't know why this is happening, since I've enabled long paths in Windows 11, but somehow the path length is still restricted: Anyway, I can't be the only one with this problem. And having folders like this "en; es; zh; fr; nl; ko; ru; pl; de; pt; it; da; ja; tr" and longer is kind of pointless in my opinion. Does anyone know how to fix this issue?
  2. Just a quick info. the new Version of your importer gives me a warning that My Flashpoint Version is not 10.1, even though I downloaded 10.1. I don't know why this occurs. When I start Flashpoint it clearly says it's 10.1. I didn't use the updater tool, I completely redownloaded 10.1 and replaced 10.0. The import process seems to have worked anyway.
  3. SiriusVI

    Roms on a NAS

    Thanks so much for your great insights. I guess I'll safe up for the 8-bay NAS. It's currently too expensive for me, but I'll get there eventually. One more thing. I don't want to run anything in RAID mode and I also don't want to run the NAS 24/7. What I want is to be able to switch it on and off whenever I need it. If I go on vacation, I'll switch it on, so I can access it from wherever I am. I have plenty of spare drives that I can use for backup, so I don't need an automatic backup system and I don't want to deal with an automatic rebuild system. That sounds like it's gonna fail and introduces errors. If something gets lost forever, I guess I'll just have to redownload it.
  4. But there must be some kind of math magic to at least know how to change the x and y values to match a 1080p screen right? =D
  5. I'm sorry I thought these were the retroarch bezels. Wrong thread.
  6. Is there any way to convert the config files so they'll work with different resolutions, such as 1080p? Launching every single game and manually moving the screen window around is too much even for my obsessive self, haha.
  7. SiriusVI

    Roms on a NAS

    Thank you so much for taking the time to answer. I've looked up this Synology device.: https://www.synology.com/en-us/products/DS1821+ Would that be a device I could use? I guess it is an update from the 1819+, correct? Will I be able to make the drives show up a PC as though they were HDDs?
  8. Hey, quick question: The "Windows" Platform Video has a blue background, but the Colorful Theme background for "Windows" is green. How can I fix this? I like the blue color from the video.
  9. SiriusVI

    Roms on a NAS

    Hey everyone, I'm a total noob when it comes to NAS Servers and I haven't been able to understand if what I'm trying to achieve is possible with a NSA server. So here is what I would like to do: 1. I want to have a Server that stores all my roms and can be accessed from anywhere online at all times. 2. I want to run Launchbox and emulators locally from a device (Tablet, Phone, Laptop, Desktop) but access the roms from the NAS 3. I don't want to deal with performance slowdowns due to the roms being stored on the NAS. Can I achieve this with a NAS Server? If so, which NAS server would you recommend? Thanks for helping 😃
  10. Well, why do any of us care about anything? =P PC versions of PS4 games are PC versions and not PS4 games. If versions don't matter then you could also just add the Genesis version of Street Fighter 2 to your SNES platform. How can I get Jaguar CD games working? I have tried the retroarch core as well as mame/mess. I couldn't get any of the working.
  11. SiriusVI

    Apple Emulation

    Last I tried (over a year ago), Apple IIGS had controller deadzone issues with the curser automatically moving in games like Gauntlet for example. Have those issues been fixed yet?
  12. Some of those platforms can't be emulated (yet): PS4, Jaguar CD. Why even include them? Also some of them might be duplicates (Flash (Flashpoint).xml; Flash.xml; Flashpoint Infinity FE.xml) Anyway, impressive list.
  13. Suspend/Resume is a game changer. It's what makes the Switch so convenient. I can just start it and play 5 min on the bus and then put it back in my bag when I need to get out. If I had to boot --> load the game --> load the save, the Steam Deck would lose a whole lot of its appeal.
  14. Hey everyone, I have a weird and very specific problem that I can't seem to fix. I wanted to use real N64 Controllers with a real Rumble Pak in Retroarch Mupen Plus Next Core. I bought this n64 to usb adapter twice, so I can connect 4 n64 controllers: https://www.raphnet-tech.com/products/dual_n64_to_usb_adapter/index.php I tested everything with the raphnet configuration software and rumble does indeed work fine. The first problem I encountered is that these are DInput controllers and Retroarch does not support rumble with Dinput. So what I did was downloading the XOutput software (https://github.com/csutorasa/XOutput) which turns the DInput into XInput controllers. I tested everything and again rumble works fine. Now when I go ingame (Super Smash Bros, for example) rumble works on all controllers except for the controller that Retroarch maps as Player 1. There is still a tiny amount of rumble, but not at all like on the other controllers. When I map the non working controller to a different port (player 2, 3, 4), rumble works perfectly. So it's not the controller that is broken or the rumble Pak or one of the adapters. It seems to be a software issue. Does anyone have any idea why this might be happening?
  15. I have the exact same issue. I was able to import the game manually, but whenever I try to update metadata and media I get an error. if I got into edit and then try to download media, Launchbox crashes.
  16. I know it's not recommended, but it actually works really well in my opinion. I don't want a lot of software to maintain, so I love Retroarch's all in one approach. Once it is set up, it works really well, I think. This very specific problem sucks of course. It was by pure chance that I figured it out. It's an easy fix however: Everytime you update mame, just delete the folder mentioned above.
  17. Thank you, sorry for that! I was able to fix the issue in the meantime. What I did was delete the folder "... \RetroArch\saves\MAME". It contained an eeprom file for xmen which was there from when I played the rom with an older version of mame (core and roms). Glad I was able to figure that out, haha.
  18. Hey everyone, I usually play games with Mame in Retroarch, but I've run into a strange problem. When Launching X-Men, the rom starts, but the black screen says "13B Bad" and the game won't actually start. When using the standalone emulator, I don't get the 13B Bad error and the game loads just fine. Also when using Retroarch with a different Version than EBA (e.g. ADA), the game loads fine. Does anyone have any idea what might be causing this? I recently updated to mame 0.235. Core, Roms and CHDs have the same version, so it's not that. I also have the Retroarch System Folder set up perfectly.
  19. I used to only keep the CHDs for working games, but now I just keep a complete set of everything, Roms, CHDs and Software List Roms all in their correct folders, so Mame can Launch anything I throw at it. The only thing I don't keep is Software List CHDs, because a complete set is almost 3 TB and contains a lot of systems I already have, such as PS1.
  20. Just try them out and see what they do, I guess. Do you have a question about a specific option / setting?
  21. It seems you have the redump set. As far as I know, they won't work with mame. You need the chd files.
  22. Mame can emulate Apple IIGS, but I've had problems with inputs devices.
  23. Will definitely check this out. There are .bat scripts around that can copy the games for you. This is how I've been dealing with this, but the ones I found seem to be outdated. This plugin also seems to be much more convenient, so thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
  24. Just get the eXoWin3x collection and save yourself al lot of trouble. You're welcome
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